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August 16, 2022

Title: School Marshals: Good or Bad Idea?
Topic: Protecting Our Children
Discussed by Dr. Derek Cohen
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In many Texas schools, there is no armed presence protecting our children. However, under the Texas school marshal and school guardian programs, there can be.

Dr. Derek Cohen believes there should definitely be more protection and explains how and why Texas can accomplish this. Dr. Cohen is the Vice President at Right on Crime, a division of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more from Dr. Derek Cohen at the Right on Crime.

Click here for more from Dr. Derek Cohen at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more information on the Texas school marshal and guardian programs.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do our children deserve better protection while attending public school in Texas?

Can a determined shooter inflict tremendous harm in eight minutes or less within a school setting?

Is training and arming school personnel, including teachers, part of the solution? Dr. Cohen reveals details of a survey that the American Federation of Teachers conducted of their members.

What is the difference between a School Resource Officer, a School Guardian, and a School Marshal? How much would it cost each public school to employ them?

Should the Texas Legislature fully fund the Texas school marshal and guardian programs?

Click here to contact the Texas Public Policy Foundation with your opinion on this important issue.

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August 2, 2022

Title: School Marshals: Good or Bad Idea?
Topic: Protecting Our Children
Discussed by Dr. Derek Cohen
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In many Texas schools, there is no armed presence protecting our children. However, under the Texas school marshal and school guardian programs, there can be.

Dr. Derek Cohen believes there should definitely be more protection and explains how and why Texas can accomplish this. Dr. Cohen is the Vice President at Right on Crime, a division of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more from Dr. Derek Cohen at the Right on Crime.

Click here for more from Dr. Derek Cohen at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more information on the Texas school marshal and guardian programs.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do our children deserve better protection while attending public school in Texas?

Can a determined shooter inflict tremendous harm in eight minutes or less within a school setting?

Is training and arming school personnel, including teachers, part of the solution? Dr. Cohen reveals details of a survey that the American Federation of Teachers conducted of their members.

What is the difference between a School Resource Officer, a School Guardian, and a School Marshal? How much would it cost each public school to employ them?

Should the Texas Legislature fully fund the Texas school marshal and guardian programs?

Click here to contact the Texas Public Policy Foundation with your opinion on this important issue.

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February 8, 2021

Title: Defend or Defund the Police?
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Dr. Derek Cohen
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Derek Cohen is the Director of Right on Crime at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today he discusses the need to defend our police departments and what steps must be taken to achieve this.

He says: “We know improving policing is best achieved through better training and better hiring. We applaud the Governor for prioritizing this effort to ensure law enforcement can keep all Texans safe and keep Texas a law-and-order state.”

Click here to read more on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should police departments be protected from defunding efforts?

In general, should police departments have their budgets reduced across the board?


In general, should police departments have their funding increased? Derek discusses the areas that need the most funding: salary, recruiting, and training (both initial and ongoing).

When budgets are cut, what is the first area to receive less funding?

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