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August 11, 2014

Title: Energy Drinks: The Ugly Truth
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Budge Collinson
with Infusion Sciences (

Part 1 of 2

Some of us have done it. Some of us do it all the time. Some of us only do it occasionally. Some of us love them. Some of us hate them. Some of us have even given them to our kids.

Some are fruity. Some taste like coffee. Some are supposedly sugar-free. Some are big and some are small-er.

Energy drinks. They seem harmless. You “need” one in the afternoon to prepare for that long drive home after a hard day at work. You “need” one to wake up in the morning, because coffee just doesn’t cut it anymore. Or, maybe the barista at the coffee shop adds a shot to your morning cup every day, because that’s how you like it.

You may have even given your kids one on the occasion. They might “need” it to keep up with the competition on the football field or for that big gymnastics meet. They might “need” one to stay awake all night to study for the “big test”.

But what are you really putting in your body – or in your kids’ body? We know smoking is bad for our health and too much alcohol. You wouldn’t let your kids eat junk food all the time or drink 30 cups of coffee in a row. Listen in as Budge Collinson explains just how dangerous these “energy drinks” really are.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Energy Drinks: The Ugly Truth
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Budge Collinson
with Infusion Sciences (

Budge Collinson is the founder of Infusion Sciences. Budge doesn’t want to knock Gatorade off the shelf, but he says it really is not as good for you as you may think. While Gatorade does contain electrolytes and will help give your body a slight energy boost, it is also loaded with sugar and other junk.

Here’s a big one: Budge says children should never, ever have soda or caffeinated drinks. Gulp! How old was your kid when he or she had their first taste of the tea of the South: Dr. Pepper?

Budge has developed healthy alternatives to Gatorade, energy drinks, soda, and even vitamin supplements that are all-natural and actually taste good!

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