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November 3, 2014

Title: Yes, Hillary, I DID Create that Job!
Topic: Businesses Do Not Create Jobs (Wrong – They Do!)
Discussed by Amy Ridenour
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Hilary Clinton is following in President Obama’s footsteps. Again. Remember when the President said that businesses don’t create jobs? Well, Hilary said the same thing last week. And, boy oh boy, is she trying to back pedal! Hilary tried to “explain” what she meant by saying it was the tax cuts on businesses. Say what?!?! That makes even less sense, Mrs. Clinton!

Amy Ridenour is the Chairman for the National Center for Public Policy Research. She explains how businesses do, in fact, create jobs. They are, after all, part of the commerce system. And the commerce system exists to create jobs, flooding the economy with goods and services, which in turn creates more jobs to make more goods and services, and so on.

There is a new report circulating which involves Hilary, Russia, and Boeing. When Hilary Clinton was the Secretary of State, Boeing obtained a multi-Billion dollar contract to build new planes on American soil. Now, there is information that Boeing, a Russian company, gave the Clinton Foundation $900,000 during the same time frame!

Listen in as Amy Ridenour discusses the seriousness of this report – and how many other companies have donated money to the Clinton Foundation in order to obtain favors from the American government! The National Center for Public Policy Research has filed a subpoena with the Department of Justice for emails and all communication regarding this matter. Does Amy believe the DOJ will even acknowledge the issue?

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