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December 7, 2012

Title: America Stands Proudly Next to North Korea, China, and Canada but we should be Hanging out Heads in Shame
Topic: Abortion on Demand
Discussed by Jeanneane Maxon
with American United For Life

America, Canada, North Korea, and China now hold to the top four slots.

I wish I could say that the titles were for nicest people, or cleanest streets, or a contribution to the arts, or even having the best darn hamburger anywhere. But, sadly, these four countries proudly boast that they perform the most abortions than any other country - even late-term abortions into the 9th month of pregnancy. Why? Because we decide we don’t want a baby? China does for population control but now they’re running out of women to even have babies because so many little girls have been aborted over the last 40 years. Some have an abortion because they have their heart set on a little girl to dress up in pink and purple tutus but the doctor told them to start picking out trains and trucks and blue stuff.

Jeanneane Maxon is a new guest to the What’s Up Radio Program. Today she will be discussing how the abortion industry is actually harming the women’s movement by telling women they aren’t capable of having a career and a family when 40 years ago you couldn’t get liberal women to shut up about how women can do anything a man can do - including work and raise a family! What a double standard.

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