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July 30, 2020

Title: Is God Racist?
Topic: Is God Racist?
Discussed by Dr. Dave Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 3

Everything seems to be racist these days. Pancake syrup. Mexican owned food companies. Statues. People (but only white people). But --- is GOD racist?

Dr. Dave Miller is the Executive Director of Apologetics Press. He is the author of numerous books, including: The Quran Unveiled, Sexual Anarchy, Piloting the Strait, The Silencing of God, Christ and the Continental Congress, Why People Suffer, and a series of books that teach children how to read.

Click here  to read more from Dr. Dave Miller on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does political correctness apply to the subjective feelings of individuals who determine what is “truth”?

Under political correctness, is there any objective standard for conduct, language, and behavior?

Does the Bible have the only standard by which human conduct may be measured and evaluated legitimately?

Dr. Miller points out that we have had three generations of Americans reared in liberal colleges and universities. “They have been taught all of this political correctness, Socialism, Marxism, and anti-Christian” ideology, he says.

For the secularist and the PC crowd, is there no objective, higher standard, and no absolute truth? Is this why they cannot tolerate Christians and Christian morals?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is God Racist?
Topic: Is God Racist?
Discussed by Dr. Dave Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Like those described in the last verse of the Book of Judges, are too many people today doing what is right in their own eyes?

The politically correct crowd believes no absolute truth exists. Therefore, is every view accepted and tolerated by them?

Does the PC crowd tolerate the opposition?

Is the PC crowd aggressively opposed to Christianity and moral values?

Dr. Millers says this: “They want to expunge and eliminate every indication of God and Christ. More specifically Christian morality. They hate Christian morality because it challenges them.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is God Racist?
Topic: Is God Racist?
Discussed by Dr. Dave Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does open and widespread hostility exist in the media, Hollywood, and among liberal politicians against Christian morality? Did the prophet Amos experience the same aggression?

When God stated that he detested those who engage in same-sex relations, was He guilty of “hate speech” and being “racist”?

Does the Bible teach Christians to hate the sin but to love the sinner?

Have Americans, and even Christians, become so accustomed to the moral filth that is rampant across the nation that they no longer blush or possess the same revulsion that God Himself possesses?

Do Christians desperately need to reacquaint themselves with the God of the Bible?

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