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June 8, 2017

Title: Improving Texas CPS
Topic: Texas Child Protective Services
Discussed by Brandon Logan
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

There is no denying that the Texas Department of Child Protective Services is in need of a major overhaul. However, there is good news on the horizon!

Brandon Logan is the Director of the Center for Families and Children at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He has an encouraging update for us today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Recently, a Federal Judge ruled that Texas was violating the rights of children housed within the CPS system. What was the case about?

The Texas Legislature was being pressured to act quickly so they passed SB11 and HB7. How will these bills help protect children?

Was there a fiscal note added to these bills to allow for more money for the Texas CPS system?

Is more Legislative work required?

Will individuals and faith-based groups be able to help more easily with the passage of these bills?

Our elected officials hoping and praying for more involvement by churches and other non-profits to service the desperate needs of at-risk children. Foster children – and parents – need your help! Contact your church or local foster care agency for more information.

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September 9, 2016

Title: Texas CPS: Preventative Services
Topic: Texas Child Protective Services
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Part 1 of 3

Why is there such a big turnover within the Texas Department of Child Protective Services? Recently, Commissioner Hank Whitman, with the DFPS, offered Governor Abbott a ten-point plan to turn the agency around.

Candidate for State Representative District 126 Kevin Roberts most recent blog post centers on this very important and delicate issue. Listen in as Kevin discusses the details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Texas Children at risk for neglect and abuse?

How often are children removed from the care of their parent, parents, and/or legal guardians?

Kevin discusses a ruling from the 5th Circuit Court. In the Federal District Court, Judge Janis Graham Jack stated, “The state violated the Constitution by keeping children in an unfunded and poorly-run system where rape, abuse, medication, and instability are the norm.” That this type of abuse occurs within the foster care system in Texas is a disgrace. An absolute disgrace.

The turnover rate for CPS workers is appalling. This, in turn, results in too many children who need the care the most being overlooked. How will Kevin fix the problem if elected?

NOTE: Kevin shares why this issue is so near and dear to his heart near the end of this first segment. You can hear the passion – and compassion – he has for children in his voice. Listen in.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Texas CPS: Preventative Services
Topic: Texas Child Protective Services
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

What are some of the most important areas which need to be addressed concerning the foster care system in Texas?

How should these pivotal areas be approached?

Are too few parents (even the “good” ones) given the proper information before or after having a child? Should doctors, hospitals, and community service programs offer more free programs to first-time parents concerning “what to expect when you’re expecting”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Texas CPS: Preventative Services
Topic: Texas Child Protective Services
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How should the Texas Legislature address this issue in the next session? Kevin believes prevention is key and he explains how, if elected, he will work hard to ensure children are safe.

The answers are not found in Austin,” he states boldly. “They are found in the local communities.” Listen in as Kevin discusses a bill passed in Indiana which he plans to use as a model here in Texas.

Should more faith-based non-profits become involved in the foster care system in Texas?

It is easy to become involved and make a difference in a child’s life. You do not have to commit to being a foster parent, but there are certainly ways you can help. Listen in as Kevin offers some suggestions. 

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