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May 9, 2022

Title: Where is America Headed?
Topic: Freedom Under Attack
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 3

Are there certain beliefs and liberties that men and women should be willing to fight and die for?

Bill Federer is the Fonder of the American Minute. Today he discusses the importance of remembering our history in order to preserve our future.

Click here to read the full article on this topic by Bill Federer.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Who was Peter Marshall? Was he a very influential man? Who did he preach to? Who did he mentor? Who was his wife? Bill Federer shares about Peter Marshall’s life and quotes some of his sermons and speeches.

What did Peter discover in the Presbyterian Church that President Lincoln attended?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Where is America Headed?
Topic: Freedom Under Attack
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Peter Marshall firmly believe that God is here to help us?

Have we forgotten our freedoms? Have we forgotten the price paid for our freedoms and liberties? Bill Federer says Roe v Wade (Jackson v Dobbs) is a perfect (horrible) example…

Are we, as a country, doing what is right in God’s eyes?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Where is America Headed?
Topic: Freedom Under Attack
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is our country sick with immorality and lewdness?

Where is America headed? Is there hope for our future?

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January 13, 2015

Title: Freedom of Speech and Religion are Under Attack Across the Globe
Topic: Freedom Under Attack
Discussed by Dr. Mitch Land
with Regent University (

Do we really have the right to freedom of speech? What about freedom of religion? We, in America, think we are untouchable and can say and do whatever we want without the fear of prosecution and persecution. However, the recent murderous attacks in France have left many American citizens wondering if we are truly as safe as we think we are.

Dr. Mitch Land says that our democracy depends on freedom of speech and religion – and it defends it. Listen in as Dr. Land discusses why everyone has the right to speak their mind – for or against something – as long as they do not hinder the opposition’s privilege to do the same!

There are, of course, some exceptions, like advocating murder or purposefully wanting to cause harm to someone or a group of people. However, some religions and religious leaders are protected when they advocate killing people or causing harm to others. How can this be protected speech? Should the leaders be held responsible if someone in their congregation performs a criminal act in the name of their religion?

Listen in as Dr. Land explains this and more!

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