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August 9, 2021

Title: Texas Dems: Will They Be Punished?
Topic: Democrats Gone Wild
Discussed by Mayes Middleton
with Mayes Middleton (

Texas Representative Mayes Middleton has had enough of the Democrats senanigans. Today he discusses his bill, HB309, which defines a legislative vacancy as 14 consecutive days of unexcused absences from the chamber in which the member holds office.

The best way to stay in touch with Representative Mayes Middleton is on Facebook. You can learn more about Mayes and his fight for all Texans here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did the Texas Democrats flee the state at the beginning of the first Special Session? Is the Texas Dems lying about the proposed Texas Election Integrity Bill?

Have the Texas Democrats pulled this stunt before?

What constitutes a “quorum”?

What should the punishment be for the absent Texas Democrats? Mayes explains how his bill, HB309, addresses this situation…

Why did Mayes Middleton’s file HCR22 – a bill that would stop any elected officials’ pay if they have more than 14 unexcused absences? Would this require a majority vote on a Texas Constitution amendment by the people of Texas?

What keeps the Texas Democrats from fleeing again in the next Special Session? Mayes shares some good news about an Executive Order from Governor Abbott…

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January 14, 2021

Title: What’s UP with the 87th Texas Legislative Session?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Mayes Middleton
with Mayes Middleton (

Mayes Middleton is the Texas State Representative for House District 23. He is also the Chairman of the Texas Freedom Caucus. Today, Representative Middleton discusses some of his top priorities for the 87th Texas Legislative Session.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How will this Session effect our tax rates?

Will public funds continue to be used for lobbying activities?

Will our religious freedoms be protected, including our freedom to meet at church with other believers? Representative Middleton makes an excellent point: “Our rights are from God, not from government.”

How will this session further protect the unborn?

Will our daughters and granddaughters have to undress with boys in their locker rooms? One of Representative Middleton’s top priorities is stopping school district employees from giving sex-changing hormones to students. YES! This DOES happen – even in Texas!

Click here for more information about the Texas Freedom Caucus. You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter (for now).

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September 22, 2020

Title: Candidate Interview: Mayes Middleton
Topic: Hydroxychloroquine: Why Not Use It?
Discussed by Mayes Middleton
with Mayes Middleton (

Mayes Middleton is the Texas State Representative for District 23 (Southern Galveston County and Chambers County). He and others are part of the Texas Freedom Caucus, which is working hard to provide more over-the-counter options for COVID-19.

Click here  for more on Mayes Middleton.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is the Texas Freedom Caucus (TFC)?

Why were some Pharmacists in Texas refusing to fill hydroxychloroquine for patients with COVID-19?

Why did the TFC intervene on this issue?

What has been the reply by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy?

Has anyone on the TFC taken hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19?

Did Governor Abbott ever issue an Executive Order restricting the use of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19?

Did the Texas Pharmaceutical Board place restrictions on hydroxychloroquine?

Have Texans died because of our government? Mayes says it is “Absolute government overreach.

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July 10, 2017

Title: How Can we Fix Property Taxes in Texas?
Topic: Property Tax Reform
Discussed by Mayes Middleton
with Mayes Middleton (

Enjoy this interview with Mayes Middleton, candidate for Texas State Representative, District 23. Mr. Middleton will be discussing: property taxes, runaway local debt, and the Special Session.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mayes likes to refer to property taxes as “rent for the government”. Listen as he explains this statement and why we must stop taxing people out of their homes.

How does Mayes Middleton propose to “fix” the property tax situation in Texas?

Do the majority of voters really care about property taxes?

Do local elected officials blame those in Austin for the tax increase?

Is property tax reform on the Special Session agenda?

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