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November 17, 2022

Title: Healing After a Miscarriage
Topic: Healing After a Miscarriage
Discussed by Erin Smalley
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Erin Smalley is the Strategic Marriage Spokesperson for Focus on the Family’s marriage ministry. Today, Erin offers hope and encouragement for couples after a miscarriage and also discusses how we can help them, both individually and as a church congregation.

Click here for articles and resources from Focus on the Family on miscarriage.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are common struggles couples face after losing a baby from miscarriage?

Can their struggles be different? Erin explains that men and women grieve differently and it’s important to empathize with each other during the process.

What are some things NOT to say to a grieving couple after a miscarriage?

Is counseling helpful? Can books about grieving after a miscarriage be helpful?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Healing After a Miscarriage
Topic: Healing After a Miscarriage
Discussed by Erin Smalley
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What can couples do together and individually to begin the healing process? Erin quotes John 16:33I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Is it normal to be confused and ask “Why God”? Erin believes it is and explains why...

How can the church be an encouragement to couples after a miscarriage? Is it important for couples to reach out for help from the church?

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