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February 24, 2020

Title: Mega Churches vs Small Churches
Topic: Church Growth
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 3

Is there really a difference between mega churches in the big city and small rural country churches?

Chelsen Vicari, the Evangelical Program Director at the IRD, has some insight today.

Chelsen is the author of “Distortion: How the New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging the Faith”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What makes a mega church a “mega church”?

What are some valid criticisms of mega churches?

Can there be spiritual encouragement in a mega church?

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Title: Mega Churches vs Small Churches
Topic: Church Growth
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 2 of 3

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Great Commission?

Why should Christians follow the command of the Great Commission?

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Title: Mega Churches vs Small Churches
Topic: Church Growth
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 3 of 3

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can every church, no matter the size, fulfill the Great Commission?

What should our focus be, individually, even at church?

You can read Chelsen’s op-ed on this here.

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October 31, 2019

Title: Kanye West Finds Jesus!
Topic: Kanye West: New Believer
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

You may have heard the wonderful news: Kanye West is a Christian! He recently released a new album, glorifying God!

Chelsen Vicari has more information about his transformation and what the Bible says about a “Road to Damascus Experience”. Chelsen is the Evangelical Program Director for the Institute on Religion and Democracy. She is the author of “Distortion: How the New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging the Faith.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do we tend to be skeptical of celebrities talking about Jesus?

What was Chelsen’s reaction to Kanye West’s speech at Howard University?

Was there an excitement, awe, and wonder in his voice which often times is familiar in new saints who’ve just met their Savior personally?

Is Kanye speaking words of truth and wisdom? Has there been an obvious change in Kanye’s life?

How can we be praying for Kanye and his family?

Does Jesus still save anyone who comes to him, repentant and sorrowful, asking him to be the Lord of their life?

Click here  for more information on Kanye West’s new album, “Jesus is King”.

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March 14, 2018

Title: Is the Cultural Storm Destroying Christianity?
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Nominal Christianity is collapsing in America and elsewhere as hostility to the faith increases in Western society, but that does not mean the American Church is dying. In fact, the percentage of regular church attendees has stayed the same since 1938. While there is a cultural storm brewing, it might not be what you think.

Chelsen Vicari serves as the Evangelical Program Director for the Institute on Religion and Democracy. Chelsen is the author of “Distortion: How the New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging the Faith”. Follow her on twitter @ChelsenVicari

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there an approaching cultural storm about to destroy American Christianity?

Is the American Evangelical church the target of non-believers in Western society?

Is the number of Evangelicals in America increasing or decreasing?

Listen as Chelsen offers research discoveries and statistics…

What is “Secularism Evangelism” and why is it a concern for many?

Are more millennials leaving the church/their faith at a higher rate than other generations?

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September 11, 2017

Title: The Nashville Statement
Topic: Sexuality and the Bible
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

Chelsen Vicari is the Evangelical Program Director for The Institute on Religion and Democracy. She will be discussing the recent Nashville Statement that has the Left in an uproar.

Chelsen is also the author of “Distortion: How the New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging the Faith”. You can order a copy from Amazon here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Evangelical Christians today find themselves living in a time where God’s Word and the meaning of those words are being re-written?

If those who believe there is no God, then why do they care what others believe? Chelsen believes that non-believers actually do know there is a higher being and they are just fighting that recognition. Listen as she explains.

Should Christian leaders band together to defend God’s Word? Is this one reason for the Nashville Statement?

Are we, as believers, trying to throw rocks at the Left or those who disagree with our Christian beliefs and morals?

Would parents NOT teach their children driver safety? Why do so many parents NOT teach their children of the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle? The facts are there. Why are they ignored?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Nashville Statement
Topic: Sexuality and the Bible
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Chelsen reviews some of the Twelve Articles from the Nashville Statement and the leaders who came together to write them.

Why is the Left going bananas over these Twelve Articles?

What does Article 11 state, specifically? Why is this included in the Twelve Articles?

You can read more on this issue here.

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May 8, 2017

Title: Fake News, Media Bias, and the Church
Topic: Fake News, Media Bias, and the Church
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Media bias is a real problem. With so many “facts” being thrown in our faces via TV, radio, and especially social media, how are Christians able to discern fact from fiction? Though we are all fallen and incapable of perfection, our reputation as public witnesses for Christ calls us to higher ethical standards.

Listen as Chelsen Vicari discusses why Christians should be extremely careful about the information they read and share with others.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How should Christians respond to what they read in the newspapers, what they hear on talk-radio, and what they read on social media?

Does media bias exist?

What is “fake news”?

How can Christians be a part of the solution to fake news and media bias, especially on social media?

Does sharing fake news really matter?

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October 6, 2016

Title: The “Nones” Need Jesus, Too!
Topic: Nones In America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

We are witnessing the rise of a new kind of religious orientation: The “Nones”. Researchers now use the label "Nones" to refer to the increasing number of people who identify as unaffiliated with religious establishments. Chelsen Vicari is the Evangelical Program Director at The Institute on Religion and Democracy. Listen in as she explains the “Nones” and why they need Jesus, too.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is a growing portion of our population self-identifying as ‘Nones’?

Who are the Millennials and why are they identifying themselves as Nones?

Why did they leave religion, many while still at home?

What affect does divorce have on Millennials?

What portion of the ‘Nones’ say they will return to religion?

Chelsen once considered herself a “None”. What happened to change her mind – and her heart?

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May 21, 2015

Title: The Left Took out Christ
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

Peek behind the curtain of some "progressive" or "hip" evangelical churches, past the savvy technology and secular music, and you will find more than just a contemporary worship service. You'll find faith leaders encouraging young evangelicals to trade in their Christian convictions for a gospel filled with compromise. They're slowly attempting to give evangelicalism an "update"—and the change is not for the good.

Chelsen Vicari serves as the Institute on Religion and Democracy's Evangelical Program Director. Prior to joining the IRD, she worked for Concerned Women for America. She recently wrote her first book, “Distortion”, which is the focus of today’s interview.

Chelsen says that most millennials like to blame their parents or grandparents when they drift from the church. She disagrees. While that may be part of the cause, we need to reexamine our churches. “We have let our guard down and let the Christian Left infiltrate our circles,” she says. Listen in as Chelsen explains the intent of the Christian Left and what their agenda is.

Too many parents treat Sunday School like basketball or ballet practice…They hope their kids are learning something,” Chelsen believes. Parents need to engage their children in conversation throughout the week on what they are learning in school – not just regarding academics, but religion and acceptance, as well.

She also shares a personal story of a conversation she had with one of the middle-school students she teaches in Bible Study at her church. What her Christian student said will probably shock you!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Left Took out Christ
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Chelsen Vicari believes that the traditional Christian church has been high-jacked. Too many churches are compromising traditional Christian teaching for being political correct. As a result, the millennial generation, and even seasoned members, are too worried about being ostracized for their faith – even within their own church. They don’t want to be the odd-man out.

We see every day what spiritual decay is doing to our culture. Our religious liberties are under constant attacks,” Chelsen says. She goes on to say that the church is not doing enough to stand up to these attacks; the church is not equipping its members to go and be Disciples of Christ.

Chelsen also encourage parents, grandparents, Sunday School teachers, and anyone who works with middle school, high school, and college-aged youth to bring up topics such as abortion, same-sex marriage, feminism, radical Islam. The biggest issue is same-sex marriage. Listen in as she explains why!

It’s going to take the “adults in the room” – the seasoned Christians – to turn things around. We cannot count on the millennials to wake up on their own. Chelsen does add, however, that it’s not too late; it’s never too late.

To read Chelsen Vicari’s article on this, click [here].

To order a copy of her new book, “Distortion”, go [here].

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March 19, 2015

Title: The Left Took out Christ
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

Peek behind the curtain of some "progressive" or "hip" evangelical churches, past the savvy technology and secular music, and you will find more than just a contemporary worship service. You'll find faith leaders encouraging young evangelicals to trade in their Christian convictions for a gospel filled with compromise. They're slowly attempting to give evangelicalism an "update"—and the change is not for the good.

Chelsen Vicari serves as the Institute on Religion and Democracy's Evangelical Program Director. Prior to joining the IRD, she worked for Concerned Women for America. She recently wrote her first book, “Distortion”, which is the focus of today’s interview.

Chelsen says that most millennials like to blame their parents or grandparents when they drift from the church. She disagrees. While that may be part of the cause, we need to reexamine our churches. “We have let our guard down and let the Christian Left infiltrate our circles,” she says. Listen in as Chelsen explains the intent of the Christian Left and what their agenda is.

Too many parents treat Sunday School like basketball or ballet practice…They hope their kids are learning something,” Chelsen believes. Parents need to engage their children in conversation throughout the week on what they are learning in school – not just regarding academics, but religion and acceptance, as well.

She also shares a personal story of a conversation she had with one of the middle-school students she teaches in Bible Study at her church. What her Christian student said will probably shock you!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Left Took out Christ
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Chelsen Vicari believes that the traditional Christian church has been high-jacked. Too many churches are compromising traditional Christian teaching for being political correct. As a result, the millennial generation, and even seasoned members, are too worried about being ostracized for their faith – even within their own church. They don’t want to be the odd-man out.

We see every day what spiritual decay is doing to our culture. Our religious liberties are under constant attacks,” Chelsen says. She goes on to say that the church is not doing enough to stand up to these attacks; the church is not equipping its members to go and be Disciples of Christ.

Chelsen also encourage parents, grandparents, Sunday School teachers, and anyone who works with middle school, high school, and college-aged youth to bring up topics such as abortion, same-sex marriage, feminism, radical Islam. The biggest issue is same-sex marriage. Listen in as she explains why!

It’s going to take the “adults in the room” – the seasoned Christians – to turn things around. We cannot count on the millennials to wake up on their own. Chelsen does add, however, that it’s not too late; it’s never too late.

To read Chelsen Vicari’s article on this, click [here].

To order a copy of her new book, “Distortion”, go [here].

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July 25, 2014

Title: Women and Sexuality
Topic: Sexual Purity
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

After hearing complaints about the poor treatment of campus rape victims and the hidden nature of such crimes, President Barack Obama has appointed a task force comprised of his Cabinet members to review the issue.

Chelsen Vicari says that males, from an early age, must be taught the value of women. Parents should not only discourage their sons from looking at pornography, but should openly discuss the reason why.

In the same way, parents should instill values or virtue and purity in their daughters. Young men are not the only effected by pornography; even teenage and college-age girls are encouraged to explore their sexuality by viewing pornography. Also, society today puts such a heavy emphasis on sexuality and the need to be accepted that young girls become confused over what is right and what is wrong to do in a relationship.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Women and Sexuality
Topic: Sexual Purity
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Marriage today is not viewed as a holy, life-long commitment, even within religious and Christian communities. The divorce rate among couples who affiliate with some form of “religion” – Christians, Catholics, Jews – is nearly as appalling as couples who do not.

Does that mean that one out of every two marriages is absolutely doomed for failure? Not at all. According to Chelsen Vicari, we, as a society (not just “Christians”), need to shift our focus back to purity.

Will there still be sex-related crime? Will there still be divorce? I would hope not, but the fact remains that we are an imperfect society filled with temptations, lust, and hate. Only when we turn back to God will America rise up again.

Chelsen Vicari serves as the Evangelical Program Director for the Institute on Religion and Democracy. You can follow her on twitter @ChelsenVicari

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May 6, 2014

Title: Women and Sexuality
Topic: Sexual Purity
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

After hearing complaints about the poor treatment of campus rape victims and the hidden nature of such crimes, President Barack Obama has appointed a task force comprised of his Cabinet members to review the issue.

Chelsen Vicari says that males, from an early age, must be taught the value of women. Parents should not only discourage their sons from looking at pornography, but should openly discuss the reason why.

In the same way, parents should instill values or virtue and purity in their daughters. Young men are not the only effected by pornography; even teenage and college-age girls are encouraged to explore their sexuality by viewing pornography. Also, society today puts such a heavy emphasis on sexuality and the need to be accepted that young girls become confused over what is right and what is wrong to do in a relationship.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Women and Sexuality
Topic: Sexual Purity
Discussed by Chelsen Vicari
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Marriage today is not viewed as a holy, life-long commitment, even within religious and Christian communities. The divorce rate among couples who affiliate with some form of “religion” – Christians, Catholics, Jews – is nearly as appalling as couples who do not.

Does that mean that one out of every two marriages is absolutely doomed for failure? Not at all. According to Chelsen Vicari, we, as a society (not just “Christians”), need to shift our focus back to purity.

Will there still be sex-related crime? Will there still be divorce? I would hope not, but the fact remains that we are an imperfect society filled with temptations, lust, and hate. Only when we turn back to God will America rise up again.

Chelsen Vicari serves as the Evangelical Program Director for the Institute on Religion and Democracy. You can follow her on twitter @ChelsenVicari

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