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November 8, 2022

Title: Which Charity Should You Give To?
Topic: Donating to Charity
Discussed by Warren Cole Smith
with MinistryWatch (

Part 1 of 2

New guest Warren Cole Smith is the President of MinistryWatch. Today he discusses the importance of giving to Christian ministries and organizations and why it’s important to know who to trust.

Click here for more information about MinistryWatch.

Click here to donate to MinistryWatch as they advocate for donors and provide clear, truthful information regarding various charities and organizations.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the focus and mission of MinistryWatch? Click here to read their statement of faith.

How is it decided which ministries will be the focus for MinistryWatch? Warren explains that transparency and accountability are key…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Which Charity Should You Give To?
Topic: Donating to Charity
Discussed by Warren Smith
with Colson Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many ministry executives expect an increase or decrease of revenue in 2023? Warren discusses the results of a recent survey MinistryWatch conducted of the top 1,000 Christian Ministries in America.

Is the total number of donors increasing or decreasing? Is the amount of giving increasing or decreasing? Warren discusses the concern ministry executives have, specifically that the younger generation doesn’t donate to charity like the older generation does.

How does giving in America compare to other nations? Do Evangelical Christians tend to donate more than those who do not attend church?

Click here and here for more information about the top 1,000 Christian Ministries that MinistryWatch vets for donors.

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November 18, 2013

Title: Six Smart Tips When Donating to Charity
Topic: Donating to Charity
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Part 1 of 2

During November and December many people increase their charitable giving. If you don’t already have a charity you give to regularly, Stacy Johnson is here to give some tips on how to choose one that fits your needs, won’t rip you off, and doesn’t give too much of your hard-earned money to the big-wigs of the non-profit.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Donating to Charity
Discussed by Stacy Johnson
with Money Talks News (

Once you have given money to one charity, you will probably begin receiving solicitations from others. Although it might be tempting to give a little to several different charities, it’s best if you stick with just one. Your money will go a lot farther in one company than divided among two or three.

Stacy Johnson also warns listeners not to donate any money over the telephone. Why not? Listen in as he explains.

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