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June 7, 2019

Title: Breaking News from the Dept of Health and Human Services
Topic: Fetal Tissue Research
Discussed by Connor Semelsberger
with Family Research Council (

BREAKING NEWS: The Department of Health and Human Services ends use of fetal tissue in research from elective abortions! Praise the Lord!

Connor Semelsberger, with the Family Research Council, has the details. Connor is a Legislative Assistant at the FRC.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is fetal tissue research?

What is the difference between fetal tissue and fetal cells?

Has research using aborted fetal tissue been used to create the cure of any single disease?

Listen as Connor Semelsberger offers more details about the recent decision by the HHS concerning fetal tissue research…

Is this a giant leap forward in protecting all human life?

Is this also a positive breakthrough for science?

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