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August 2, 2012

Title: Help Fight The Ordinance That Targets The Homeless, The Hungry, and The Weak!
Topic: Feed The Poor
Discussed by Phil Owens
with Free to Give Houston

Should the government tell non profits, churches, and citizens that "they should not be feeding the poor, and IF they feed more than 4-5, they will be fined!"?

Why don't the liberals want charities and churches helping the poor? Is this a new phenomenon or a classic liberal tactic so that people depend on the government?

In reference to , is there an organization that is working with a number of churches and nonprofits to overturn this controversial Houston city ordinance? Why is a petition necessary?

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July 20, 2012

Title: Why Is There "No More Feeding The Poor In "Rich Areas"" Allowed in Houston, TX?
Topic: Feed The Poor
Discussed by Phil Owens
with Free to Give Houston

Part 1 of 2

To feed the poor, why must a permit first be obtained? What happens if this ordinance is violated?

How is the proposed law sketchy at best? Is this really a public emergency?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Feed The Poor
Discussed by Phil Owens
with Free to Give Houston

What will the homeless do without food?

What are the city leaders trying to prove? How can our listeners lend a hand and sign the petition? What would Jesus do?

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June 29, 2012

Title: Join The Houstonians Who Are Fighting Against An Ordinance That Targets The Homeless, The Hungry, and The Weak!
Topic: Petition Drive
Discussed by Phil Owens
with Free to Give Houston

Were there headlines in the Houston Chronicle just recently that talked about some poor homeless beggar that died of food poisoning because he was given a moldy Big Mac from a Good Samaritan? Was there a massive car wreck with injuries and deaths that took place last week because a kindly driver saw a group of homeless people, stopped his car on the side of the road, and gave them food?

What exactly does this controversial ordinance say? How would you identify someone as "needy" or "poor"? What Houston groups, churches, and individuals have reacted with outrage to this ordinance? Why in the world does Houston NEED an ordinance that says "you shall NOT feed the poor, you cannot be compassionate"? Tell our listeners more about the mission of Free To Give Houston!

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June 27, 2012

Title: Join The Houstonians Who Are Fighting Against An Ordinance That Targets The Homeless, The Hungry, and The Weak!
Topic: Petition Drive
Discussed by Phil Owens
with Free to Give Houston

Were there headlines in the Houston Chronicle just recently that talked about some poor homeless beggar that died of food poisoning because he was given a moldy Big Mac from a Good Samaritan? Was there a massive car wreck with injuries and deaths that took place last week because a kindly driver saw a group of homeless people, stopped his car on the side of the road, and gave them food?

What exactly does this controversial ordinance say? How would you identify someone as "needy" or "poor"? What Houston groups, churches, and individuals have reacted with outrage to this ordinance? Why in the world does Houston NEED an ordinance that says "you shall NOT feed the poor, you cannot be compassionate"? Tell our listeners more about the mission of Free To Give Houston!

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January 24, 2012

Title: From the Link Letter to the Tea Party - Harris County Conservative Politics Powerhouses.
Topic: Political Powerhouse
Discussed by Phil Owens
with Free to Give Houston

Part 1 of 2

Are these the top ten, unelected, most influential, movers and shakers of conservative politics in Harris County?

What do you say to the Tea Party being number ten on the most influential list?

Will independent voters decide Harris County? Texas? The next president?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Political Powerhouse
Discussed by Phil Owens
with Free to Give Houston

What do you think of the influence of Gary Polland and The Texas Conservative review?

Alvin Walker picked myself, Terry Lowry, and The Link Letter as number two on the biggest movers and shakers in Harris County – what say ye?

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