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May 5, 2017

Title: Late-Term Abortions Still Exist
Topic: Abortion on Demand
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Today, Brad Mattes reveals the shocking details of late-term abortion. Did you know that some areas in the United States still permit abortion throughout pregnancy – even until the day of birth?!

NOTE: To listen to the phone call referenced in this interview, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it important for women who have had an abortion to reach out to help others considering the same?

Do abortion workers really not care at all for human life?

James 4:17 “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” Should Christians be praying every day for the women considering abortion, her baby, the abortionist, and the staff at all abortion clinics?

Listen as Brad Matters discusses a recent indictment of fifteen people who were illegally trafficking body parts…of eagles. Why can’t the government do the same for Planned Parenthood?

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April 7, 2016

Title: FDA Continues War Against Women
Topic: Abortion on Demand
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

The Federal Drug Administration is responsible for ensuring the pharmaceuticals we put into our bodies are safe. However, the FDA does not cross-check or verify testing result. In fact, they do not even have labs! The FDA bases their approval or denial solely on the information they receive from the drug manufacturer.

The focus of this interview with Dr. Joe Pojman, Director of Texas Alliance for Life, is the abortion drug pill Mifiprex (commonly referred to as RU486) and misoprostal. The FDA recently changed the guidelines for both pills – and not in a positive way. In 2013, the Texas Legislature passed HB2, which required four separate visits to an abortion facility in order to use RU486 and misoprostal. This law was to not only protect the unborn baby, but the woman, as well.

The FDA messed with us, and I’m very unhappy with what they did,” Dr. Joe Pojman declares. Dr. Pojman explains HB2, the contents, and what the FDA is changing about the procedure. If you are unfamiliar with RU486, it kills the woman’s baby. The purpose of misoprostol is to expel the baby, which creates substantial hemorrhaging and other complex problems. HB2 required the woman to be in the presence of a medical physician during this process. The FDA is now saying the woman can administer the pill in her own home, without medical supervision.

It is a pretty serious deal that woman is going through. To just give her the pill and tell her to take it on her own, that’s just not prudent. That’s not the way women should be treated in Texas,” Dr. Pojman declares passionately. Even the liberal, pro-abortion country of Finland is beginning to see the negative impact abortion pills have on women. Listen in as Dr. Joe reveals the results of a study from Finland concerning this issue.

How do we hold the abortionist and the abortion industry accountable? Between 2000 and 2013 (when HB2 was passed), up to 18,000 Texas women each year were taking the RU486 pill to kill their baby. One in five women experience harmful complications after ingesting the pill. If one in five cars were defective, causing injury or death, how long would it be until that car manufacturer was sued out of business?

Pray for women and babies everywhere. Pray for the abortionist and abortion clinic workers. Pray for abortion activists. Pray for our President and all Elected Officials, that those who support abortion will have a change of heart. Pray that those who fight to protect women and unborn babies will continue to speak out, never wavering in their passion to save more babies.

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January 21, 2016

Title: The Best and Worst States for Protecting Babies
Topic: Abortion on Demand
Discussed by Denise Burke
with Americans United for Life (

Part 1 of 2

Denise Burke is Vice President of Legal Affairs for Americans United for Life (AUL) and editor of Defending Life, a semi-annual publication which focuses on life issues. Read more about Denise’s amazing story here,  including her time in the Air Force!

This weekend, hundreds of thousands of pro-life supporters across the country will be standing in solidarity defending life. Some state will have more supporters than others. Denise Burke and AUL have ranked all 50 states based upon how well women and babies are protected from the abortion industry. The new number one defender of life is the state of Oklahoma! Boomer Sooner! Texas ranks number ten. Denise explains that the AUL not only looks at a state’s defense of the unborn in the womb, but also their position and laws passed concerning human cloning, protecting healthcare worker rights, and end of life issues. (Note: You can find the complete listing on their website.)

Despite all the negative media attention their clinics have gained over the past few years, women are still receiving sub-standard care and services through the majority of Planned Parenthood facilities. “When women go into an abortion clinic, they face dangerous and often unqualified practitioners. They are still not getting full information about abortion and the effects on their baby and themselves,” Denise notes.

Listen in to the next segment with Denise as she discusses the Texas legal case which the United States Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling on soon.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Best and Worst States for Protecting Babies
Topic: Abortion on Demand
Discussed by Denise Burke
with Americans United for Life (

Texas House Bill 2 was passed several years ago by the Texas Legislature. HB2 subjected abortion clinics to the same patient care standards as other outpatient clinics. Back in 1973, when SCOTUS made abortion legal, they also allowed individual states to regulate the abortion industry as they saw fit. Now, Texas’s right to make abortion clinics safer and cleaner is being challenged. Be in prayer for this case and for the women and babies that the ruling will effect.

Denise Burke also discusses the Unborn Infants Dignity Act, which was introduced in response to the revelation that Planned Parenthood was selling baby body parts for profit. “It [the Unborn Infants Dignity Act] requires every women to get respect and proper treatment for her dead, unborn child, and to make sure that child is never exploited,” Denise explains. AUL is in contact with a number of elected officials from several states to make sure the Unborn Infants Dignity Act is passed. Denise encourages listeners to urge their elected officials to push the Unborn Infants Dignity Act through for a positive vote.

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January 12, 2016

Title: Texas Supreme Court New Rule on Minor Abortions
Topic: Abortion on Demand
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Just before the end of 2015, the Texas Supreme Court released rules for how courts handle judicial bypass proceedings regarding secret abortions on minor girls without parental notification or consent. The rules were created in response to HB 3994, authored by Rep. Geanie Morrison (R-Victoria) and sponsored by Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock) and strongly supported by Texas Alliance for Life.

This is a major win for the pro-life movement. Dr. Joe Pojman, Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life, says, “These bring to fruition a 10-year effort by Texas Alliance for Life and a coalition of pro-life organizations to protect minor girls in Texas from abortion. The reforms closed loopholes and increased protections for the minors from abuse. The Texas Supreme Court has faithfully implemented House Bill 3994 in a way that will best protect the well-being of minor girls.”

The loopholes that have been resolved with this new ruling are: 1) The girl must appear in court in the county of her residence (minor girls have been allowed to “judge shop” to find one that would be more favorable); 2) The girl must appear in court personally (previously, girls could video chart with the judge or be on a conference call); and 3) The girl will be appointed an ad litem, separate from her attorney, to determine whether the girl is telling the truth and is really mature enough to withstand an abortion. Listen in as Dr. Pojman explains each of these rules and why they are vital to the survival of more unborn babies.

Please make plans to stand with other pro-life activists from across the state of Texas at the annual Rally for Life in Austin on January 23, 2016. For all the details, click here.

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January 6, 2016

Title: Texas Supreme Court New Rule on Minor Abortions
Topic: Abortion on Demand
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Just before the end of 2015, the Texas Supreme Court released rules for how courts handle judicial bypass proceedings regarding secret abortions on minor girls without parental notification or consent. The rules were created in response to HB 3994, authored by Rep. Geanie Morrison (R-Victoria) and sponsored by Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock) and strongly supported by Texas Alliance for Life.

This is a major win for the pro-life movement. Dr. Joe Pojman, Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life, says, “These bring to fruition a 10-year effort by Texas Alliance for Life and a coalition of pro-life organizations to protect minor girls in Texas from abortion. The reforms closed loopholes and increased protections for the minors from abuse. The Texas Supreme Court has faithfully implemented House Bill 3994 in a way that will best protect the well-being of minor girls.”

The loopholes that have been resolved with this new ruling are: 1) The girl must appear in court in the county of her residence (minor girls have been allowed to “judge shop” to find one that would be more favorable); 2) The girl must appear in court personally (previously, girls could video chart with the judge or be on a conference call); and 3) The girl will be appointed an ad litem, separate from her attorney, to determine whether the girl is telling the truth and is really mature enough to withstand an abortion. Listen in as Dr. Pojman explains each of these rules and why they are vital to the survival of more unborn babies.

Please make plans to stand with other pro-life activists from across the state of Texas at the annual Rally for Life in Austin on January 23, 2016. For all the details, click here.

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December 7, 2012

Title: America Stands Proudly Next to North Korea, China, and Canada but we should be Hanging out Heads in Shame
Topic: Abortion on Demand
Discussed by Jeanneane Maxon
with American United For Life

America, Canada, North Korea, and China now hold to the top four slots.

I wish I could say that the titles were for nicest people, or cleanest streets, or a contribution to the arts, or even having the best darn hamburger anywhere. But, sadly, these four countries proudly boast that they perform the most abortions than any other country - even late-term abortions into the 9th month of pregnancy. Why? Because we decide we don’t want a baby? China does for population control but now they’re running out of women to even have babies because so many little girls have been aborted over the last 40 years. Some have an abortion because they have their heart set on a little girl to dress up in pink and purple tutus but the doctor told them to start picking out trains and trucks and blue stuff.

Jeanneane Maxon is a new guest to the What’s Up Radio Program. Today she will be discussing how the abortion industry is actually harming the women’s movement by telling women they aren’t capable of having a career and a family when 40 years ago you couldn’t get liberal women to shut up about how women can do anything a man can do - including work and raise a family! What a double standard.

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February 4, 2011

Title: for Abortion on Demand by Mainline Protestant Church Leadership
Topic: Abortion on Demand
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Liberal Mainline Protestant Church Leadership Supports Abortion On Demand. To ensure widespread religious backing for Roe v. Wade, mostly mainline protestant groups originally founded the RCRC (Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights). For years the RCRC was based in the United Methodist Building on Capitol Hill alongside most Mainline Protestant lobbies. Mark Tooley, with the Institute on religion and Democracy discusses the ecological and elitist preoccupation of the liberal church leadership.

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