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May 5, 2023

Title: Could Israel Find Itself at War with Iran?
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Avi Lipkin is a Jewish Theologian, Israeli politician, renowned lecturer, and author. Today, Avi discusses the possibility of a war between Israel and Iran in the near future.

Click here for more about Avi Lipkin.

Click here to order a copy of Avi Lipin’s many books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When and why did Avi Lipkin choose to move to Israel? This is very interesting story…

How many years did Avi Lipkin serve in the Israeli Defense Force?

What would happen if Israel laid down its arms? Avi Lipkin compares this to the current situation between Russia and Ukraine.

Could Israel find itself at war with Iran? Avi Lipkin gives an in-depth explanation of what could happen any day at any given time and how America is in the midst of this threat.

Does Israel need the support of Christians in America (and around the world)? Avi reminds us that God is in control; however, there is an alliance with both countries and both countries need each other.

What is the “Bible Bloc Party”?

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May 21, 2012

Title: Is Obama Planning on Turning America MUSLIM by Using The UN Agenda 21?
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Avi Lipkin answers:

Is there pressure being applied by Saudi Arabia on the Obama Administration to terminate the Iranian Shiite threat before the November elections?

Is there a bizarre appointment by the name of Samantha Power and is she really a Muslim in disguise?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Review for our listeners the fact that Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia and his marching plans.

Is Obama Planning on Turning America MUSLIM by Using The UN Agenda 21? How is Islam NOT a religion of peace?

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March 23, 2012

Title: "DESTROY ALL CHURCHES!" - Sincerely, Saudi Grand Mufti.
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Avi Lipkin answers:

Can you give us an update on what churches he was talking about?

What is a "replacement" theology, and is Islam an example?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Why is it that mainstream media labels Israel the apartheid state, the aggressor and the problem?

Is Obama antichristian? Did Obama say he was a Muslim?

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June 1, 2011

Title: The Obama Surprise
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Part 1 of 2

The Obama Surprise! Obama and his administration have adopted the Arab position of the “two state solution with Israel giving up more land” and the “right to return to the country of Israel of millions of Arabs”. Avi Lipkin reviews current history of the region and what really created the ‘displaced Arabs’. Should Israel give up the West Bank and the Gaza? Log on to  for more! 

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Will the UN defeat Israel? Will the UN push the country of Israel off the face of world maps? The Obama Administration has adopted the views of the radicals.  Avi Lipkin continues with his review of the history of the region. Israel is not the problem.  Of the 300 plus million Arabs in the middle east, the only ones who live in a democracy, live in Israel. Log on to for more!

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April 30, 2010

Topic: Israel
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

The rising tensions between Israel and the Hezbollah are no secret to the western world. What exactly is our President’s stance and what are we, as Christians, gonna do about it? For more on this issue, please visit

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March 4, 2010

Topic: Israel
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Is Israel headed for another war to defend itself? Log on to to learn more on how you can aid Israel in their fight to keep the Holy Land.

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January 28, 2010

Topic: Israel
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Is Israel headed for another war to defend itself? Log on to to learn more on how you can aid Israel in their fight to keep the Holy Land.

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January 25, 2010

Topic: Haiti Disaster Relief
Discussed by Avi Lipkin
with Biblical Alliance (

Which country was the first responder to the Haiti earthquake disaster? Which country set up the only operating field hospital, treating 500 patients per day? Guest Avi Lipkin made his Aliyah to Israel from America in 1968 and speaks six languages. Log on to for more information on Avi Lipkin.

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