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September 27, 2017

Title: Songs and Stories for Soldiers
Topic: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Discussed by Dan Perkins
with Dan Perkins Songs and Stories for Soldiers

Part 1 of 2

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a sinister byproduct of war. PTSD affects countless veterans, sometimes long after their service has been completed. In addition, PTSD has led to the staggeringly high suicide rate: 22 men and women per day, according to some sources.

Dan Perkins has a deep appreciation of our military. He has started a new project, Songs and Stories for Soldiers,  in an effort to combat PTSD.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the statistics from the VA concerning PTSD accurate?

What are some incidences that will trigger PTSD in active or retired military personnel?

Why are some worried over the new PBS 10 episode Vietnam War documentary?

Dan Perkin asks this question: Do you think that the producers and the sponsor, Bank of America, ever thought about the impact on the survivors of that war or are suffering from PTSD? He thinks they did not consider the reactions, which is an absolute shame.

After the movie “Saving Private Ryan” was released, was there an increase in Veterans who sought help for PTSD?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Songs and Stories for Soldiers
Topic: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Discussed by Dan Perkins
with Dan Perkins Songs and Stories for Soldiers

Dan Perkins begins this segment by offering some advice for those who know someone that lived through the atrocities of the Vietnam War.

First, click here  to find the VA location nearest you.

Second, register for free sleep audios on Dan Perkin’s website (noted above). The audio is available on smart phones for added convenience.

Finally, memorize the phone number for Veteran’s Crisis Hotline which is: 1.800.273.8255, option 1.

What are some symptoms of PTSD to look for?

Why do female soldiers suffer from PTSD more often than men?

Listen as Dan Perkins describes exactly how “Songs and Stories for Soldiers” helps active and retired military personnel who suffer from PTSD. If you would like to help with a $10 donation, please click here.

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April 13, 2017

Title: Chinese Buying American Companies
Topic: China Buying America
Discussed by Dan Perkins
with Dan Perkins Songs and Stories for Soldiers

Part 1 of 2

Today, Dan Perkins will be discussing the disturbing amount of Chinese companies that are now buying American companies on US soil, plus MORE disturbing information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Chinese companies allowed to purchase American companies within the shores of the US?

Are American Companies allowed to purchase Chinese companies within the shores of China?

To build manufacturing plants inside China, must US companies share their patents with the Communist Chinese?

In addition, are American companies in China forced to partner with a Chinese company?

Listen as Dan Perkins discusses some details about President Donald Trump’s current negotiations with China concerning this issue.

Are seven of the top ten car manufacturers actually owned or controlled by the Chinese government?

Dan Perkins is the author of “The Brotherhood of the Red Nile Trilogy”.  He is also a nationally recognized expert on radical Islam and a contributor to several online news outlets.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Chinese Buying American Companies
Topic: China Buying America
Discussed by Dan Perkins
with Dan Perkins Songs and Stories for Soldiers

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will the Chinese government collapse like the Soviet Union?

Does China need to adjust their trade policies if they want to avoid collapse?

Is this good or bad for the American and the worldwide economy?

Over the last decade, how many Chinese citizens have been added to the middle class?

Listen as Dan Perkins also discusses coal, natural gas, and the Chinese military.

To order your copy of one of Dan Perkin’s books, including his new children’s book: “Peter the Little Irish Seal”, click here.

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December 8, 2014

Title: Oil and Gas Prices
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Dan Perkins
with Dan Perkins Songs and Stories for Soldiers

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Dan Perkins is an investment advisor in the oil and gas field. Do not construe anything he might say as financial advice.

40 years ago, OPEC decided they wanted to control the economy of the world by overtaking oil and gas prices. They basically told the world “We are the kings. Do what we say.”

This time, their strategy is dramatically different. Instead of driving the price of oil and gas up, they are flooding the markets with low, low, low prices. But, why? Dan Perkins believes this is an out-right attack on America and Canada. Listen in as he explains!

Will Russia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, and other countries survive with oil at $50 a barrel? Saudi Arabia has plenty of oil reserves and might be able to survive for a good long while. America has seemingly endless resources at our fingertips and Canada is close behind.

But, oh no! What will happen to the terrorists in the Middle East if oil prices keep falling? Will they disappear with no funding? Let’s hope so!

Back to Saudi Arabia…what happens when or if their oil supply runs out? Their citizens do not work – they simply live off the money the government disperses from the sale of oil!

Dan Perkins has some great insight on what he believes OPEC is trying to do, whether they will be successful, and what some outcomes might be.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - OPEC Launched an Attack on America While We Were Eating Turkey
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Dan Perkins
with Dan Perkins Songs and Stories for Soldiers

Disclaimer: Dan Perkins is an investment advisor in the oil and gas field. Do not construe anything he might say as financial advice.

At the end of Dan’s first segment, he made a statement regarding Russia and how they forced Western Europe to bow down to them. He continues in this second segment with his opinion of what will happen in the US or Canada go to Western Europe and offer them cheaper oil and gas. Ooooh! Interesting twist!

However, Dan says that if America takes the bait, “OPEC will continue to keep supply up to insure that all hope is abandoned and then they will start raising the price” again. Dan even goes as far to say that if “America ever had a president that had an energy policy, we could become the supplier to the world and destroy OPEC”. What a grand thought!

Dan Perkins can be found at

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November 13, 2014

Title: Will Obama Shut down the Government before He Approves the Keystone Pipeline?
Topic: Keystone XL
Discussed by Dan Perkins
with Dan Perkins Songs and Stories for Soldiers

Congress just doesn’t get it. President Obama has no clue. The MSM is outright against it.

What is “it”? The Keystone Pipeline! Drill here! Drill now!

Dan Perkins, an author and expert on the oil and gas industry, is certain of several things. If the ban on drilling and exporting oil in America is lifted then, first, employment would soar, the good kind of employment. There will be great wages and job prospects for years and years to come. In addition, the price of gas would go down even further than it has over the last few months. How does gas for under $2.00/gallon sound?

America is already the largest producer of oil in the world. (Australia is largest exporter - Yes, Australia.) If Congress would just approve the completion of the Keystone Pipeline, we would become #1. Nothing could stop us.

Despite the “left’s” environmentalists’ best efforts, the first oil refinery plant in America in almost 40 years is being built in the Dakotas. Can you believe it’s been 40 years since an oil refinery plant has been built in the United States? Think of the possibilities and the boost in the economy if more were allowed to be built!

But, wait! If more oil refinery plants are built, creating more jobs and more reliable, inexpensive energy sources, then the need for wind and solar energy goes out the window! We can’t have that! Oh, no! That would make too much sense and be better for everyone! We must put a stop to this madness! The good people of the United States should be forced to pay outrageous amounts to heat and cool their home and watch as the price for everything goes through the roof! (NOTE: This, my friends, is called “sarcasm”.)

Dan Perkins also discusses fracking, terrorism, and how everything will be affected (cheaper!) if we are granted the right to drill here and drill now! Log on to  for more on this issue. You can order a copy of Dan’s book [here].

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