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March 24, 2016

Title: Obama’s Executive Orders Explained
Topic: King Obama
Discussed by Professor Josh Blackman
with Professor Josh Blackman (

Professor Josh Blackman was recently invited before the US House Judiciary Committee’s Task Force on Executive Overreach to testify on President Obama’s Executive Orders and Actions regarding the Affordable Care Act and Amnesty. Blackman is an Associate Professor at South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas, and has authored the books, “Unprecedented: The Constitutional Challenge to Obamacare” and “Unraveled: Obamacare, Religious Liberty, and Executive Power”. I would like to add that Professor Blackman was selected by Forbes Magazine “30 Under 30” in Law and Policy. He is quite an accomplished young man and an expert in the area of Constitutional Law.

Today, Professor Blackman is with us to discuss the difference between Presidential Executive Orders and Presidential Executive Actions. “They are virtually synonymous,” he says. “The only difference is who is signing it. When the President takes the action himself, he signs the order.

So, why all the confusion over Obamacare and Amnesty? Does Obama have the authority or not? In regards to Obamacare, Professor Blackman explains that Obama chose to suspend two aspects of the law on his own, without gaining the approval of Congress. Concerning amnesty, there were two separate bills proposed which Congress voted down and Obama used an Executive Action to allow illegal immigrants to break the law.

Professor Blackman also explains that, short of Congress, there are not many remedies for Obama’s Actions and Orders concerning healthcare and amnesty. Unfortunately, “The President’s immigration policy is structured in such a way that even Congress cannot defund them!” Blackman reveals.

What’s next? If there aren’t many viable solutions to the Obama’s Actions and Orders, what can we, the people, do? Professor Blackman believes the upcoming election is vital. “I hope and pray that people vote with an eye toward the Constitution.” He uses an example from Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and the 14th Amendment to shed some light on our current situation. Listen in!

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March 6, 2015

Title: New Regulations Force Christian Organizations to Compromise
Topic: King Obama
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The Obama Administration just doesn’t know when to quit. Obama continually discovers new ways to force his sovereignty onto the lives of others. He doesn’t care what the issue is; he just wants to be in control.

Obama is now attacking faith-based organizations in the US who help refugee families. He is asking these organization to refer refugee children to abortion services, although this clearly violates their personal, religious, and moral beliefs. Of course, if they do not comply with this new regulation, these organizations will lose all government funding.

FACT: These regulations were issued on Christmas Eve, 2014. Christmas Eve, Folks. They really tried to slip this one under the radar, but we’re much too smart for that!

Several faith-based organizations have come together to fight this new regulation, saying they are protected under the Religious Freedom Act. Listen in as Dr. Susan Yoshihara also discusses how the Obama Administration is making plans to allow tax-dollars to be spent promoting abortion in other countries around the world!

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August 24, 2011

Title: We are not ruled by a King any more. We won the war with England. So why bow down to King Obama, now?
Topic: King Obama
Discussed by Rick Oltman
with Immigration Tea Party (

Am I correct: we won the war with England and we do not elect Kings and we are not ruled by a King?

Where are the spineless Republicans speaking out against His Majesty Obama and his latest edict which in effect gives blanket amnesty to millions of illegal aliens?

The Internet Whitehouse blog announced the Administration’s new policy dealing with how to handle illegal aliens living within America. We have now surrendered our country to any illegal alien that can walk, run, crawl, sneak into and stay in our country.

 Before you send me a hate-filled e-mail, answer these questions: do we in America have the money to educate every child in the world? Do we in America have the money to provide health care for everyone in the world? Do we in America have the money to provide free housing, free food, free transportation, and free TV’s to everyone in the world.

Where would Jesus draw the line and say enough is enough – no more?

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