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August 16, 2022

Title: School Marshals: Good or Bad Idea?
Topic: Protecting Our Children
Discussed by Dr. Derek Cohen
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In many Texas schools, there is no armed presence protecting our children. However, under the Texas school marshal and school guardian programs, there can be.

Dr. Derek Cohen believes there should definitely be more protection and explains how and why Texas can accomplish this. Dr. Cohen is the Vice President at Right on Crime, a division of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more from Dr. Derek Cohen at the Right on Crime.

Click here for more from Dr. Derek Cohen at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more information on the Texas school marshal and guardian programs.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do our children deserve better protection while attending public school in Texas?

Can a determined shooter inflict tremendous harm in eight minutes or less within a school setting?

Is training and arming school personnel, including teachers, part of the solution? Dr. Cohen reveals details of a survey that the American Federation of Teachers conducted of their members.

What is the difference between a School Resource Officer, a School Guardian, and a School Marshal? How much would it cost each public school to employ them?

Should the Texas Legislature fully fund the Texas school marshal and guardian programs?

Click here to contact the Texas Public Policy Foundation with your opinion on this important issue.

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August 2, 2022

Title: School Marshals: Good or Bad Idea?
Topic: Protecting Our Children
Discussed by Dr. Derek Cohen
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In many Texas schools, there is no armed presence protecting our children. However, under the Texas school marshal and school guardian programs, there can be.

Dr. Derek Cohen believes there should definitely be more protection and explains how and why Texas can accomplish this. Dr. Cohen is the Vice President at Right on Crime, a division of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more from Dr. Derek Cohen at the Right on Crime.

Click here for more from Dr. Derek Cohen at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more information on the Texas school marshal and guardian programs.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do our children deserve better protection while attending public school in Texas?

Can a determined shooter inflict tremendous harm in eight minutes or less within a school setting?

Is training and arming school personnel, including teachers, part of the solution? Dr. Cohen reveals details of a survey that the American Federation of Teachers conducted of their members.

What is the difference between a School Resource Officer, a School Guardian, and a School Marshal? How much would it cost each public school to employ them?

Should the Texas Legislature fully fund the Texas school marshal and guardian programs?

Click here to contact the Texas Public Policy Foundation with your opinion on this important issue.

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February 22, 2017

Title: The Good, The Bad, and A Whole Lot of Ugly in YOUR Home
Topic: Protecting Our Children
Discussed by Paul Asay
with Plugged In (

Back in the 1940s, the town of Riverdale was known as the happy and innocent home of comic book characters Archie, Jughead, Veronica, Betty and the gang. However, “Plugged In” editor, Paul Asay, believes today’s “family TV shows” are anything but “family-friendly”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the goal and mission of “Plugged In”?

Every year, there are many new TV shows to watch and become engaged in. One new show that is being touted as a “family-friendly” show is “Riverdale” on the CW based on the old Archie and the Gang TV show. Listen as Paul Asay compares the two shows…actually they are as different as night and day.

Is the progressiveness of sexuality really something Christians should be welcoming into their homes?

Are some TV shows, whether on regular or cable TV, worse than R-rated movies?

How can we encourage our children and grandchildren to turn away from something they may accidentally see on TV at a friend’s home? Do you remember the childhood song: “Be careful little eyes what you see…be careful little ears what you hear…”?

The images that we see (on TV) are incredibly powerful,” Paul states. “But those images are nothing compared to what your influence is to (your) kids.

Click here for more reviews from “Plugged In”.

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October 6, 2016

Title: Kids and Technology
Topic: Protecting Our Children
Discussed by Bob Waliszewski
with Plugged In (

Monitoring kids’ media influences can seem nearly impossible in the world of iPods, iPads, cell phones, tablets, and mobile technology. What once was as simple as saying “no” to the purchase of a cd or DVD is now as complex as scrolling through iTunes history and website browsers. Now that kids are back at school and surrounded by other kids who may have different media standards, it can be even harder for parents to keep negative influences under wraps.

Bob Waliszewski, with Plugged In (a division of Focus on the Family), offers some helpful advice to parents on how to protect your children from unwanted media influence.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are parents sometimes just giving up on their war on media influence?

Should they be more persistent in wanting to protect their children?

Bob Waliszewski also suggests that parents have a “media talk” with their children, in addition to the “sex talk”.

What are some situations that kids are using to view unacceptable material online?

What are some precautions parents need to make?

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