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March 31, 2021

Title: Why is China Buying Texas?
Topic: China Buying America
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Our Federal Government has given permission for a Chinese company, owned by a former communist government general, to purchase 180,000 acres of Texas land near the Rio Grande, just north of Laughlin Air Force Base, which is home to America’s largest military training facility.

What does this mean for the citizens of Texas – and America? Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner, has the details. More can be found here

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did our Federal Government really allow a retired Chinese General to buy land in Texas?

Will this land have windmills? Will this compromise the electric grid in Texas?

Can an American citizen freely buy land in China?

Does the retired Chinese General have plans to build a private airport on his land in Texas? Would this allow him to move people and equipment in and out without government supervision or inspection?

Why do they need a 30,000 square foot lodge?

Are Americans too trusting? Sid Miller says: “This isn’t about trust. This is about stupidity!”

Does Governor Abbott have the authority to stop this Chinese General from occupying this property? Sid Miller urges everyone to call Governor Abbott’s office at 512-463-2000.

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April 13, 2017

Title: Chinese Buying American Companies
Topic: China Buying America
Discussed by Dan Perkins
with Dan Perkins Songs and Stories for Soldiers

Part 1 of 2

Today, Dan Perkins will be discussing the disturbing amount of Chinese companies that are now buying American companies on US soil, plus MORE disturbing information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Chinese companies allowed to purchase American companies within the shores of the US?

Are American Companies allowed to purchase Chinese companies within the shores of China?

To build manufacturing plants inside China, must US companies share their patents with the Communist Chinese?

In addition, are American companies in China forced to partner with a Chinese company?

Listen as Dan Perkins discusses some details about President Donald Trump’s current negotiations with China concerning this issue.

Are seven of the top ten car manufacturers actually owned or controlled by the Chinese government?

Dan Perkins is the author of “The Brotherhood of the Red Nile Trilogy”.  He is also a nationally recognized expert on radical Islam and a contributor to several online news outlets.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Chinese Buying American Companies
Topic: China Buying America
Discussed by Dan Perkins
with Dan Perkins Songs and Stories for Soldiers

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will the Chinese government collapse like the Soviet Union?

Does China need to adjust their trade policies if they want to avoid collapse?

Is this good or bad for the American and the worldwide economy?

Over the last decade, how many Chinese citizens have been added to the middle class?

Listen as Dan Perkins also discusses coal, natural gas, and the Chinese military.

To order your copy of one of Dan Perkin’s books, including his new children’s book: “Peter the Little Irish Seal”, click here.

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