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May 13, 2016

Title: Was Cruz Swamped by the Size of the Trump Social Media Tsunami?
Topic: Political Powerhouse
Discussed by David Bozell
with ForAmerica (

What happened to the Cruz campaign? Would he have won the Republican nominee if not for the Trump Social Media Tsunami?

New Guest David Bozell is the President of ForAmerica. Their mission is simple: To educate the American people of the truth in Washington. They are: For Freedom. For Prosperity. For Virtue.

David first explains one reason why Donald Trump has been so successful in the social media realm: Authenticity. When there was a Tweet or Post from the Trump campaign, you knew it was him. On the other hand, more often than not, when something was posted by the Cruz campaign, it was a staffer making the post on his behalf. David goes on to reveal the Facebook “likes” of both men’s pages and why he believes there is such a vast difference.

Donald Trump, ever the showman, understands that these communication vehicles, like it or not, are the most popular in the world,” David Bozell states. Millions of people were sharing Trump’s message to their family and friends. That’s how the message gets spread. Have you heard of “Hispandering”? I’m sure you saw the picture of Trump eating a taco bowl on Cinco de Mayo, saying he loved Hispanics. Was that offensive? That depends on who you ask. Was it effective? Absolutely!

You can follow David Bozell on Twitter  You can find ForAmerica on Facebook here.

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May 22, 2014

Title: Competing Against the Big Boys, the Good Guys Most Often Lose
Topic: Political Powerhouse
Discussed by James Quintero
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Local school board elections are often held on off days with odd voting times, giving voters little warning or time to research and prepare. The polling locations are often located at an advantage for school employees, though, making it easier for liberal teachers to vote in masses.

Guest James Quintero, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, also discusses the various government entities in Texas which place heavy debts on the next generation, the kids they are trying to educate.

What will it take for small, conservative groups to be able to compete against the well-funded government entities that are focused on spending more money? Listen in as James explains.

Log on to  for more on this and other issues.

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January 24, 2012

Title: From the Link Letter to the Tea Party - Harris County Conservative Politics Powerhouses.
Topic: Political Powerhouse
Discussed by Phil Owens
with Free to Give Houston

Part 1 of 2

Are these the top ten, unelected, most influential, movers and shakers of conservative politics in Harris County?

What do you say to the Tea Party being number ten on the most influential list?

Will independent voters decide Harris County? Texas? The next president?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Political Powerhouse
Discussed by Phil Owens
with Free to Give Houston

What do you think of the influence of Gary Polland and The Texas Conservative review?

Alvin Walker picked myself, Terry Lowry, and The Link Letter as number two on the biggest movers and shakers in Harris County – what say ye?

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