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April 8, 2015

Title: It's a Bad Deal
Topic: Iran Deal Just Bad
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

When you see a good deal, you better grab it quick. But, if your gut tells you it’s a bad deal, walk away. Ambassador Meir Shlomo discusses the deal on the table between Israel and Iran. The ultimate goal is to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, but Ambassador Shlomo says, “Unfortunately, this deal doesn’t do the trick.” Listen in as he explains in more detail why Israel is opposed to this deal. “The centrifuges keep spinning and the sanctions are melting.

Remember the North Korean deal from 30 years ago? We tried to keep them from having nuclear weapons, but a piece of paper didn’t stop them! What makes the world leaders think Iran will be any different? “I can’t see anything stop them (Iran) from breaking the agreement,” Ambassador Shlomo says. In the eyes of Israelis, the proposed deal with Iran is dangerous. Why? Will other countries around Iran, such as Saudi Arabia, want to obtain nuclear weapons as well, either for protection or to use against us?

Without a deal, some say the only alternative is war. Ambassador Shlomo says, “We are more interested than any other country in the world to have a deal. To have peace. But it has to be a good deal for everyone. Preventing Iran from going nuclear is a must. We still have time and should wait for what is best.

For more information about issues in The Middle East and to see how you can help, click [here].

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March 12, 2015

Title: Netanyahu Speech Recap
Topic: Israeli Politics
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

The former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, was on the What’s UP Program on Friday, March 6, 2015, discussing the now-famous speech by Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu. You can find that interview [here].

Today, the Consul General of Israel in Houston, Ambassador Meir Shlomo, sheds some more light on the issue and discusses how the people in Israel and here in Houston are reacting to the speech. Does he think the speech will have any effect on the upcoming elections in Israel?

The Israeli elections are different than American elections. For instance, Israel has a Parliament comprised of 120 members. Listen in as Ambassador Shlomo explains how an Israeli election works and what it entails.

Ambassador Shlomo says the timing of the speech is significant in regards to both the Israel elections and the negotiations with Iran. He says, “At the end of the day, the goal is to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons.” It is imperative that American be a voice for Israel, since Israel is not allowed a seat at the negotiation table. If nothing else, Netanyahu’s speech reignited public discussion about Iran having nuclear weapons and what that could mean for not only Israel, but for the world.

For more on this and other issues concerning Israel, click [here].

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September 12, 2014

Title: Are Terrorists in Your Neighborhood?
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Will Israel be forced to once again act against the Hamas? Will America? Ambassador Meir Shlomo says that a solution to rid the world of these terrorists must be swift. He compares the process to a 12-Step program for AA: Never, ever, ever make excuses and recognize the problem for what it is.

Ambassador Shlomo says these threats cannot be taken lightly nor ignored, especially in the United States. They will soon tire of bombing Israel and will point their missiles upon our borders. In fact, if it were possible, the Hamas would have launched every missile they had at the US, not Israel. They would have dug tunnels into the US, not Israel.

Also discussed in the segment with Ambassador Shlomo is the Islamist idealist and author from the 1940’s, Sayyid Qutb. He has become the philosophical inspiration for the Hamas, ISIS, and al Qaeda. After living in the US for two years with an American family, Sayyid Qutb said, “I hate those Westerners and despise them!” Nice role model.

Last thought (but listen to the segment to hear the rest of the story!): Ambassador Shlomo says that Islamist extremist terrorist groups do not wish to destroy us because they do not understand us. It’s actually the complete opposite. They know how good we are. They know we give people hope and freedom. They hate that! They don’t want their sympathizers to know the truth about us, so they spew hatred and lies and twist the facts so even those within our own borders will believe them! They want one race, one religion, one nation for the entire world.

Ok, this is the final thought (but STILL listen to the segment to hear the rest of the story!): Boko Haram literally means “Enough with Western Education”. Yes, that is what it means. Do you still think they are a peaceful, loving people?

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July 11, 2014

Title: Israel PM Says Gaza Offensive to Intensify as Rockets Fly
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hinted at a possible ground incursion into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip due to intensified campaign air strikes.

We have decided to intensify even further our attacks on Hamas and other terror organizations in Gaza,” Netanyahu said in a text message, as barrages of rockets from Gaza reached as far as 88 miles (142 -kilometers) into Israeli territory. “The military is prepared for all options.”

Gaza militants began bombarding southern Israel after the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teenagers led to an Israeli roundup of Hamas operatives in the West Bank. The attacks increased after the suspected revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem. The killing has set off clashes between Arab protesters and Israeli police.

Netanyahu has blamed the killings of the three Israeli teenagers on Hamas, which has neither confirmed nor denied involvement. Israel, like the U.S. and the European Union, considers Hamas a terrorist organization.

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June 16, 2014

Title: Israel and the Future
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Part 1 of 2

Where are Arabs truly free – with access to healthcare, education, and voting rights? With a new Israeli President, what steps are next?

Israeli Ambassador, Meir Shlomo, discusses where Arabs have been fleeing since 1948 and why.

Also, if you would like to hear more from Ambassador Shlomo, get tickets to hear him speak this Tuesday night in the Spring, TX area. Log on to and click on “meetings” for more information.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Negotiating with leaders who despise you, some who refuse to acknowledge you even exist, is akin to trying to get a toddler to take a nap. They just won’t listen. They holler and scream. They throw things. They yell “no no no!!” They will drag out the inevitable as long as possible.

The only difference in the two is that the toddler will eventually give in (most of the time, anyway). As a “parent”, we must not back down.

However, many believe that a two-state solution is the only viable answer to peace for Israel. Listen in as Ambassador Shlomo discusses how everything – from business and commerce to even new cell phones and cancer research – will be affected if we allow “them” to win in the fight over Israel.

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May 1, 2014

Title: Their Way or the Highway
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

In America, we have the right to a trial by jury (7th Amendment) and we do not allow slavery (13th Amendment). However, under Jihad law, citizens do not have the right to a trial by jury and there is most definitely involuntary servant hood and even slavery. These are just two of the extremes in which Hamas has control over “their people”.

There is simply no negotiating with them. They want all Jews – and everyone who doesn’t submit to Islam – dead. Period. It is their way or the highway (to death).

Recently, the Palestinian Authority abruptly joined forces with Hamas, requesting a sit-down with Israeli negotiators. Ambassador Meir Shlomo, with Israel’s Consulate Office in Houston, explains why Israel declined to meet with them.

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February 17, 2014

Title: A Big Day is Coming
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Part 1 of 2

Iran has very good negotiators. We should NOT underestimate them. On February 18, 2014, Iran and P5+1 are expected to meet in Vienna to begin negotiations toward a permanent agreement to dismantle the Iranian nuclear plan.

What steps were taken to bring Iran to the negotiating table?

Ambassador Meir Shlomo, with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston, discusses this important issue because they could directly influence the outcome.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Iran may a third world country, but they have taken advantage of nuclear weapons and the power they hold worldwide with the oil industry. There is one thing that is non-negotiable, according to Ambassador: remove ALL nuclear weapons from Iran. Period.

Civilians are in danger. Lives are at stake. Failure to close down their nuclear reactors is simply not an option.

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August 14, 2013

Title: New Iranian Leader: Friend of Foe?
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Ambassador Shlomo discusses the new Iranian Leader. Is he going to be a friend or foe?

Iran must be judged by its actions alone, not by its words. There is an old saying: “What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you are saying.”

These words ring true about the new leader in Iran. In just two months, they have installed 7,000 additional centrifuges. With the majority of their population centered within 30 miles, one bomb could mean the end to Israel. Iranian leaders speak of the destruction of Israel.

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November 21, 2012

Title: Is It Time For Israel Flush Out Hamas' Pipes?
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

What types of weapons are being smuggled into Gaza to be used against the innocent civilians in Israel?

How are they being smuggled? About how many of these weapons have been smuggled in the last year?

How many people came out to show their support for Israel and remind Houston that Israel wants peace?

What is the Iron Dome and how is it helping the Israeli's? How is it possible that Palestinians are not harming their own citizens when there is video proof of such atrocities?

What can our listeners to do help spread the truth about the conflict in Israel with the Palestinians in Gaza?

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October 26, 2012

Title: 160 Rockets Later - Has Israel Reached The Boiling Point?
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Over 160 rockets and mortars have been fired into Israel just since October 1st, 2012 - What does this do to the lives of your countrymen in Israel?

Would we here in the U.S tolerate one rocket, two rockets, ten to twenty five? What would we demand of our leaders? Would we want them to just go bow down? Would we want a military strike?

Do these cowardly militant terrorists fire into Israel form clearly defined military positions? Or rather from behind women and children? How about firing missiles from inside apartment complexes?

Ambassador Shlomo, Israel is painted in the media as the instigator of conflict, the problem, the stumbling block towards peace - is that true?

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Title: 160 Rockets Later - Has Israel Reached The Boiling Point?
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Over 160 rockets and mortars have been fired into Israel just since October 1st, 2012 - What does this do to the lives of your countrymen in Israel?

Would we here in the U.S tolerate one rocket, two rockets, ten to twenty five? What would we demand of our leaders? Would we want them to just go bow down? Would we want a military strike?

Do these cowardly militant terrorists fire into Israel form clearly defined military positions? Or rather from behind women and children? How about firing missiles from inside apartment complexes?

Ambassador Shlomo, Israel is painted in the media as the instigator of conflict, the problem, the stumbling block towards peace - is that true?

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July 6, 2012

Title: Is The Clock Ticking On A Nuclear Iran?
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Part 1 of 2

Is the headline that reads "Is The Clock Ticking On A Nuclear Iran" correct? Is it their goal to get the upper hand?

Do they want to get the power to destroy the Saturday children and then the Sunday children? Is the world allowing, better yet, enabling Iran to proceed with its nuclear ambition goals?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

When a country reneges time and time again, what recourses do peace loving nations like the USA, Israel, and the UK have?

Have the madmen in Iran stated that their goal is to wipe every Jew off the face of the earth?

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July 5, 2012

Title: Is The Clock Ticking On A Nuclear Iran
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Part 1 of 2

Is the headline that reads "is the clock ticking on a nuclear Iran" correct?   Is it their goal to get the upper hand?

Is it their goal to get the power to destroy first the Saturday children and then the Sunday children?  Is the world allowing, better yet, ENABLING Iran to proceed with its nuclear ambitious goals?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

When a country reneges time and time again, what recourse do peace loving nations like the USA, Israel, and the UK have?

Have the madmen in Iran stated that their goal is to wipe every Jew off the face of the earth?

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April 19, 2012

Title: Does Israel Have The Right To Exist?
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Ambassador Meir Shlomo answers:

Why does Israel have the right to exist? Does the WESTERN world recognize this right?

In Israel, non Jews have the same rights as Jews - should Jews be allowed the same rights in other countries, especially Muslim countries?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

How important is America to Israel?

How important is Israel to America?

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March 27, 2012

Title: The Oh So Noble UNHRC Cotes To Establish a fact Finding Mission On The Effects of Settlements on the Palestinian People - Are They INSANE?
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Ambassador Meir Schlomo answers:

For our listeners all across the county, what is the UNRHC?

What is the intended purpose of a "Fact Finding Mission on the Influence of Settlements of Palestinians"?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Middle East
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Can the Palestinians have it both ways? Cooperation with Israel and at the same time initiate political clashes in the international arena?

Is turning to international bodies a breach of Israeli Palestinian agreements? How so?

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March 14, 2012

Title: Dear Israel, we hope those 170+ rockets we sent over the weekend had casualties, cheers! Love, the Muslim Militants Next Door.
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Please help us understand the gravity of the situation - were the rockets that were fired into southern Israel a serious threat?

What do you think the citizens of Houston, Texas would do if a 170 rockets were fired from south of the border and 520,000 people had to spend the weekend in bomb shelters?

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February 2, 2012

Title: Remembrance and Beyond – The Victims of the Holocaust.
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Part 1 of 3

Can Americans truly understand what the Jewish population and others went through as they suffered through the ghettos and the concentration camps?

What are a couple of ways to draw a lesson out of the tragic event?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Did the leaders prior to WWII, even after seeing Hitler pounding his fists alongside his fiery speeches, simply not take him seriously?

Are leaders around the world today, including President Obama, not taking the madman from Iran seriously?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Have you been stationed to portions of America other than Boston and Houston?

Tell us about some of the inventions made in Israel, and does Israel export many products to the USA?

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September 10, 2010

Title: Two State Solution For Peace In The Middle East Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Israel: The Peace Process
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

The new Consul General for Israel to the Southwest, Meir Shlomo, discusses the current Peace Process. Which is better for the country of Israel: a One-State Solution or a Two-State Solution?

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Title: Two State Solution For Peace In The Middle East Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Israel: The Peace Process
Discussed by Ambassador Meir Shlomo
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

Meir Shlomo has 29 years of experience in Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recently completing a four-year term as the Head of Mission at the Consulate General of Israel to New England. As Consul General, Mr. Shlomo spearheaded Israel’s political and public diplomacy campaigns at prestigious universities, such as Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Brown University.

Prior to that, Mr. Shlomo served as the head of the Foreign Ministry’s Hasbara Division, responsible for Israel’s public diplomacy campaign throughout all of its missions across the globe. He has served in Israeli embassies and consulates in Boston, India, Denmark, Peru, and El Salvador.

Mr. Shlomo has a Bachelor’s degree in political science from Tel Aviv University (summa cum laude) and a Master’s degree in mass communication from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He speaks Hebrew, English, and Spanish.

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