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November 15, 2022

Title: Why are Police Officers Quitting in Record Numbers?
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Michael Letts is the Founder, CEO, and President of IN-Vest USA. Today, Michael discusses reasons why police officers and other first responders are quitting in record numbers all over the country.

Click here for more information about IN-Vest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to police officers through various charitable groups and sponsorships.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The New York Police Department could see a loss of over 4,000 officers by the end of this year. Is this good news or bad news? Michael believes this isn’t just bad news – it’s horrible news! He then explains how this will affect the police department and the citizens of New York and how violent crimes (without guns) has already risen significantly.

Is the destruction that is hammering NYPD systemic nationwide?

Are we safer with fewer officers on patrol? Will more crimes be solved with less detectives? Michael says: “If you don’t have law enforcement, you don’t have law and order.”

Are police officers trained to determine whether or not a suspect is high on drugs? Do many suspects on drugs attack police officers? Is the drug use accurately reported by the media? Are many drug addicts repeat offenders?

Are criminals being allowed to run free with no fear of incarceration?

How can we encourage first responders to keep on keeping on? Michael urges people to tell first responders how much you appreciate their service.

Click here to help IN-Vest USA as they help protect those who protect us.

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October 19, 2021

Title: Protecting the Thin Blue Line
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Our First Responders are the thin blue line that is keeping our country in check, but if we don’t get behind them soon, the blue line is going to collapse.

New guest Michael Letts is the Founder and President of INVest, a national charity dedicated to protecting America’s First Responders. Click here for more information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have fatal felony attacks on officers spiked?

Has political persecution against America’s police officers by the Democrat party and left-wing extremists encouraged these attacks?  Michael says: “There is a concerted effort to destroy local and state police. They want to create a national force, which is not in our Constitution.”

Are citizens safer now?

In Michael’s opinion, will there soon NOT be enough First Responders?

Does an officer in the US who has no protective vest run a 14 times higher risk of dying from gunfire compared to an officer who does wear one?

Why did Michael begin INVest USA?

What has INVest accomplished over the years? How many vests have the donated so far?

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August 3, 2021

Title: Protecting the Thin Blue Line
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Michael Letts
with IN-Vest USA (

Our First Responders are the thin blue line that is keeping our country in check, but if we don’t get behind them soon, the blue line is going to collapse.

New guest Michael Letts is the Founder and President of INVest, a national charity dedicated to protecting America’s First Responders. Click here for more information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have fatal felony attacks on officers spiked?

Has political persecution against America’s police officers by the Democrat party and left-wing extremists encouraged these attacks?  Michael says: “There is a concerted effort to destroy local and state police. They want to create a national force, which is not in our Constitution.”

Are citizens safer now?

In Michael’s opinion, will there soon NOT be enough First Responders?

Does an officer in the US who has no protective vest run a 14 times higher risk of dying from gunfire compared to an officer who does wear one?

Why did Michael begin INVest USA?

What has INVest accomplished over the years? How many vests have the donated so far?

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Title: Mennonites vs Police
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

The Mennonites are known to be pacifists. Lovers, not fighters. However, they have recently announced their support and approval of the “Defund Police” movement and Black Lives Matter. In fact, they support the complete abolishment of all law enforcement.

Mark Tooley recently wrote about this issue for Juicy Ecumenism, a division of the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the Mennonites following sound Biblical doctrine when they call for the complete abolishment of all law enforcement?

What is their reasoning for advocating the abolition of all police forces across America?

Have the Mennonites prepared resources for adult Sunday School classes and other settings?

Does the Mennonite leadership encourage their congregants to take deep breaths, close their eyes, drink a cold glass of water, to zone out for a minute, meditate, and/or stretch before reading and studying the material? Why do they believe is necessary?

Does the Mennonite “curriculum” teach criminals how NOT to be a criminal? What on earth is this?

Does the Mennonite leadership have a fantasy that all crimes will simply disappear in there is no more law enforcement?

Has the Defund/Abolish Police movement already crested?

Are other countries defunding and/or abolishing police departments? Mark is not aware of any country that is doing this BUT there are many countries who are PRAYING FOR a police department to enforce law and order in their land.

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February 8, 2021

Title: Defend or Defund the Police?
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Dr. Derek Cohen
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Derek Cohen is the Director of Right on Crime at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today he discusses the need to defend our police departments and what steps must be taken to achieve this.

He says: “We know improving policing is best achieved through better training and better hiring. We applaud the Governor for prioritizing this effort to ensure law enforcement can keep all Texans safe and keep Texas a law-and-order state.”

Click here to read more on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should police departments be protected from defunding efforts?

In general, should police departments have their budgets reduced across the board?


In general, should police departments have their funding increased? Derek discusses the areas that need the most funding: salary, recruiting, and training (both initial and ongoing).

When budgets are cut, what is the first area to receive less funding?

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October 28, 2020

Title: Defunding the Police
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

President of the American Constitutional Rights Union Lori Roman recently wrote: “For years, Liberals have told Americans they do not need guns, because the police have guns. But now many leftists advocate defunding police altogether.”

Today, Lori discusses this serious topic and answers this question: In the land of the Leftists, who exactly would have guns?

More from Lori Roman on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have liberals been telling Americans for years they do not need guns because the police have guns?

In the Revolution, Antifa, BLM and the other rioters, looters, and burners want to defund the police. Should this happen, who will have guns?

The Left actually wants Social Workers to respond to the majority of 911 calls, including domestic violence calls. Aren’t most Social Workers females? Is this a good idea?

Will citizens be left defenseless?

NOTE: Biden has stated that if he wins the Presidency, he will put Beto O’Rourke in charge of taking our guns away! Think about that before you cast a vote!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Defunding the Police
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who will protect us if the police are defunded?

Should women get a gun?

Is there a stark difference in the approach to gun ownership between Republicans and Democrats? Lori reminds us that one Democrat Elected Official suggested that women should just “play dead” if they are being attacked. How ridiculous!

Does every position on the ballot this November effect our safety?

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October 7, 2020

Title: Defunding the Police
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

President of the American Constitutional Rights Union Lori Roman recently wrote: “For years, Liberals have told Americans they do not need guns, because the police have guns. But now many leftists advocate defunding police altogether.”

Today, Lori discusses this serious topic and answers this question: In the land of the Leftists, who exactly would have guns?

More from Lori Roman on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have liberals been telling Americans for years they do not need guns because the police have guns?

In the Revolution, Antifa, BLM and the other rioters, looters, and burners want to defund the police. Should this happen, who will have guns?

The Left actually wants Social Workers to respond to the majority of 911 calls, including domestic violence calls. Aren’t most Social Workers females? Is this a good idea?

Will citizens be left defenseless?

NOTE: Biden has stated that if he wins the Presidency, he will put Beto O’Rourke in charge of taking our guns away! Think about that before you cast a vote!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Defunding the Police
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lori Roman
with The American Constitutional Rights Union (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who will protect us if the police are defunded?

Should women get a gun?

Is there a stark difference in the approach to gun ownership between Republicans and Democrats? Lori reminds us that one Democrat Elected Official suggested that women should just “play dead” if they are being attacked. How ridiculous!

Does every position on the ballot this November effect our safety?

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August 18, 2020

Title: The Dangers of Defunding the Blue
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Randy Peterson
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The goal of the “defund the police” movement is obviously to punish police officers for bad behavior. But what constitutes bad behavior? Who are the bad cops? Why punish all the good cops by slashing their budgets?

Randy Peterson spent twenty-one years in law enforcement working in patrol, investigations, administration, and management. After retiring, he moved to Texas where he was the Director of the Tarrant County College District Criminal Justice Training Center, one of the busiest police academies in the state. Today, Randy is a Senior Researcher at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here  for more on this issue from Randy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Falsehoods fly and the Truth comes limping after it.” What does this mean?

Is the defund police movement spreading across America like a raging forest fire? Randy Peterson says yes and no. Listen as he explains…

Has the movement been thoroughly debated?

What has happened to the police officer, Derek Chauvin, who knelt on George Floyd’s neck?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Dangers of Defunding the Blue
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Randy Peterson
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens when law enforcement is removed from an area and/or a city?

John Adams famously stated: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Did John Adams hit the nail on the head?

Without adequate funding for law enforcement training, what happens?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Dangers of Defunding the Blue
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Randy Peterson
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If a city abolishes its police force, will surrounding Constables and Sheriff Deputies fill the void?

What calls would police officers be permitted to answer and offer help for if they are severely defunded? Will the citizens suffer tremendously?

One side wants more funding and more police; the other side demands less funding and fewer police. How can the two sides compromise?

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September 26, 2016

Title: Truth About Black Lives Matter
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lt. Randy Sutton
with Lt. Randy Sutton (

Part 1 of 2

Are police officers more or less likely to shoot an unarmed black suspect as compared to shooting an unarmed white suspect?

New Guest Lt. Randy Sutton is the National Spokesman for Blue Lives Matter and a retired police officer who served with the Las Vegas Metro Police Department for 24 years. Lt. Sutton was awarded a Presidential Point of Light Award by President George Bush for his creation of a reading program for inner city children. He is also the author of several books, which can be found here

Today, Lt. Sutton will be discussing the very serious – and expanding – “Black Lives Matter” movement. Many people are still under the misconception that the movement, the leaders, and the participants are serving the community in a positive manner. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Lt. Sutton states, “It’s a propaganda movement that began by three unapologetically Marxist individuals and their agenda is anarchy.”

Lt. Sutton goes on to reveal the results from a recent Washington State University study on this question: Are police officers more or less likely to shoot an unarmed black suspect as compared to shooting an unarmed white suspect? According to their research (and the results from two other similar studies), a police officer is………. Listen in to hear the results in addition to details about police officer training which is vital for various real-life scenarios.

You’re scared. You want to do the right thing,” Lt. Sutton says. “And you have to make a split-second decision to determine if a life-threatening situation is right in front of you and you may die.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Truth About Black Lives Matter
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lt. Randy Sutton
with Lt. Randy Sutton (

In the last segment, Lt. Randy Sutton revealed how a Washington State University study concerning the shooting of unarmed suspects showed the same results two other studies discovered. One study was in 1974 and the other was in the mid-2000’s. The most recent study was the most exhaustive of them all, using modern technology and up-to-date training equipment to determine the results. How can they all produce the same results, so many years apart, using different testing methods?

But, police officers are all bad and hate black people! Lies! “It is a gullibility of the media to put forth a false narrative,” Lt. Sutton states passionately. He goes on to reveal that the number of police officers who have been murdered this year is already double from last year. Coincidence? I think not. The lack of leadership from the White House is sickening. The Administration has done virtually nothing to deter the “Black Lives Matter” movement from advancing; in fact, they are aiding in their expansion.

The attacks on law enforcement are increasing with ferocity and being accepted by our Justice System,” Lt. Sutton states. He recently posted a video concerning this very issue on his website and on Facebook,  which he discusses in this segment.

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July 20, 2016

Title: The War on Cops is Very Real
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lt. Randy Sutton
with Lt. Randy Sutton (

The War on Cops is very real and very dangerous. But must it continue? Lt. Randy Sutton is the National Spokesman for Blue Lives Matter and a retired police officer who served with the Las Vegas Metro Police Department for 24 years. In the wake of the Baton Rouge shootings of police officers, Lt. Sutton says we must change not only our attitude, but our conversation as well.

Listen in as Randy passionately discusses some statistics and other information – some that just may shock you.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the War on Cops real? FACT: Consider the 94% increase in the murder of police officers over the last year.

In Randy’s opinion, who started this war?

How can we change the conversation to stop these cold-blooded attacks on police officers and innocent bystanders?

Do we have laws prosecuting those who see something on social media that could be a potential threat and don’t report it? What if they hear a verbal threat?

Randy says, “With all the negativity, I’ve also seen a tremendous of support from every day Americans.” That’s what keeps him and other first responders going. Your support, even a smile and handshake, mean so much.

You can find Lt. Randy Sutton and Blue Lives Matter on Facebook.

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May 11, 2016

Title: Truth About Black Lives Matter
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lt. Randy Sutton
with Lt. Randy Sutton (

Part 1 of 2

Are police officers more or less likely to shoot an unarmed black suspect as compared to shooting an unarmed white suspect?

New Guest Lt. Randy Sutton is the National Spokesman for Blue Lives Matter and a retired police officer who served with the Las Vegas Metro Police Department for 24 years. Lt. Sutton was awarded a Presidential Point of Light Award by President George Bush for his creation of a reading program for inner city children. He is also the author of several books, which can be found here

Today, Lt. Sutton will be discussing the very serious – and expanding – “Black Lives Matter” movement. Many people are still under the misconception that the movement, the leaders, and the participants are serving the community in a positive manner. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Lt. Sutton states, “It’s a propaganda movement that began by three unapologetically Marxist individuals and their agenda is anarchy.”

Lt. Sutton goes on to reveal the results from a recent Washington State University study on this question: Are police officers more or less likely to shoot an unarmed black suspect as compared to shooting an unarmed white suspect? According to their research (and the results from two other similar studies), a police officer is………. Listen in to hear the results in addition to details about police officer training which is vital for various real-life scenarios.

You’re scared. You want to do the right thing,” Lt. Sutton says. “And you have to make a split-second decision to determine if a life-threatening situation is right in front of you and you may die.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Truth About Black Lives Matter
Topic: Blue Lives Matter
Discussed by Lt. Randy Sutton
with Lt. Randy Sutton (

In the last segment, Lt. Randy Sutton revealed how a Washington State University study concerning the shooting of unarmed suspects showed the same results two other studies discovered. One study was in 1974 and the other was in the mid-2000’s. The most recent study was the most exhaustive of them all, using modern technology and up-to-date training equipment to determine the results. How can they all produce the same results, so many years apart, using different testing methods?

But, police officers are all bad and hate black people! Lies! “It is a gullibility of the media to put forth a false narrative,” Lt. Sutton states passionately. He goes on to reveal that the number of police officers who have been murdered this year is already double from last year. Coincidence? I think not. The lack of leadership from the White House is sickening. The Administration has done virtually nothing to deter the “Black Lives Matter” movement from advancing; in fact, they are aiding in their expansion.

The attacks on law enforcement are increasing with ferocity and being accepted by our Justice System,” Lt. Sutton states. He recently posted a video concerning this very issue on his website and on Facebook,  which he discusses in this segment.

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