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August 12, 2020

Title: Mark’s Story: Temporarily Southern Baptist
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

The Methodist Church has essentially shut down in the state of Virginia, where guest Mark Tooley lives. Therefore, he is temporarily attending a Southern Baptist Church with his family. Today, he tells his story…

Mark Tooley can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did Mark “find” a new congregation to worship with?

Did anything surprise Mark about the service?

Did he and his family partake in the open communion?

A recent sermon topic was…. Interesting. Something Mark had NEVER heard from a Methodist church before. Listen as Mark explains what the sermon was about…

Is watching the decline of the Methodist denomination painful?

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March 14, 2018

Title: Is the Cultural Storm Destroying Christianity?
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Nominal Christianity is collapsing in America and elsewhere as hostility to the faith increases in Western society, but that does not mean the American Church is dying. In fact, the percentage of regular church attendees has stayed the same since 1938. While there is a cultural storm brewing, it might not be what you think.

Chelsen Vicari serves as the Evangelical Program Director for the Institute on Religion and Democracy. Chelsen is the author of “Distortion: How the New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging the Faith”. Follow her on twitter @ChelsenVicari

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there an approaching cultural storm about to destroy American Christianity?

Is the American Evangelical church the target of non-believers in Western society?

Is the number of Evangelicals in America increasing or decreasing?

Listen as Chelsen offers research discoveries and statistics…

What is “Secularism Evangelism” and why is it a concern for many?

Are more millennials leaving the church/their faith at a higher rate than other generations?

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May 21, 2015

Title: The Left Took out Christ
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

Peek behind the curtain of some "progressive" or "hip" evangelical churches, past the savvy technology and secular music, and you will find more than just a contemporary worship service. You'll find faith leaders encouraging young evangelicals to trade in their Christian convictions for a gospel filled with compromise. They're slowly attempting to give evangelicalism an "update"—and the change is not for the good.

Chelsen Vicari serves as the Institute on Religion and Democracy's Evangelical Program Director. Prior to joining the IRD, she worked for Concerned Women for America. She recently wrote her first book, “Distortion”, which is the focus of today’s interview.

Chelsen says that most millennials like to blame their parents or grandparents when they drift from the church. She disagrees. While that may be part of the cause, we need to reexamine our churches. “We have let our guard down and let the Christian Left infiltrate our circles,” she says. Listen in as Chelsen explains the intent of the Christian Left and what their agenda is.

Too many parents treat Sunday School like basketball or ballet practice…They hope their kids are learning something,” Chelsen believes. Parents need to engage their children in conversation throughout the week on what they are learning in school – not just regarding academics, but religion and acceptance, as well.

She also shares a personal story of a conversation she had with one of the middle-school students she teaches in Bible Study at her church. What her Christian student said will probably shock you!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Left Took out Christ
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Chelsen Vicari believes that the traditional Christian church has been high-jacked. Too many churches are compromising traditional Christian teaching for being political correct. As a result, the millennial generation, and even seasoned members, are too worried about being ostracized for their faith – even within their own church. They don’t want to be the odd-man out.

We see every day what spiritual decay is doing to our culture. Our religious liberties are under constant attacks,” Chelsen says. She goes on to say that the church is not doing enough to stand up to these attacks; the church is not equipping its members to go and be Disciples of Christ.

Chelsen also encourage parents, grandparents, Sunday School teachers, and anyone who works with middle school, high school, and college-aged youth to bring up topics such as abortion, same-sex marriage, feminism, radical Islam. The biggest issue is same-sex marriage. Listen in as she explains why!

It’s going to take the “adults in the room” – the seasoned Christians – to turn things around. We cannot count on the millennials to wake up on their own. Chelsen does add, however, that it’s not too late; it’s never too late.

To read Chelsen Vicari’s article on this, click [here].

To order a copy of her new book, “Distortion”, go [here].

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March 19, 2015

Title: The Left Took out Christ
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

Peek behind the curtain of some "progressive" or "hip" evangelical churches, past the savvy technology and secular music, and you will find more than just a contemporary worship service. You'll find faith leaders encouraging young evangelicals to trade in their Christian convictions for a gospel filled with compromise. They're slowly attempting to give evangelicalism an "update"—and the change is not for the good.

Chelsen Vicari serves as the Institute on Religion and Democracy's Evangelical Program Director. Prior to joining the IRD, she worked for Concerned Women for America. She recently wrote her first book, “Distortion”, which is the focus of today’s interview.

Chelsen says that most millennials like to blame their parents or grandparents when they drift from the church. She disagrees. While that may be part of the cause, we need to reexamine our churches. “We have let our guard down and let the Christian Left infiltrate our circles,” she says. Listen in as Chelsen explains the intent of the Christian Left and what their agenda is.

Too many parents treat Sunday School like basketball or ballet practice…They hope their kids are learning something,” Chelsen believes. Parents need to engage their children in conversation throughout the week on what they are learning in school – not just regarding academics, but religion and acceptance, as well.

She also shares a personal story of a conversation she had with one of the middle-school students she teaches in Bible Study at her church. What her Christian student said will probably shock you!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Left Took out Christ
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Chelsen Vicari believes that the traditional Christian church has been high-jacked. Too many churches are compromising traditional Christian teaching for being political correct. As a result, the millennial generation, and even seasoned members, are too worried about being ostracized for their faith – even within their own church. They don’t want to be the odd-man out.

We see every day what spiritual decay is doing to our culture. Our religious liberties are under constant attacks,” Chelsen says. She goes on to say that the church is not doing enough to stand up to these attacks; the church is not equipping its members to go and be Disciples of Christ.

Chelsen also encourage parents, grandparents, Sunday School teachers, and anyone who works with middle school, high school, and college-aged youth to bring up topics such as abortion, same-sex marriage, feminism, radical Islam. The biggest issue is same-sex marriage. Listen in as she explains why!

It’s going to take the “adults in the room” – the seasoned Christians – to turn things around. We cannot count on the millennials to wake up on their own. Chelsen does add, however, that it’s not too late; it’s never too late.

To read Chelsen Vicari’s article on this, click [here].

To order a copy of her new book, “Distortion”, go [here].

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September 3, 2014

Title: How to Shrink Your Church in One Easy Step
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Alexander Griswold
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Parental Warning: Some information discussed with Alexander Griswold might be sensitive to young children. Please use caution when listening to the following segment.

Four of the mainline churches – Episcopalian, Evangelical Lutherans, Church of Christ, and Presbyterian – have all embraced and promoted same-sex marriage in recent years, believing the move will entice more people to join their churches. Alexander Griswold, with the Institute on Religion and Democracy, has found the opposite to be true. He has studied their attendance numbers and discovered that as soon as these decisions have been made, people begin leaving the church in droves. Marriages and baptisms (both infant and adult) decline drastically, as well.

I just don’t understand why these church leaders continue to embrace sexual immorality and allow same-sex marriage. Research has clearly shown that members do not have the same zeal for abandoning their morals. In fact, Alexander points out that if the decline continues at the same rate, some of these denominations won’t even exist in forty years.

We teach our children that God created the heavens and the earth. We teach our children that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again so that we might have eternal life with him in heaven. We teach them about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. Then they go to school and hear differently from their teachers and friends. Who are they to believe?

Listen in to hear the shocking truth about churches today and why we must teach our children Biblical, moral values.

Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing the church today.

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December 13, 2011

Title: Give Me My Religion or Give Me Death vs. ‘Tis the Season to Bury Religion - A New Light is Shed on the Founders View of Religion
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Professor Thomas Kidd
with Thomas Kidd (

Why should Patrick Henry be able to shed light on the Founding Fathers view of religion?

Would Henry and others have assumed that religion and faith would be central to the life of the new republic? Why is the “Liberty or Death” speech the most powerful speech of the whole revolutionary period?

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October 24, 2011

Title: Is Mormonism a Cult?
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Dr. Richard Land
with Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the S.B.C. (

If Mormonism is a cult, does that apply to Mitt Romney?

Are Jehovah’s Witnesses or Seventh-day Adventists cults?

Is Catholicism a cult?

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August 6, 2011

Title: Freedom Of or Freedom From Religion
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Religion in America: Some would argue that Christians have no rights in the public square. Did Jefferson use an unfortunate metaphor: “The Wall of Separation…” Pastor Fleming, the Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church concludes his sermon on Religion: Do we have freedom of or freedom from religion?

For the entire sermon, log onto Champion Forest Baptist Church offers two Sunday morning services. The early service, called The Gathering, begins at 9:30 AM in the Worship Center.

The Gathering is a blended worship environment, led by a praise team, and combines traditional hymns and praise songs. The Encounter is a contemporary worship environment, led by a band, and combines modern music and visual elements and begins at 10:55 AM in the Family Life Worship Center.

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August 5, 2011

Title: Freedom Of or Freedom From Religion
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Religion in America: Some would argue that Christians have no rights in the public square. Did Jefferson use an unfortunate metaphor: “The Wall of Separation…” Pastor Fleming, the Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church continues his sermon on Religion: Do we have freedom of or freedom from religion?

For the entire sermon, log onto Champion Forest Baptist Church offers two Sunday morning services. The early service, called The Gathering, begins at 9:30 AM in the Worship Center.

The Gathering is a blended worship environment, led by a praise team, and combines traditional hymns and praise songs. The Encounter is a contemporary worship environment, led by a band, and combines modern music and visual elements and begins at 10:55 AM in the Family Life Worship Center.

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August 4, 2011

Title: Freedom Of or Freedom From Religion
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Did Jefferson use an unfortunate metaphor: “The Wall of Separation…” Pastor Fleming, the Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church continues his sermon on Religion: Do we have freedom of or freedom from religion?

For the entire sermon, log onto Champion Forest Baptist Church offers two Sunday morning services. The early service, called The Gathering, begins at 9:30 AM in the Worship Center.

The Gathering is a blended worship environment, led by a praise team, and combines traditional hymns and praise songs. The Encounter is a contemporary worship environment, led by a band, and combines modern music and visual elements and begins at 10:55 AM in the Family Life Worship Center.

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August 2, 2011

Title: Freedom Of or Freedom From Religion
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Some would argue ‘Christians have no rights’ because of the misguided notion of “Separation of Church and State”. Pastor Fleming, the Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church continues his sermon on Religion: Do we have freedom of or freedom from religion?

For the entire sermon, log onto Champion Forest Baptist Church offers two Sunday morning services. The early service, called The Gathering, begins at 9:30 AM in the Worship Center.

The Gathering is a blended worship environment, led by a praise team, and combines traditional hymns and praise songs. The Encounter is a contemporary worship environment, led by a band, and combines modern music and visual elements and begins at 10:55 AM in the Family Life Worship Center.

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August 1, 2011

Title: Freedom Of or Freedom From Religion
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Our Hope is in the Lord. Pastor Fleming, the Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church begins his sermon on Religion: Do we have freedom of or freedom from religion?

For the entire sermon, log onto Champion Forest Baptist Church offers two Sunday morning services. The early service, called The Gathering, begins at 9:30 AM in the Worship Center.

The Gathering is a blended worship environment, led by a praise team, and combines traditional hymns and praise songs. The Encounter is a contemporary worship environment, led by a band, and combines modern music and visual elements and begins at 10:55 AM in the Family Life Worship Center.

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