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September 22, 2022

Title: Preparing for the Future
Topic: Texas Department of Agriculture
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller discusses how the Russia/Ukraine situation will affect the items that Texas imports from and exports to Russia.

Click here for more information about the Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What items does Texas export to Russia? Does Texas also export these items to Ukraine?

If we stop exporting to Russia and Ukraine, will there be an oversupply resulting in price reductions? Sid Miller explains that we don’t export enough goods to really affect pricing, which is good news.

What items does Texas import from Russia?

How much oil does Texas import from Russia? Will stopping the import of Russian oil to Texas affect our gas prices?

Will consumers in Texas be affected if we stop importing items from Russia?

How can consumers, ranchers, and farmers prepare for a long-term conflict in Eastern Europe? Sid Miller says: “Lock in your input costs as soon as you can… Do not presale anything.”

Does Sid Miller believe Texas will continue to thrive despite the crisis? Listen as Sid explains why he believes some areas will thrive and others are already beginning to suffer.

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August 16, 2022

Title: Texas Summer Drought
Topic: Texas Economy
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Sid Miller is the 12th Commissioner of the Texas Department of Agriculture. Sid is a Christian, husband, father, grandfather, farmer, champion rodeo rider, and a lifelong Texan. Today Sid Miller discusses the state of the Texas economy after months of drought in the summer heat.

Click here for more information about the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Click here for more information about Sid Miller, candidate for Texas Commissioner of Agriculture.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has this summer’s drought affected farming and ranching in Texas? Sid explains that there is definitely a shortage in some goods, but is also optimistic about the future.

The drought has dramatically affected cattle production and many ranchers are selling their herds. Will this result in lower meat prices?

Does the heat affect chicken and egg production?

Will the fall harvest for Texas pecans and fruit bearing trees be affected by the drought?

Have the melon crops in the Valley been hit hard by the drought? Sid shares some good news about the Valley…

Should Chinese corporations and/or individuals be allowed to buy farm land in Texas, especially close to military bases? Sid explains why he believes: “This is one of the stupidest things we as a country, as a state, allow to happen.”

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July 18, 2022

Title: Preparing for the Future
Topic: Texas Department of Agriculture
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller discusses how the Russia/Ukraine situation will affect the items that Texas imports from and exports to Russia.

Click here for more information about the Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What items does Texas export to Russia? Does Texas also export these items to Ukraine?

If we stop exporting to Russia and Ukraine, will there be an oversupply resulting in price reductions? Sid Miller explains that we don’t export enough goods to really affect pricing, which is good news.

What items does Texas import from Russia?

How much oil does Texas import from Russia? Will stopping the import of Russian oil to Texas affect our gas prices?

Will consumers in Texas be affected if we stop importing items from Russia?

How can consumers, ranchers, and farmers prepare for a long-term conflict in Eastern Europe? Sid Miller says: “Lock in your input costs as soon as you can… Do not presale anything.”

Does Sid Miller believe Texas will continue to thrive despite the crisis? Listen as Sid explains why he believes some areas will thrive and others are already beginning to suffer.

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March 9, 2022

Title: Preparing for the Future
Topic: Texas Department of Agriculture
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller discusses how the Russia/Ukraine situation will affect the items that Texas imports from and exports to Russia.

Click here for more information about the Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What items does Texas export to Russia? Does Texas also export these items to Ukraine?

If we stop exporting to Russia and Ukraine, will there be an oversupply resulting in price reductions? Sid Miller explains that we don’t export enough goods to really affect pricing, which is good news.

What items does Texas import from Russia?

How much oil does Texas import from Russia? Will stopping the import of Russian oil to Texas affect our gas prices?

Will consumers in Texas be affected if we stop importing items from Russia?

How can consumers, ranchers, and farmers prepare for a long-term conflict in Eastern Europe? Sid Miller says: “Lock in your input costs as soon as you can… Do not presale anything.”

Does Sid Miller believe Texas will continue to thrive despite the crisis? Listen as Sid explains why he believes some areas will thrive and others are already beginning to suffer.

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January 19, 2022

Title: Who’s to Blame for Skyrocketing Meat Prices?
Topic: Meat Shortage
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is fed up with skyrocketing beef, pork, poultry, and egg prices.

Click here for more information about Sid Miller’s reelection campaign for Texas Agriculture Commissioner.

Click here for more on the office of the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Biden Administration is blaming big processing plants as the cause of escalating beef, pork, poultry, and egg prices. Who is really to blame? Sid admits that this is the only issue that he and Biden agree on.

The Biden administration wants to give a billion dollars to the small packing plants to break the monopoly of the big ones. Is this a good or bad plan? Sid Miller explains how a free market is the best solution.

What three things does Sid Miller propose to bring down costs? Sid discusses investigating the Big 4 Packers, specifically the suspicious fire at one of the plants. He also believes ranchers need to be fully compensated for their steers, therefore lowering prices to consumers, and opening more farmers co-op plants.

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June 8, 2021

Title: 2022 Texas Governor Race
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

No one is perfect and loved by all. No matter what you do, even if you do nothing, there will be those who want your head. For a myriad of reasons, many would like to be the next Governor of the fine state of Texas.

Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner, has some thoughts on this year’s Legislative Session, the upcoming Special Session, next year’s Gubernatorial Election, and other issues currently facing Texans. Click here to read Sid Miller’s message to the Governor.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will the recent JBS meatpacking computer hack have much of an effect on meat availability and meat prices in Texas?

Is the Texas Governor the only official who can call a Special Session, which can only last for 30 days?

Is the Texas Legislative required to pass a balanced budget every Session?

Side Bar: Republicans seem to always push important bills to the back burner, thinking they can pass them in the Special Session. Are they allowing the Democrats too much time on other issues? Why do the Democrats continually use the same tactic of walking out of the chambers before votes on Conservative priorities?

Is the Texas Legislature bound by law to re-draw Congressional District lines once the official 2020 census is released?

Should Republicans refuse to vote on redistricting during the Special Session unless Governor Abbott allows a vote on certain issues?

There are a number of Republican candidates for Texas Governor for 2022. Why? Will Texas turn blue if Abbott is the Republican candidate once again?

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March 31, 2021

Title: Why is China Buying Texas?
Topic: China Buying America
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Our Federal Government has given permission for a Chinese company, owned by a former communist government general, to purchase 180,000 acres of Texas land near the Rio Grande, just north of Laughlin Air Force Base, which is home to America’s largest military training facility.

What does this mean for the citizens of Texas – and America? Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner, has the details. More can be found here

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did our Federal Government really allow a retired Chinese General to buy land in Texas?

Will this land have windmills? Will this compromise the electric grid in Texas?

Can an American citizen freely buy land in China?

Does the retired Chinese General have plans to build a private airport on his land in Texas? Would this allow him to move people and equipment in and out without government supervision or inspection?

Why do they need a 30,000 square foot lodge?

Are Americans too trusting? Sid Miller says: “This isn’t about trust. This is about stupidity!”

Does Governor Abbott have the authority to stop this Chinese General from occupying this property? Sid Miller urges everyone to call Governor Abbott’s office at 512-463-2000.

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February 23, 2021

Title: UPDATE: How will the Freeze Affect the Food Supply?
Topic: Texas Department of Agriculture
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Last week during the 2021 Snowapocalypse in Texas, millions of people were without power and water. Many people not only had pipes burst and homes flood, they lost all (or most) of their perishable food.

Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner, has an update on the food and water shortage and how it could affect you.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should Texas consumers expect a large spike in the price for dairy products, eggs, and meat due to the deep freeze and supply interruptions?

Have farmers and ranchers suffered lost crops, cattle, and hogs?

How long will it take to get the shelves restocked?

From our urban areas, to the rural areas, are neighbors helping neighbors?

Have there been widespread reports of looting?

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April 30, 2020

Title: Meat Shortage Coming Especially Pork
Topic: Meat Shortage
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller was on the show on Monday, April 27  discussing the effects the Coronavirus quarantine has had on the state of Texas.

Today, Sid offers another update. Are things looking better or worse?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will Texans experience a real beef, chicken, pork, and eggs shortage? Will it be a short or long-term shortage? Will customers experience a slight price increase in meat products? Yes to all…

Why are many of the manufacturing plants not operating?

Are many farmers/ranchers “plowing their meat and/or produce under” – and what does this mean? Are vegetable farmers doing the same?

Sid Miller stresses that the problem is packaging, labeling and distribution. Processors may package steaks in a 50-count box for a restaurant. How does this ship to a consumer?

And, why did the Texas Legislature strip the responsibility of monitoring credit card skimming from the Texas Agriculture Commissioner? The new group in charge of this is the “Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation”. How are they handling the issue? How long has it been since the news reported the discovery of a skimmer in your area? Did the thieves simply go away?

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April 27, 2020

Title: Shortage of Meat/Poultry/T.P.
Topic: Shortage of Meat/Poultry/T.P.
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Will there be a beef/poultry/egg shortage throughout Texas like the T.P. shortage we all just experienced?

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller has some answers.

Click here  for more on the Texas economy and Sid Miller.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will there be a beef shortage in Texas soon? What about pork? Chicken? Eggs? Sid explains that there is not a shortage of meat. Eleven packing and distributing plants have been shut down due to the Coronavirus. Since so many people hoarded the meat supply at the beginning of the quarantine, companies are having a difficult time restocking the shelves fast enough.

Why does Sid Miller need permission and waivers to sell products (like T.P.) with labels only written in Spanish?

Have you seen the videos of farmers pouring milk down the drain? Is this really happening? Sid Miller says yes, but…. Listen as he explains.

How are foodbanks around Texas being supplied?

Can T.P. wrapped in Spanish language be sold in Texas without special permission? Oh my. Sid explains…

Sid Miller passionately closes the interview with a plea for prayer for ALL Texans, especially those out of work in the agriculture or oil field industries. Please consider donating to your local foodbank, church, or other charity during this time to help needy families across our great state.

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April 17, 2019

Title: Fuel Pump Credit Card Skimmers
Topic: Credit Card Skimmers
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

What do skimmers, cows, sows and plows have in common with Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner? Plenty! And YOU should be paying close attention – especially to the most recent round of credit card skimmers discovered in the Houston area.

Sid Miller and others have been trying their best to protect YOU, the consumer, from these credit card skimmers. However, that is all about to change – much to his disappointment. Listen as he discusses more in this segment.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a credit card skimmer? How do these devices steal a person’s credit card information?

Are they found across Texas and throughout the world?

How can we protect our credit cards from being skimmed at the pump? Sid Miller recommends paying cash. He also suggests taking other precautionary measures if you do not have cash on hand.

Are there ways to detect a skimmer? If you don’t know what Sid is talking about, ask your kids or grandkids! They’ll know!

Why should people always get a receipt at a gas station?

How can we report suspicious situations?

You can learn more about this important issue here.

Do Republicans need to learn to condense their message? Is this why Democrats can grab the attention of millennials so easily?

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October 25, 2018

Title: What is the Role of the Agriculture Commissioner in Texas?
Topic: Texas Department of Agriculture
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

How much do you really know about the Agriculture Commissioner for Texas? Do you know how much of your daily life is affected by the person who holds this position?

Sid Miller is the current Agriculture Commissioner and is up for re-election this November.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Texas Commissioner of Agriculture inspect the pumps we use at gas stations?

Does the Texas Commissioner of Agriculture inspect scales used at our grocery stores? YES – and they also inspect the scales at: pawn shops, tobacco stores, mail houses, pharmacies, airports, yogurt shops, and even Starbucks!

Why should every voter double check their ballot to make sure their vote is cast in the every race, especially for the Texas Commissioner of Agriculture?

What was Sid’s opinion of Michelle Obama’s “school lunch program”? He says: “Instead of having healthy kids, we have healthy trash cans!” I guess we know how Sid feels about that!

Is Texas Agriculture important to the economic well-being of Texas?

Does Texas Agriculture employee many Texans?

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March 5, 2018

Title: More than Cows, Sows, and Plows
Topic: Texas Department of Agriculture
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Part 1 of 2

You may not know it, but the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) touches your life almost every day. From the gas pump you used to fill up your car this morning to the salsa you’re eating at dinner, the TDA was there to help.

Listen as The Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Sid Miller, discusses more of his duties and how you are affected every day.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Texas Department of Agriculture affect your life more than any other state agency?

When we fill up our cars with gasoline, does the TDA protect us from credit card skimmers and price gouging?

To save the state money, does the TDA use private contractors for some issues?

How does the TDA affect our life at the airport, pawn shop, grocery store, tobacco shop, and yogurt and BBQ restaurants?

Michelle Obama adjusted kids’ school lunch options. How did Sid Miller and the TDA change things for five million school-aged children?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - More than Cows, Sows, and Plows
Topic: Texas Department of Agriculture
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Most food items we buy include a bar code. Why does the TDA oversee these bar codes?

Does the TDA even keep track of the thread count in sheets and certify the balls used for the Texas lottery??? HINT: Yes. Yes, they do!

How much of the Texas gross domestic product comes from the TDA?

Listen as Sid Miller humbly asks for your vote this Election. Click here for more information on Sid Miller.

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February 15, 2018

Title: More than Cows, Sows, and Plows
Topic: Texas Department of Agriculture
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Part 1 of 2

You may not know it, but the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) touches your life almost every day. From the gas pump you used to fill up your car this morning to the salsa you’re eating at dinner, the TDA was there to help.

Listen as The Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Sid Miller, discusses more of his duties and how you are affected every day.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Texas Department of Agriculture affect your life more than any other state agency?

When we fill up our cars with gasoline, does the TDA protect us from credit card skimmers and price gouging?

To save the state money, does the TDA use private contractors for some issues?

How does the TDA affect our life at the airport, pawn shop, grocery store, tobacco shop, and yogurt and BBQ restaurants?

Michelle Obama adjusted kids’ school lunch options. How did Sid Miller and the TDA change things for five million school-aged children?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - More than Cows, Sows, and Plows
Topic: Texas Department of Agriculture
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Most food items we buy include a bar code. Why does the TDA oversee these bar codes?

Does the TDA even keep track of the thread count in sheets and certify the balls used for the Texas lottery??? HINT: Yes. Yes, they do!

How much of the Texas gross domestic product comes from the TDA?

Listen as Sid Miller humbly asks for your vote this Election. Click here for more information on Sid Miller.

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January 2, 2014

Title: Should Tolerance Be a Two-Way Street?
Topic: Tolerance for Everyone But Christians
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

Sid Miller, Republican candidate for Texas Agriculture Commissioner, called on Houston Mayor Annise Parker to apologize to the millions of Conservative Christians who live all over Texas for the remarks she made recently about Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty”.

Send us your thoughts:

    1. Should Texas abolish the age of consent and allow men to have sex with young boys and girls without fear?

    2. Should Texas legalize polygamy?

    3. Should Texas continue to teach the homosexual lifestyle as the preferred, accepted lifestyle to our child in public school?

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