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November 6, 2017

Title: Our Representatives Don’t Take Breaks
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Representative Kevin Roberts (District 126) offers details about the interim committee studies and what his plans are for the future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Now that the Legislative Session is over, is Kevin able to take a vacation, sit back, and relax?

What are the interim committees Kevin is serving on?

Thousands of bills are filed every year during the 140 days of the Legislative Session. The inner workings of bills filed and presented could not run smoothly without interim committees which meet off-session. Listen as Kevin explains how and why this works. Kevin also discusses some issues they’ve been working on…

Is the state prepared to refund schools for lost time due to Hurricane Harvey?

Is the state prepared to buy damaged homes in areas that are repeatedly flooded?

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November 2, 2017

Title: Our Representatives Don’t Take Breaks
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Representative Kevin Roberts (District 126) offers details about the interim committee studies and what his plans are for the future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Now that the Legislative Session is over, is Kevin able to take a vacation, sit back, and relax?

What are the interim committees Kevin is serving on?

Thousands of bills are filed every year during the 140 days of the Legislative Session. The inner workings of bills filed and presented could not run smoothly without interim committees which meet off-session. Listen as Kevin explains how and why this works. Kevin also discusses some issues they’ve been working on…

Is the state prepared to refund schools for lost time due to Hurricane Harvey?

Is the state prepared to buy damaged homes in areas that are repeatedly flooded?

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September 29, 2017

Title: 30 Days after Harvey
Topic: Life After Harvey
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Kevin Roberts represents Texas District 126 in Northwest Harris County. Today, Representative Roberts will be discussing several issues regarding “life after the flood”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The majority of Kevin Roberts’ constituents live in unincorporated Harris County. Many of these homes were damaged during Hurricane Harvey. What kind of help did they receive?

Should school districts that opened their doors to feed, clothe, and offer shelter to victims be reimbursed by FEMA?

How did churches and small groups of volunteers help after Harvey?

After all their years of experience, why can’t larger groups like FEMA, the Salvation Army, and the Red Cross get their act together?

Are there still some huge projects that need attention, but no one is tackling them because they are too large?

There are many individuals and small business owners who still need help – badly. Are they becoming depressed? How can we help?

Should President Donald Trump appoint a Disaster Relief Commission to specifically address these issues?

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August 25, 2017

Title: Update on Forced Annexation
Topic: Forced Annexation
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Today Representative Kevin Roberts will be discussing SB6, which was passed during the recent Texas Special Session. Kevin represents the Northwest Houston area in District 126. He was recognized by his colleagues as an “Effective Conservative who delivered results for Texans” during the 85th Legislative Session.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was progress made regarding the forced annexation of smaller cities by larger cities in Texas?

What is considered an “unincorporated area”?

How many people does Kevin Roberts represent?

What happened when Houston annexed Kingwood years ago? Is this happening again now?

What is municipal annexation?

How will SB6 affect unincorporated areas?

Was there a decisive split between the urban Legislators and the suburban Legislators?

What type of compromises were made with SB6?

To learn more about Representative Kevin Roberts, click here.

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July 18, 2017

Title: What to Expect in the Special Session
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Part 1 of 2

Representative Kevin Roberts will be answering some questions today about the Texas Special Session. Kevin represents House District 126.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Sunset Bill the most important issue/bill which must be discussed/passed?

What if the Sunset Bill does not get passed?

Should the Governor refuse to sign the Sunset Bill until the other nineteen issues are discussed and passed?

How are the Democrat leaders reacting to the Special Session?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What to Expect in the Special Session
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Another issue on the Governor’s list for the Special Session is property tax reduction. Listen as Kevin explains why he will do everything possible to ensure property tax relief for Texas homeowners.

Kevin is extremely passionate about helping small and local business owners. How will he accomplish this?

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April 5, 2017

Title: UPDATE from the Capital
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Representative Kevin Roberts (R, District 126) is here today to give us an update on several issues right now in the Texas Legislature.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What’s the good news for those who do not like unlimited usage of fireworks in unincorporated areas? Kevin discusses HB1183. Is there a companion bill in the Senate?

Has there been a solution suggested for storm surge protection?

What is the first responsibility of ALL Elected Officials?

What’s UP with the Texas budget?

To contact your Elected Representative about these and other issues, please call 512.463.4630. Or you can go online here.  Kevin also suggests calling the Calendar’s committee at 512.463.0785

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February 15, 2017

Title: Saving Texas Kids
Topic: Foster Care
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Representative Kevin Roberts has introduced two bills (HB871 and HB872) which would improve the current foster care system in Texas and offer more aid to not only foster/adoptive parents, but to birth parents, as well.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Texas children at risk to suffer from abuse and/or neglect in the current foster care system?

Is the CPS system across Texas stretched to the breaking point? US District Judge Janice Jack has declared that the Texas foster care system is “unconstitutional” and has become an “emergency issue”.

How can churches and other non-profits come alongside a parent or parents and help them before a child suffers abuse and/or neglect?

One part of Representative Robert’s bill HB871 would allow struggling birth parents to approach churches and non-profits seeking help without CPS involvement. How would that work?

How can we all help? Kevin asks everyone to call their state Representatives to encourage them to pass HB871 and HB872.

If you have a personal story concerning the Texas foster care system or suggestions on how churches and non-profits can help birth parents through tough times, please contact us here.

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Title: The 85th Texas Legislative Session is in Full Swing
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Which House Committees will Representative Kevin Roberts be serving with for the 85th Legislative Session?

What responsibilities does the House Committee on Appropriations hold?

Representative Roberts has also been placed on the House Committee for County Affairs. What will he be doing on this committee?

The last Committee Kevin will serve on is the House Select Committee on Texas Ports, Innovations, and Infrastructures. He is the only Freshman elected official on this Committee, which is a great honor. What is this Committee responsible for?

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January 23, 2017

Title: Parents Helping Parents
Topic: Foster Care
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Newly elected Texas State Representative Kevin Roberts is passionate about family. In fact, he has introduced two separate bills on the issue of foster parenting: HB 871 and HB 872.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some parents just need a break, at no fault of their own. Maybe they lost their job, are suffering abuse, or they have post-partum depression. Why aren’t there more resources through churches and non-profits to help these parents – without the fear of CPS involvement?

Why is respite care so helpful?

What is “voluntary guardianship”?

Can CPS use a parent’s plea for help to open an investigation?

How much will this program cost tax payers? [Hint: nothing!]

Will parents be permitted visitation rights through this program? Listen as Kevin Roberts discusses more from his proposed program.

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October 14, 2016

Title: Presidential Debate Watch Party
Topic: The Lanier Stone Chapel
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Little Known Fact: Kevin Roberts is a seasoned debate coach. In fact, he founded the debate team at Northland Christian School in NW Houston, voluntarily coaching the team for ten years.

Kevin invites you to watch the next Presidential Debate on Wednesday, October 19 at 6:30 PM at the Lanier Stone Chapel  with special guests Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar and the Texas Master Chorale. To RSVP, please email Sara Kinney

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We’ve talked about the amazing Lanier Theological Library here on the What’s UP Radio Program before. But do you know about the Lanier Stone Chapel? Listen in as Kevin reveals some details about its history and architecture. Click here  for a 30-minute video tour of the Lanier Stone Chapel.

Before the next Presidential Debate, Comptroller Glenn Hegar and Kevin Roberts will be hosting a question and answer session. If you would like to submit a question for review, please email Martha or use the Contact Us link on his website.

NOTE: Remember to use the link above to email your RSVP for this FREE event. Seating is limited.

At the meeting, Kevin will also preview the 85th Legislative Session and some of the key issues that are sure to be discussed.

The best part? Food!!! After the question and answer session and before the Presidential Debate starts, guests will be able to sample refreshments in the amazing dining hall on Mark Lanier’s property – all made possible by Kevin’s wife, sister-in-law, and children.

Kevin also discusses some of the rules and regulations that are “supposed to” be present during a debate. Have the moderators of the previous Presidential Debate and the Vice Presidential Debate exhibited these restraints while questioning the candidates?

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October 13, 2016

Title: Presidential Debate Watch Party
Topic: The Lanier Stone Chapel
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Little Known Fact: Kevin Roberts is a seasoned debate coach. In fact, he founded the debate team at Northland Christian School in NW Houston, voluntarily coaching the team for ten years.

Kevin invites you to watch the next Presidential Debate on Wednesday, October 19 at 6:30 PM at the Lanier Stone Chapel  with special guests Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar and the Texas Master Chorale. To RSVP, please email Sara Kinney

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We’ve talked about the amazing Lanier Theological Library here on the What’s UP Radio Program before. But do you know about the Lanier Stone Chapel? Listen in as Kevin reveals some details about its history and architecture. Click here  for a 30-minute video tour of the Lanier Stone Chapel.

Before the next Presidential Debate, Comptroller Glenn Hegar and Kevin Roberts will be hosting a question and answer session. If you would like to submit a question for review, please email Martha or use the Contact Us link on his website.

NOTE: Remember to use the link above to email your RSVP for this FREE event. Seating is limited.

At the meeting, Kevin will also preview the 85th Legislative Session and some of the key issues that are sure to be discussed.

The best part? Food!!! After the question and answer session and before the Presidential Debate starts, guests will be able to sample refreshments in the amazing dining hall on Mark Lanier’s property – all made possible by Kevin’s wife, sister-in-law, and children.

Kevin also discusses some of the rules and regulations that are “supposed to” be present during a debate. Have the moderators of the previous Presidential Debate and the Vice Presidential Debate exhibited these restraints while questioning the candidates?

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October 7, 2016

Title: Presidential Debate Watch Party
Topic: The Lanier Stone Chapel
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Little Known Fact: Kevin Roberts is a seasoned debate coach. In fact, he founded the debate team at Northland Christian School in NW Houston, voluntarily coaching the team for ten years.

Kevin invites you to watch the next Presidential Debate on Wednesday, October 19 at 6:30 PM at the Lanier Stone Chapel  with special guests Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar and the Texas Master Chorale. To RSVP, please email Sara Kinney

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We’ve talked about the amazing Lanier Theological Library here on the What’s UP Radio Program before. But do you know about the Lanier Stone Chapel? Listen in as Kevin reveals some details about its history and architecture. Click here  for a 30-minute video tour of the Lanier Stone Chapel.

Before the next Presidential Debate, Comptroller Glenn Hegar and Kevin Roberts will be hosting a question and answer session. If you would like to submit a question for review, please email Martha or use the Contact Us link on his website.

NOTE: Remember to use the link above to email your RSVP for this FREE event. Seating is limited.

At the meeting, Kevin will also preview the 85th Legislative Session and some of the key issues that are sure to be discussed.

The best part? Food!!! After the question and answer session and before the Presidential Debate starts, guests will be able to sample refreshments in the amazing dining hall on Mark Lanier’s property – all made possible by Kevin’s wife, sister-in-law, and children.

Kevin also discusses some of the rules and regulations that are “supposed to” be present during a debate. Have the moderators of the previous Presidential Debate and the Vice Presidential Debate exhibited these restraints while questioning the candidates?

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September 9, 2016

Title: Texas CPS: Preventative Services
Topic: Texas Child Protective Services
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Part 1 of 3

Why is there such a big turnover within the Texas Department of Child Protective Services? Recently, Commissioner Hank Whitman, with the DFPS, offered Governor Abbott a ten-point plan to turn the agency around.

Candidate for State Representative District 126 Kevin Roberts most recent blog post centers on this very important and delicate issue. Listen in as Kevin discusses the details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Texas Children at risk for neglect and abuse?

How often are children removed from the care of their parent, parents, and/or legal guardians?

Kevin discusses a ruling from the 5th Circuit Court. In the Federal District Court, Judge Janis Graham Jack stated, “The state violated the Constitution by keeping children in an unfunded and poorly-run system where rape, abuse, medication, and instability are the norm.” That this type of abuse occurs within the foster care system in Texas is a disgrace. An absolute disgrace.

The turnover rate for CPS workers is appalling. This, in turn, results in too many children who need the care the most being overlooked. How will Kevin fix the problem if elected?

NOTE: Kevin shares why this issue is so near and dear to his heart near the end of this first segment. You can hear the passion – and compassion – he has for children in his voice. Listen in.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Texas CPS: Preventative Services
Topic: Texas Child Protective Services
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

What are some of the most important areas which need to be addressed concerning the foster care system in Texas?

How should these pivotal areas be approached?

Are too few parents (even the “good” ones) given the proper information before or after having a child? Should doctors, hospitals, and community service programs offer more free programs to first-time parents concerning “what to expect when you’re expecting”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Texas CPS: Preventative Services
Topic: Texas Child Protective Services
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How should the Texas Legislature address this issue in the next session? Kevin believes prevention is key and he explains how, if elected, he will work hard to ensure children are safe.

The answers are not found in Austin,” he states boldly. “They are found in the local communities.” Listen in as Kevin discusses a bill passed in Indiana which he plans to use as a model here in Texas.

Should more faith-based non-profits become involved in the foster care system in Texas?

It is easy to become involved and make a difference in a child’s life. You do not have to commit to being a foster parent, but there are certainly ways you can help. Listen in as Kevin offers some suggestions. 

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August 30, 2016

Title: The Next Texas Budget
Topic: Texas Budget
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Part 1 of 3

No one likes the “B” word – Budget. It’s hard enough for a family to follow a budget these days, let alone a state as large as Texas. We’ve been doing a fabulous job for years, but can we continue?

Kevin Roberts, Republican Candidate for Texas House District 126, joins us today discussing the next Texas Budget and why it is so important to elect honest officials to oversee it.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Texas budget is approved on a biennial basis. Listen in as Kevin Roberts discusses a recent blog post on his website (found above) concerning this very issue entitled: “Did You Know.

NOTE: Kevin reveals some very interesting pieces of information which many may not be familiar. How many bills are required to be passed each session? What must the budget include? How does the process work? Who decides how much money there is to spend?

State agencies are preparing now for the next Legislative Session which begins in January 2017. Have they been asked to prepare budgets below their current funding levels? In addition, which agencies are not required to submit a decreased budget request?

Kevin Roberts concludes the interview with an explanation of his perspective of the Texas budget, how he will handle the budget if elected, and why it is so important for every citizen to vote in the upcoming election.

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Title: Making New Laws
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Part 2 of 3

Let’s go back to elementary school, shall we? Making laws is tough business. Most people “think” they know all the ins and outs; do you?

Listen in as Kevin Roberts, candidate for Texas State Representative District 126, explains how a bill becomes a law in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, Kevin Roberts reveals his plans for the upcoming Legislature, should he be elected to represent District 126.

Who drafts/writes the language for bills?

What is a “hopper”?

The key job of a Legislator is to kill bad bills,” Kevin states. Why? Listen in as he explains this statement and the specific terms associated with the legislative process. He even describes what the Texas Constitution outlines and why.

What options does the Governor have when a bill is placed before him/her?

For a more detailed explanation on “How a Bill Become a Law in Texas” click here.

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Title: Texas Law Enforcement Protection Act
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Part 3 of 3

Fact: 4,330 Texas Law Enforcement Officers were assaulted in the line of duty in 2014.

In his latest blog post,  Kevin Roberts writes: “Texas must send a firm and resolute message that the state will stand by the men and women who serve and protect our communities.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we need more protections for our first responders?

Should we demand truth from the MSM when there is a shooting involving a police officer?

Some people have criticized Kevin, saying he is singling out a specific group for special protections. In response, he says: “I am not [in favor of] creating special protection classes… But when a vehicle exists that we can utilize in the law by making a simple enhancement that shows our police officers that we care… I will advocate for it.” Listen in as he explains this statement.

Does the public really know and understand the dangers police officers face every day?

Kevin has begun drafting the “Law Enforcement Protection Act”. Why has he started this when he hasn’t even been elected to represent District 126 (yet)?

Kevin and Terry also discuss various ways people of all ages can learn more about police officers and the proper way to react when pulled over or being questioned. Listen in.

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August 22, 2016

Title: Texas Law Enforcement Protection Act
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Fact: 4,330 Texas Law Enforcement Officers were assaulted in the line of duty in 2014.

In his latest blog post,  Kevin Roberts writes: “Texas must send a firm and resolute message that the state will stand by the men and women who serve and protect our communities.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we need more protections for our first responders?

Should we demand truth from the MSM when there is a shooting involving a police officer?

Some people have criticized Kevin, saying he is singling out a specific group for special protections. In response, he says: “I am not [in favor of] creating special protection classes… But when a vehicle exists that we can utilize in the law by making a simple enhancement that shows our police officers that we care… I will advocate for it.” Listen in as he explains this statement.

Does the public really know and understand the dangers police officers face every day?

Kevin has begun drafting the “Law Enforcement Protection Act”. Why has he started this when he hasn’t even been elected to represent District 126 (yet)?

Kevin and Terry also discuss various ways people of all ages can learn more about police officers and the proper way to react when pulled over or being questioned. Listen in.

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August 15, 2016

Title: Making New Laws
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Let’s go back to elementary school, shall we? Making laws is tough business. Most people “think” they know all the ins and outs; do you?

Listen in as Kevin Roberts, candidate for Texas State Representative District 126, explains how a bill becomes a law in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, Kevin Roberts reveals his plans for the upcoming Legislature, should he be elected to represent District 126.

Who drafts/writes the language for bills?

What is a “hopper”?

The key job of a Legislator is to kill bad bills,” Kevin states. Why? Listen in as he explains this statement and the specific terms associated with the legislative process. He even describes what the Texas Constitution outlines and why.

What options does the Governor have when a bill is placed before him/her?

For a more detailed explanation on “How a Bill Become a Law in Texas” click here.

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August 10, 2016

Title: The Next Texas Budget
Topic: Texas Budget
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

No one likes the “B” word – Budget. It’s hard enough for a family to follow a budget these days, let alone a state as large as Texas. We’ve been doing a fabulous job for years, but can we continue?

Kevin Roberts, Republican Candidate for Texas House District 126, joins us today discussing the next Texas Budget and why it is so important to elect honest officials to oversee it.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Texas budget is approved on a biennial basis. Listen in as Kevin Roberts discusses a recent blog post on his website (found above) concerning this very issue entitled: “Did You Know.

NOTE: Kevin reveals some very interesting pieces of information which many may not be familiar. How many bills are required to be passed each session? What must the budget include? How does the process work? Who decides how much money there is to spend?

State agencies are preparing now for the next Legislative Session which begins in January 2017. Have they been asked to prepare budgets below their current funding levels? In addition, which agencies are not required to submit a decreased budget request?

Kevin Roberts concludes the interview with an explanation of his perspective of the Texas budget, how he will handle the budget if elected, and why it is so important for every citizen to vote in the upcoming election.

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August 28, 2015

Title: Illegal Alien Crime Wave
Topic: Illegal Aliens and Crime Rates
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Kevin discusses the adventures of block walking and talking with voters at their front door. He comments about their # 1 concern: S.A.F.E.T.Y. They are saying they agree with what Trump is saying about crimes committed by those in America illegally.

Kevin is also asked to discuss:

1. Is if hard block-walking in the summertime in Houston?
2. Block-walking is time consuming, why attempt to meet the voter at their front door?
3. Do some voters react as if you are ‘invading their space’?
4. Once you start a conversation with a voter at their front door and you ask them ‘what concerns you’. How are they responding?
5. Didn’t your mother and grandmother teach you not to talk or get involved in politics, it’s a dirty business?
6. Can you make a difference?

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August 5, 2015

Title: Illegal Alien Crime Wave
Topic: Illegal Aliens and Crime Rates
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

FACT: Over 600,000 crimes have been committed by illegal aliens in Texas and over 175,000 illegal aliens were booked into county jails in Texas from 2008-2014.

Kevin Roberts is Candidate for Texas State Representative District 126. He can be found [here].  He is very focused on this issue. He feels very strongly that Texans need to protect Texans. Since the Federal Government is not doing their job, we must step up to the plate.

Kevin Roberts says that people are fearful and they shouldn’t have to be. He and other concerned activists have started a new initiative called “Grow Northwest” He explains how this committee is helping businesses and families feel safer, while at the same time advancing the local economy. It takes a community helping one another to really grow.

Kevin also discusses how the naturalization process in the United States has become outrageously long and difficult – taking up to 20 years in some cases! This is just unacceptable and why so many people enter our country illegally and never leave. Why would they?

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February 27, 2015

Title: Presidential Primary Primer - Part 2
Topic: Presidential Primary Primer
Discussed by Kevin Roberts
with Roberts for TX 126

Less than a year from now, the people of America will have chosen the Republican Presidential Nominee for 2016. Yes, it’s true! Campaign season will be in full swing before we know it.

Right now, a slew of Republican Presidential candidates have thrown their name in the hat. Kevin Roberts is a conservative activist from Northwest Harris County. He presumes there will be even more by the time January 1, 2016 rolls around. How are we to know who to vote for?

Kevin believes that people should start sooner than later, vetting candidates and identifying their positions on key issues. Waiting until the night before the election is too late. Start now! He hopes that candidates will utilize their money and time really discussing the issues, versus slinging mud and rocks at the others.

What role will Texas play? The Texas Primary is currently set for the first Tuesday in March 2016. This is the first time Texas will join six other states – Georgia, Virginia, Florida, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Tennessee – for “Super Tuesday”. The outcome of Super Tuesday usually designates who the nominees will be, in both the Republican and Democrat Primaries.

NOTE: There is a bill currently in the Texas House to move the Texas Primary to January 26, 2016, but that is not likely to pass. Listen in as Kevin explains why moving the Primary to January would be detrimental in many aspects.

Kevin also discusses why supporting your favorite candidate financially is so vital. It is a sad fact, but money usually wins. Just because a candidate is popular and people recognize their name, doesn’t necessarily make them a shoe-in.

However, Kevin says, “It’s going to be interesting to see how the candidates strategically position themselves in each state and the time they spend there.” Why does he think that one-on-one time will play a more significant role than money spent?

Listen in!

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