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March 16, 2023

Title: Gov Newsome to Save More Babies!
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

California Governor Galvin Newsom has threatened to cut off all state business with the retail pharmaceutical chain Walgreens, unless it agrees to carry abortion-inducing pills. This just may be the best thing to help save more babies!

Connor Semelsberger is the Director of Federal Affairs for Life and Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. Today, Connor discusses Governor Newsom’s ludicrous boycott and how the FRC is fighting back against pro-choice lobbyists across the country.

Click here to read the press release from the FRC.

Click here for more information on this issue from the Washington Stand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Governor Newsom’s boycott call just a political ploy? Connor believes it is more than a political ploy and reveals further that it is actually a violation of Federal Law!

Should the State of California boycott Walgreens, will it save the lives of many babies and some mothers?

What is the current law regarding the abortion pill? Connor explains that up until two years ago, a woman had to be in the presence of a physician to take the abortion pill. The Biden Administration wants to stop this “safe” practice (not really safe because it kills a baby and can cause irreparable damage to the mother).

Why is the Biden Administration pushing the abortion pill in pharmacies? Are they completely ignoring the dangerous and harmful effects of the abortion pill?

WWhy is the Family Research Council collecting petition signatures asking Walgreens and CVS not to turn their pharmacies into abortion businesses? Click here  to sign the FRC’s petition.

If you would like to help support the Family Research Council as they continue to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview, click here.

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January 30, 2023

Title: BREAKING NEWS: CVS and Walgreens Want to Kill Babies!
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

Both CVS Health and Walgreens Boots Alliance have announced they will begin dispensing abortion-causing drugs to customers.

Connor Semelsberger is the Director of Federal Affairs for Life and Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. Today, Conner gives more details about this disturbing and heartbreaking news.

In the press release in response to this announcement, FRC stated: “If women are severely injured, or even killed, by taking the chemical abortion regimen fulfilled by your pharmacies, these tragic situations could lead to both public image and legal ramifications for your pharmacy. Likewise, retail pharmacies are ill-prepared to ensure that a second party picking up a chemical abortion prescription is not a sex trafficker, pimp, or abuser forcing a woman to undergo a traumatizing abortion without her knowledge or consent. If women unknowingly are given the abortion regimen fulfilled by your pharmacy, once again, your corporation will face public outcry."

Click here for more information on this important topic from the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the Biden Administration really given pharmacies across the nation the legal right to dispense abortion-causing pills to women seeking an abortion?

Currently, where are abortion-causing drugs distributed?

How popular is the “Morning After Pill”? Connor reveals that over half of women now use the MAP to kill their baby.

Does Big Business desire to take the lead in killing more babies by controlling Big Pharma? Is this a clear indication that the battle to save the unborn will now be fought in each individual state?

Are CVS and Walgreens setting themselves up for major medical lawsuits?

Are abortion-causing drugs “safe”? Connor reveals that the FDA has not done the research needed to ensure the safety of the MAP and has not adequately warned the public of the dangers.

Is public outcry warranted?

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January 19, 2023

Title: Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

Federal Law states that all infants who are born alive following an abortion are full persons under the law.

Connor Semelsberger is the Director of Federal Affairs - Life and Human Dignity for the Family Research Council. Today, Connor Semelsberger discusses the 2023 “Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act”.

Click here to read the “Born Alive Abortion Survivors: Just the Facts 2023 Edition” publication, as well as a one-page summary of the report.

Click here to help the Family Research Council as they continue to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have many babies have survived an abortion in the US and around the world?

If a baby survives an abortion, are they then “born alive”? Connor discusses the 2002 “Born Alive Infants Protection Act” which did NOT require medical practitioners to render medical care to an infant born alive after an abortion. He also reveals some other mortifying information…

How many states currently require doctors/abortionists to report instances when a baby is born alive after an abortion?

Is there a true division among Democrats and Republicans, especially regarding life? Connor says: “It shows a real divide…when you can’t even get bipartisan support for something as common sense as protecting babies who have already been born.”

Is the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act an issue that should awaken all Americans?

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December 12, 2022

Title: The Fight for Life is Far from Over
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

Galatians 6:9 ESV “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

The Family Research Council has produced a national map illustrating the progress each state is making in regards to protecting the unborn.

Connor Semelsberger is the Director of Federal Affairs for the Center for Life and Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. Today, Connor discusses the need for every pro-life American to stay in the fight, protecting life from womb to tomb.

Click here for more about the Center for Life and Human Dignity at the FRC.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is the fight for life far from over?

Why did the FRC develop an interactive map detailing each states’ laws about abortion?

How many states protect unborn life from conception?

Is there scientific unanimity on when conception occurs? Connor discusses how this fact makes it so hard to believe the twisted lies from pro-abortion activists.

How many states protect the unborn once a heartbeat is detected?

How many states protect the unborn depending on the gestational age? Connor explains how these “pro-life laws” aren’t really pro-life and many women will still travel to these states seeking to end the life of their baby.

How many states do not protect the unborn – allowing legal abortions throughout the entirety of pregnancy? Do many Americans not realize that women can choose to kill their baby right before birth and it’s 100% legal?

Why should all pro-life Americans stay in the fight?

Click here to donate to the Family Research Council as they continue to fight for all life from womb to tomb.

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December 15, 2021

Title: Biden One-Ups Obama on Tax-Payer Funded Abortion
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

President Biden's "Build Back Better" plan would be more aptly named the Anti-Family Budget Buster. But this bill would do more than just empty the pockets of hardworking American families. Clocking in at roughly 2,500 pages (more than twice the length of Obamacare), this reconciliation package seeks to massively expand taxpayer funding for abortion across America.

Connor Semelsberger is the Director of Federal Affairs - Life and Human Dignity for Family Research Council. Click here to read more on this topic from Connor.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why has Conner dubbed the Build-Back-Better spending bill the “Anti-Family Budget Buster”?

What Socialist-type programs are in the bill? Connor says “there are too many to count.”

Why are the Democrats debating it behind closed doors? Do they really even know what is in the over 2,500 hundred pages?

Has Medicaid ever before planned to pay out-of-state air travel expenses for a woman to travel to an abortion clinic and then back home after an abortion?

Are the Democrats hoping to bury the Hyde Amendment and expand federal funding for aborted fetal tissue research? Connor explains that the Biden Administration has inserted many other programs that will basically make the Hyde Amendment pointless. He says: “You can’t get more appalling than that.”

Do Americans support taxpayer-funding of abortions and the federal funding for aborted fetal tissue research?

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October 20, 2021

Title: Biden One-Ups Obama on Tax-Payer Funded Abortion
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

President Biden's "Build Back Better" plan would be more aptly named the Anti-Family Budget Buster. But this bill would do more than just empty the pockets of hardworking American families. Clocking in at roughly 2,500 pages (more than twice the length of Obamacare), this reconciliation package seeks to massively expand taxpayer funding for abortion across America.

Connor Semelsberger is the Director of Federal Affairs - Life and Human Dignity for Family Research Council. Click here to read more on this topic from Connor.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why has Conner dubbed the Build-Back-Better spending bill the “Anti-Family Budget Buster”?

What Socialist-type programs are in the bill? Connor says “there are too many to count.”

Why are the Democrats debating it behind closed doors? Do they really even know what is in the over 2,500 hundred pages?

Has Medicaid ever before planned to pay out-of-state air travel expenses for a woman to travel to an abortion clinic and then back home after an abortion?

Are the Democrats hoping to bury the Hyde Amendment and expand federal funding for aborted fetal tissue research? Connor explains that the Biden Administration has inserted many other programs that will basically make the Hyde Amendment pointless. He says: “You can’t get more appalling than that.”

Do Americans support taxpayer-funding of abortions and the federal funding for aborted fetal tissue research?

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June 25, 2021

Title: More Babies Saved when Republicans Take a Stand
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

Conner Semelsberger, the Director of Federal Affairs for Life and Human Dignity, with the Family Research Council, discusses the Equal Access to Contraception for Veterans Act (HR 239).

NOTE: Congressman Dan Crenshaw voted FOR this bill. Call his office TODAY and tell him how disappointed you are that he voted in favor of killing babies.

To read more about this from the FRC, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a way for the House of Representatives in WDC to pass non-controversial bills?

Why did true Conservatives stand and say “NO” to HR 239?

Would HR 239 have included FREE emergency contraceptives like Plan B and Ella – paid for by the taxpayers? Do these two contraceptives end the life of a baby in the womb?

22 Republicans sided with the pro-abortion Democrats in voting for this bill. Did they know that they were voting for taxpayer-funded abortion pills for Veterans?

How did Representative Matt Rosnendale (R-Mont) lead the stand against forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions for Veterans?

What is the Left’s ultimate goal regarding abortion in America?

Will we have enough votes to stop the Left in the Senate?

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July 22, 2020

Title: How Should Congress Spend Our Money?
Topic: Government Spending
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

The House of Representatives is currently debating 12 different appropriations bills. How should Congress be spending your money?

Connor Semelsberger is the Legislative Assistant at the Family Research Council. For more on this topic from Connor, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Trump Administration policy is to prevent tax-payer funding for domestic and international abortions. What do Democrats want to do?

The Trump Administration wants battered women shelters to remain a safe place for women to heal physically and emotionally from their trauma without fearing invasion of their private spaces by men. What do Democrats want to do?

The Trump Administration has ensured that birth mothers in crisis and children in the foster care system have access to faith-based resources to assist them. What do Democrats want to do?

The Trump Administration has ensured the conscience rights of health care workers. What do Democrats want to do?

The Trump Administration has ensured free speech rights of students and their ability to pray in school. What do Democrats want to do?

Will it be difficult to stop our tax dollars from being spent on these and other issues?

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January 13, 2020

Title: REVIEW: Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Connor Semelsberger offers details about Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Planned Parenthood’s annual report show their focus is more about killing babies and less about women’s health? Why do they use the phrase “abortion services”?

How many babies did Planned Parenthood kill during their 2018-2019 fiscal year? Do we know how many babies murdered were black, white, Hispanic, etc?

Does Planned Parenthood provide mental health assistance for women who are struggling after an abortion? HINT: NO!!

Are tax dollars still being used to fund Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics? Listen as Connor reveals how much money they received in 2019!

Is Planned Parenthood shifting its outreach to reach patients as early and often as possible through their PP Direct App, telemedicine abortions, and other avenues?

Has Planned Parenthood started branching out from abortion to help the LGBTQ community push the homosexual/transgender ideology as well?

On a very positive note, are pro-life advocates making progress in inching closer to outlawing the killing of babies through abortion?

Click here  to help support the Family Research Council’s efforts to help save more babies.

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July 26, 2019

Title: Protect Life Rule: Good or Bad?
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

Under the new “Protect Life Rule”, Title X clinics must maintain both physical and financial separation from abortion services AND will no longer be allowed to refer clients for abortions.

Is this good or bad for women? New guest, Connor Semelsberger, has some answers. Connor is a Legislative Assistant with the Family Research Council in WDC.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are Title X clinics?

Do these clinics provide abortions and/or refer women to an abortion clinic (which is usually down the hall)?

Why is it important to understand the financial side of Title X clinics?

What is an en banc panel? What was the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision concerning the “Protect Life Rule”?

Does federal law and the US Supreme Court draw a bright line between abortion providers and family planning programs?

Who began the process of eliminating government funds for abortion? Who stopped it?

How will the “Protect Life Rule” save more babies and lead to better healthcare for women?

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June 7, 2019

Title: Breaking News from the Dept of Health and Human Services
Topic: Fetal Tissue Research
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

BREAKING NEWS: The Department of Health and Human Services ends use of fetal tissue in research from elective abortions! Praise the Lord!

Connor Semelsberger, with the Family Research Council, has the details. Connor is a Legislative Assistant at the FRC.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is fetal tissue research?

What is the difference between fetal tissue and fetal cells?

Has research using aborted fetal tissue been used to create the cure of any single disease?

Listen as Connor Semelsberger offers more details about the recent decision by the HHS concerning fetal tissue research…

Is this a giant leap forward in protecting all human life?

Is this also a positive breakthrough for science?

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