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May 5, 2023

Title: Could Israel Find Itself at War with Iran?
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Avi Lipkin is a Jewish Theologian, Israeli politician, renowned lecturer, and author. Today, Avi discusses the possibility of a war between Israel and Iran in the near future.

Click here for more about Avi Lipkin.

Click here to order a copy of Avi Lipin’s many books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When and why did Avi Lipkin choose to move to Israel? This is very interesting story…

How many years did Avi Lipkin serve in the Israeli Defense Force?

What would happen if Israel laid down its arms? Avi Lipkin compares this to the current situation between Russia and Ukraine.

Could Israel find itself at war with Iran? Avi Lipkin gives an in-depth explanation of what could happen any day at any given time and how America is in the midst of this threat.

Does Israel need the support of Christians in America (and around the world)? Avi reminds us that God is in control; however, there is an alliance with both countries and both countries need each other.

What is the “Bible Bloc Party”?

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April 4, 2016

Title: Inside the Middle East
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Avi Melamed
with Avi Melamed (

Part 1 of 3

America’s declining influence in international affairs can be reversed, but only if citizens and policymakers revolutionize their understanding of events in the Middle East with accurate information. New Guest, Avi Melamed, is an internationally acclaimed Middle East expert and former Senior Official on Arab Affairs and Intelligence. Fluent in Arabic, Hebrew, and English, he has spent decades operating in Arab cities, often in high-risk positions at sensitive times. Avi is also the author of “Inside the Middle East: Making Sense of the Most Dangerous and Complicated Place on Earth”.

In his book, Avi Melamed argues that “America is a declining power in the Middle East.” In this interview, he gives two reasons for this decline: 1) weak policy, and 2) friendliness to Iran. Listen in as he explains his opinion further and what the future looks like for the Middle East, America, and the entire world.

First of all, Russia has been gaining more strength and power in the last few years as they become bolder and more aggressive against those in the Middle East. “The Russians [recognize] the American’s in-cohesive lack of policy and weakening position. They are taking advantage of that,” Avi reveals. Secondly, Avi reminds us of the Iran Deal, which President Obama signed last year. This was a horrible decision, allowing hundreds of millions of dollars to flow to the Iran regime.

Many Middle Eastern experts like Avi Melamed credit these developments to the operating policy of the United States. Again, Avi believes that too many American leaders (even President Obama) look to the MSM for their information and not the experts themselves.

Listen in as Avi describes the initiative he began three years ago at the Eisenhower Institute at Gettysburg College  and how he is teaching his students to gather, apply, and advise others of the correct information in the proper manner. “It’s about education and saying good-bye to the juvenile, unprofessional, immature approach regarding the Middle East,” Avi says passionately.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Inside the Middle East
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Avi Melamed
with Avi Melamed (

In this second segment with Avi Melamed, he describes the greatest threats to American interests in the Middle East. First, he believes that too many people, including leaders, have a misunderstanding of the region. He warns that the next President of the United States must “regain balance between the Arab Sunni clans, which is the majority of the people in the Middle East.” Secondly, Avi says American leaders must “abandon the concept of an Israeli/Palestinian agreement.” Instead, he challenges us to adopt an Israeli/Arab agreement. Listen in as he explains why.

Avi also discusses the promotion of Democracy in the Middle East. Many believe that Democracy is not obtainable; Avi disagrees. “The concept is not negative. The problem was the inaccurate reading of the political, cultural, and economic social [aspect] of the people of the Middle East,” he states. He does, however, believe that it could have been approached differently.

Listen as Avi explains the current political situations in Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Shiites, Kurds, and Muslims, and why our leaders are so wrong in their assertion of the different sects.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Inside the Middle East
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Avi Melamed
with Avi Melamed (

During the second segment, Avi Melamed briefly mentioned that he’d like to see an Israeli/Arab deal instead of an Israeli/Palestinian agreement. There are several reasons for this, which he outlines in his great book, Inside the Middle East: Making Sense of the Most Dangerous and Complicated Place on Earth”.  He does believe a two-state solution is best and is achievable, but in a different manner than others.

Connecting Israel to the Arab state may not make a lot of sense to the average citizen. In fact, it may not make sense at all! However, Avi points out, “Forming an alliance [like this] lays the foundation for the opportunity to sign an Israeli/Arab agreement which the Palestinians could be part of…Stabilizing conditions would be set on the ground in order to enable Palestinians and Israelis to negotiate [everything] that is at stake.” This is definitely an interesting concept.

Listen in as Avi explains his thoughts on this issue in further detail, including taking control of the Gaza Strip. He also outlines five action steps American leaders must adopt immediately in order to reverse its declining power in the Middle East.

To order a copy of Avi Melamed’s new book, “Inside the Middle East: Making Sense of the Most Dangerous and Complicated Place on Earth”, click the above link.

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October 19, 2012

Title: The Silence of American Feminists is Deafening.
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Recently the Taliban stopped a school bus in Pakistan. They were looking for a 14 year old female activist - tell us the rest of the story.

Why have American feminists not taken up the cause of Muslim women around the world? Is the Obama administration too fixated on sex education, birth control pills, and abortions?

Do you think that majority of young women in America ARE really fixated on access to free abortions and the ability to obtain the free birth control pill every month?

What is the best silver bullet to lift families out of poverty? Is it true that in most Muslim countries girls are only allowed to go to school for a certain amount of years?

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May 21, 2012

Title: Is Obama Planning on Turning America MUSLIM by Using The UN Agenda 21?
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Avi Lipkin answers:

Is there pressure being applied by Saudi Arabia on the Obama Administration to terminate the Iranian Shiite threat before the November elections?

Is there a bizarre appointment by the name of Samantha Power and is she really a Muslim in disguise?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Review for our listeners the fact that Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia and his marching plans.

Is Obama Planning on Turning America MUSLIM by Using The UN Agenda 21? How is Islam NOT a religion of peace?

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March 27, 2012

Title: The Oh So Noble UNHRC Cotes To Establish a fact Finding Mission On The Effects of Settlements on the Palestinian People - Are They INSANE?
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Ambassador Meir Schlomo answers:

For our listeners all across the county, what is the UNRHC?

What is the intended purpose of a "Fact Finding Mission on the Influence of Settlements of Palestinians"?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Can the Palestinians have it both ways? Cooperation with Israel and at the same time initiate political clashes in the international arena?

Is turning to international bodies a breach of Israeli Palestinian agreements? How so?

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