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October 9, 2017

Title: America First Energy Conference: November 9, Houston
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Dr. Tim Huelskamp
with Heartland Institute (

New guest, Dr. Tim Huelskamp, is the President of the Heartland Institute. He is also a former member of the US Congress (1997-2011). Today, Dr. Huelskamp will be discussing the upcoming “America First Energy Conference” at the Houston Galleria JW Marriott Hotel on Thursday, November 9.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does energy truly make America Great?

Is fracking good or bad?

Does America need to use more fossil fuels, not less?

Are Americans believing the myth that humans are causing climate change?

What does the “America First Energy Conference” entail?

Why should leaders, politicians, and their staff attend the upcoming “America First Energy Conference”?

Click here for more information about the “America First Energy Conference”.

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