How committed are you to God? I mean… really, really committed? Have you placed anything higher than Him? Money? Your job or school? A spouse or your children?
Pastor Alec Brunson reminds us this week that God warned the Israelites about false gods – and this warning still applies to us today.
Alec is the Student Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.
Scripture Passage: Joshua 24:14-28
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Why do we try to do life on our own? We eventually ask God for help, but why not first?
When was the last time you rested in the Lord?
Pastor Alec makes a confession: Sometimes it’s hard for pastors to stay focused. Listen as he explains…
How does the book of Joshua end? How does it lead into the book of Judges? Are they connected?
Final thoughts:
Remember what God has done for you through Christ.
Be moved toward a lifestyle of repentance and devotion to God.
Commit to telling your children and grandchildren and greatgrandchildren (and so on) about Jesus.
How committed are you to God? I mean… really, really committed? Have you placed anything higher than Him? Money? Your job or school? A spouse or your children?
Pastor Alec Brunson reminds us this week that God warned the Israelites about false gods – and this warning still applies to us today.
Alec is the Student Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.
Scripture Passage: Joshua 24:14-28
Questions/Issues Discussed:
The last part of Joshua 24:15 “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
What is the people’s response to Joshua’s proclamation? What is YOUR response? Is this your daily goal?
Have you fully committed your life to Christ?
Back to Joshua… Did he believe the people’s promise? (vs 19)
How committed are you to God? I mean… really, really committed? Have you placed anything higher than Him? Money? Your job or school? A spouse or your children?
Pastor Alec Brunson reminds us this week that God warned the Israelites about false gods – and this warning still applies to us today.
Alec is the Student Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.
Scripture Passage: Joshua 24:14-28
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Parents: Are you leading by example? Pastor Alec shares about his brand-new baby boy…
The most common “god” is money. Is this a problem for you, too? How can you avoid this?
Do you sometimes think that serving God isn’t “cool”?
How committed are you to God? I mean… really, really committed? Have you placed anything higher than Him? Money? Your job or school? A spouse or your children?
Pastor Alec Brunson reminds us this week that God warned the Israelites about false gods – and this warning still applies to us today.
Alec is the Student Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.
Scripture Passage: Joshua 24:14-28
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Do you fear God? Are you serving Him to the best of your ability?
Pastor Alec says this: “To fear God is not to be scared of Him; it is to be in awe and reverence of Him.”
Why is God a jealous God? Is He selfish? Or is He jealous for us?
Who or what are you looking to for comfort or provision above God?
How committed are you to God? I mean… really, really committed? Have you placed anything higher than Him? Money? Your job or school? A spouse or your children?
Pastor Alec Brunson reminds us this week that God warned the Israelites about false gods – and this warning still applies to us today.
Alec is the Student Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.
Scripture Passage: Joshua 24:14-28
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Pastor Alec begins the sermon by offering an apologetic for Christianity. Not an apology; an apologetic.
Why do so many people across the world view Christianity as “silliness”? Is this why it is important to keep preaching His Word every chance we have?
Background for today’s Scripture: Joshua is an old man and his life is expiring. He must choose another leader, but the Israelites are having some issues with false gods. Joshua was reminding the people of God’s promises. Even God Himself was recounting the ways He had saved the people (vs 1-13).
What is your false god? Can you identify with the Israelites? Do you remember what God has given you? Have you thanked God for those blessings yet?
Title: Trust, Listen, and Obey Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Pastor Steven Morris with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 5
Does your season seem unbearable? Remember: God has brought you through every season you’ve ever faced; He will bring you through another one – and another one – and another one.
This week, Pastor Steven Morris focuses on “Trusting God. Listening to God. And obeying God.” How did Joshua and the Israelites trust, listen to, and obey God at Jericho?
Scripture Passage: Joshua 5:13-14 and 6:1-20
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Why would God have the Israelites destroy the city and all the people (except Rahab)? Isn’t this cruel?
Scripture References:
Deuteronomy 20
Joshua 2
2 Peter 3:9
Title: Trust, Listen, and Obey Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Pastor Steven Morris with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 4
Does your season seem unbearable? Remember: God has brought you through every season you’ve ever faced; He will bring you through another one – and another one – and another one.
This week, Pastor Steven Morris focuses on “Trusting God. Listening to God. And obeying God.” How did Joshua and the Israelites trust, listen to, and obey God at Jericho?
Scripture Passage: Joshua 5:13-14 and 6:1-20
Questions/Issues Discussed:
OBEY GOD (Joshua 6:20)
What does obedience mean?
Are you being consistent in your obedience? Are you practicing instant obedience?
Last week, Pastor Trammel said this: “Practice instant obedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience.” Pastor Morris expands on this: “Disobedience shows a lack of trust.”
Joshua knew all along what the outcome would be, but he didn’t tell the people. How did they keep their faith in times of adversity?
Title: Trust, Listen, and Obey Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Pastor Steven Morris with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 3
Does your season seem unbearable? Remember: God has brought you through every season you’ve ever faced; He will bring you through another one – and another one – and another one.
This week, Pastor Steven Morris focuses on “Trusting God. Listening to God. And obeying God.” How did Joshua and the Israelites trust, listen to, and obey God at Jericho?
Scripture Passage: Joshua 5:13-14 and 6:1-20
Questions/Issues Discussed:
TRUST GOD (Joshua 6:2)
Do you truly believe that God is on your side? Why do you worry so much?
Scripture References:
Ephesians 6:12
John 16:33
LISTEN TO GOD (Joshua 6:4-5)
Trusting God and listening to God are two very different things. Are you listening to Him today?
Pastor Steven Morris mentions Hudson Taylor, a missionary in China. He believed there are three ways people serve God:
* Make a plan and work hard (don’t do this one!)
* Make a plan and then ask God to help (don’t do this one either!)
* Ask God what He wants you to do and then offer yourself to carry out His purpose (do this one!!)
Title: Trust, Listen, and Obey Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Pastor Steven Morris with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 2
Does your season seem unbearable? Remember: God has brought you through every season you’ve ever faced; He will bring you through another one – and another one – and another one.
This week, Pastor Steven Morris focuses on “Trusting God. Listening to God. And obeying God.” How did Joshua and the Israelites trust, listen to, and obey God at Jericho?
Scripture Passage: Joshua 5:13-14 and 6:1-20
Questions/Issues Discussed:
How is the city of Jericho like a turtle?
TRUST GOD (Joshua 6:2)
Why is trust our first priority?
If you knew you couldn’t lose, would your outlook on life change? Guess what?!?! You can’t lose!!
Pastor Steven shares a great baseball story… He is now a pitching coach for his son’s pee-wee baseball team! Ahhhh – fun times!
Title: Trust, Listen, and Obey Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Pastor Steven Morris with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 1
Does your season seem unbearable? Remember: God has brought you through every season you’ve ever faced; He will bring you through another one – and another one – and another one.
This week, Pastor Steven Morris focuses on “Trusting God. Listening to God. And obeying God.” How did Joshua and the Israelites trust, listen to, and obey God at Jericho?
Scripture Passage: Joshua 5:13-14 and 6:1-20
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Pastor Steven begins the sermon with a fun story about a game he plays with his kids… It’s all about trust…
Why couldn’t the Israelites just by-pass Jericho on their way to the Promised Land?
How was Joshua able to keep trusting God?
How is the city of Jericho like a turtle? Tune in tomorrow to find out!
Title: Be Ready! Let’s Cross the Jordan Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 5
Pastor Stephen
Trammel continues with the series “Navigating Life’s Transitions” this
week. How do handle change? How do handle bad news? Pastor Trammel has three habits we should all embrace for the transitions we face in life.
Scripture Passage for this week: Joshua 3:1-17
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Pastor Trammel continues to discuss the history of CFBC… Pastor David Fleming has resigned as Senior Pastor. Now, the church is in a season of transition. They have navigated through it before; they will do it again!
Henry Blackaby: “God’s invitation to join Him in His activity always leads you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action. What you do next reveals what you believe about God.”
What do you believe about God? If you are in a season of transition, are you trusting that He has the best of plans for you? Trust Him today!
Philippians 2:13 “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”
Title: Be Ready! Let’s Cross the Jordan Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 4
Pastor Stephen
Trammel continues with the series “Navigating Life’s Transitions” this
week. How do handle change? How do handle bad news? Pastor Trammel has three habits we should all embrace for the transitions we face in life.
Scripture Passage for this week: Joshua 3:1-17
Questions/Issues Discussed:
God allowed the people of Israel to pass on dry ground. The people didn’t do this. God did! He can handle anything. Are you trusting that today?
Pastor Trammel: “Are you experiencing a setback? Wait for the comeback!”
Question: Are you leaving room for mystery? Are you leaving room for God’s plan for your life?
Title: Be Ready! Let’s Cross the Jordan Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 3
Pastor Stephen
Trammel continues with the series “Navigating Life’s Transitions” this
week. How do handle change? How do handle bad news? Pastor Trammel has three habits we should all embrace for the transitions we face in life.
Scripture Passage for this week: Joshua 3:1-17
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Are you going “ankle deep” for God?
Title: Be Ready! Let’s Cross the Jordan Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 2
Pastor Stephen
Trammel continues with the series “Navigating Life’s Transitions” this
week. How do handle change? How do handle bad news? Pastor Trammel has three habits we should all embrace for the transitions we face in life.
Scripture Passage for this week: Joshua 3:1-17
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Are you activating your faith?
Johnny Hunt: “If you don’t see it before you see it, you’ll never see it.”
Pastor Trammel: “Faith is not stepping to the end of the light and into darkness. Faith is walking in the light.”
Title: Be Ready! Let’s Cross the Jordan Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 1
Pastor Stephen
Trammel continues with the series “Navigating Life’s Transitions” this
week. How do handle change? How do handle bad news? Pastor Trammel has three habits we should all embrace for the transitions we face in life.
Scripture Passage for this week: Joshua 3:1-17
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Pastor Stephen Trammel discusses a past experience he had as a preacher in Louisiana…
Listen as Pastor Trammel reads the scripture passage for this week… Tune in tomorrow for more on this first habit…
Title: Boldness in Every Season Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Pastor Steven Morris with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 5
We have all experienced at least one season of transition in our life.
College. Marriage. Maybe a divorce. Probably kids. Job changes. Moving across the country.
How do you cope with those transitions? Do you worry? Or do you pray? This week, Pastor Steven Morris shares how we can be
“Bold in Every Season”.
Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:1-9
Questions/Issues Discussed:
BOLDNESS IN EVERY SEASON: We have God’s Presence vs 9
Do you have kids? Do they ever get scared at night? What do you do? You comfort them! That’s what God does all the time!
Do you let your kids know when you get scared? Let them see that! BUT let them know that you are trusting God in your circumstance.
Scripture References:
Acts 17:6
Final Thoughts:
What is God doing in you during your time of seasonal transition? What are you willing to allow Him to do?
Title: Boldness in Every Season Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Pastor Steven Morris with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 4
We have all experienced at least one season of transition in our life.
College. Marriage. Maybe a divorce. Probably kids. Job changes. Moving across the country.
How do you cope with those transitions? Do you worry? Or do you pray? This week, Pastor Steven Morris shares how we can be
“Bold in Every Season”.
Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:1-9
Questions/Issues Discussed:
BOLDNESS IN EVERY SEASON: We have God’s Word vs 7-8
Final thoughts on this:
Stop reaching for your phone and reach for your Bible!
Rick Warren quote: “Without implementation, all of our Bible studies are worthless.”
BOLDNESS IN EVERY SEASON: We have God’s Presence vs 9
What giants are you facing in life right life? Remember the biggest giant (God) is ready to slay all those tiny ones!
Pastor Steven shares about a men’s Bible study group he attended once…
Do you have kids? Do they ever get scared at night? What do you do? You comfort them! That’s what God does all the time!
Title: Boldness in Every Season Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Pastor Steven Morris with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 3
We have all experienced at least one season of transition in our life.
College. Marriage. Maybe a divorce. Probably kids. Job changes. Moving across the country.
How do you cope with those transitions? Do you worry? Or do you pray? This week, Pastor Steven Morris shares how we can be
“Bold in Every Season”.
Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:1-9
Questions/Issues Discussed:
BOLDNESS IN EVERY SEASON: We have God’s Word vs 7-8
Pastor Steven lists five specific things on what we should do with God’s Word:
Do everything it says
Don’t turn from it
Talk about it
Think about it
Do it
Why do we need maps? Or GPS for the younger crowd? How do they help us? What happens if we ignore the path?
Title: Boldness in Every Season Topic: Navigating Life’s Transitions
Discussed by Pastor Steven Morris with Champion Forest Baptist Church (
Day 1
We have all experienced at least one season of transition in our life.
College. Marriage. Maybe a divorce. Probably kids. Job changes. Moving across the country.
How do you cope with those transitions? Do you worry? Or do you pray? This week, Pastor Steven Morris shares how we can be
“Bold in Every Season”.
Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:1-9
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Are you in a season of transition? Where is your faith when things get tough?
In the book of Joshua, how did the Israelites cope with transition?
Why did God repeat Himself to Joshua in verses 1-9 in chapter 1?
Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Steven shares how to be bold in every season…