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September 30, 2016

Title: Terrorism Blame Game
Topic: Terrorists in America
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Liberals continue to point the finger in the wrong direction.

Robert Knight is with the American Civil Rights Union and a Washington Times contributor. He will be discussing the left’s habitual lies when in matters of terrorism and Islam.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After Rome burned in 64 AD, did the Emperor point his finger in the wrong direction? Was he a master at the blame game, much like the liberals of today?

Robert Knight then goes on to explain the vast discrepancies in the released transcript of the Orlando shooter’s 911 phone call and what he actually said.

Are Christians hated for not bowing to the gay rights movement? Robert offers several quoted examples proving that this is true.

AAre too many low-information citizens blinded by the words of our President and others on the left, specifically in the media? HINT: “It’s unbelievable how biased the media are,” Robert says. However, he does think that more and more people are beginning to see through the lies. I pray he is correct.

Is there a mountain of evidence that radical Islam is to blame for the recent terrorist attacks in America and across the world? br />
FFinal Thoughts: Can we live peacefully with radical Muslims?

Robert Knight’s column on this topic can be found here.

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June 23, 2016

Title: The DOJ and 1984 Today!
Topic: Terrorists in America
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

As Reported on Fox News and other news sources, the Department of Justice scrubbed references of radical Islamic beliefs from the transcripts of calls Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen made to police during his massacre.

David Rubin is back with us today to discuss the serious implications that the Obama administration has offered regarding the terrorist shooting – or, as they call it, “mass shooting”. They are not simply twisting words; they are flat-out lying.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are we now living in George Orwell’s 1984? David Rubin uses the words “strange” and “disturbing” to describe the DOJ’s actions. Listen in…

Did the mass-murderer shout out “Allah Hu Akbar” and what does it mean? Are Allah and God the same?

David Rubin: Why are you so concerned about the latest actions of the Department of Justice in the investigation of the Orlando attack?

David Rubin was raised in New York City. He has a great love for both America and Israel – Christian, Jew, and non-believers. He discusses the vast difference between the Muslim faith and the Jewish and Christian faiths. Why do “they” hate everyone so much? And why can’t the left see the problem?

What is the difference in the responses by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to the Orlando terrorist attack?

BONUS: David also reveals some astounding statistics about Shariah Law, Islam, Muslims, and more. Listen in!

You can find more information about David Rubin’s ministry for children of Israel here.

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Title: Terrorism Blame Game
Topic: Terrorists in America
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Liberals continue to point the finger in the wrong direction.

Robert Knight is with the American Civil Rights Union and a Washington Times contributor. He will be discussing the left’s habitual lies when in matters of terrorism and Islam.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After Rome burned in 64 AD, did the Emperor point his finger in the wrong direction? Was he a master at the blame game, much like the liberals of today?

Robert Knight then goes on to explain the vast discrepancies in the released transcript of the Orlando shooter’s 911 phone call and what he actually said.

Are Christians hated for not bowing to the gay rights movement? Robert offers several quoted examples proving that this is true.

AAre too many low-information citizens blinded by the words of our President and others on the left, specifically in the media? HINT: “It’s unbelievable how biased the media are,” Robert says. However, he does think that more and more people are beginning to see through the lies. I pray he is correct.

Is there a mountain of evidence that radical Islam is to blame for the recent terrorist attacks in America and across the world? br />
FFinal Thoughts: Can we live peacefully with radical Muslims?

Robert Knight’s column on this topic can be found here.

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July 13, 2010

Topic: Terrorists in America
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

“Hijacking the top election of science and technology to cajole our enemies would be consistent with [Obama’s] agenda,” says Bob Beauprez. Bob is a former dairy farmer, community banker, and a member of Congress for Colorado. Log on to to receive his newsletter.

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Topic: Terrorists in America
Discussed by Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt
with Pray In Jesus Name (

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt made headlines when he stood up for military chaplains’ right to pray in Jesus’ name.

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October 8, 2009

Topic: Terrorists in America
Discussed by Congressman Michael McCaul
with Elected Officials

Congressman Mike McCaul is currently the Senior Republican on the Homeland Security Intelligence Subcommittee and the former Chief of Counter-Terrorism and National Security in the US Attorney’s office for Texas. Congress McCaul gives an update and more information on the “Sleeper Cell of 1”, Hosam Maher Husein Smadi. Why was he here? What were his plans?

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