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August 18, 2015

Title: Miscarriage: You’re not Alone in Your Loss
Topic: Miscarriage Information
Discussed by Erin Smalley
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

If you have ever experienced a miscarriage, my heart goes out to you. You most definitely have my sincerest sympathy. I cannot begin to imagine the pain you suffered. This segment with Erin Smalley reveals that you are not alone. There are nearly 1 million miscarriages every year in the United States, yet many people think that they are uncommon. About forty percent of these women, and even their husbands, suffer from depression after a miscarriage.

Just about every church offers grief counseling for members who lose a loved one, but many are unprepared when one suffers a miscarriage. Erin encourages pastors and leaders to train at least one staff person for situations such as this. Erin points out that there are plenty of support groups and organizations that are fully equipped to help and care for women and men who find themselves with empty arms when their hearts were once so full.

People who have never experienced a miscarriage just don’t understand the pain. They don’t intend on being insensitive, but certain things they say or do can be really upsetting. Offering a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen to their grief is the best thing you can do. Listen in as Erin Smalley gives some advice to family and friends of those hurting after a miscarriage.

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