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September 3, 2014

Title: How to Shrink Your Church in One Easy Step
Topic: Religion in America
Discussed by Alexander Griswold
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Parental Warning: Some information discussed with Alexander Griswold might be sensitive to young children. Please use caution when listening to the following segment.

Four of the mainline churches – Episcopalian, Evangelical Lutherans, Church of Christ, and Presbyterian – have all embraced and promoted same-sex marriage in recent years, believing the move will entice more people to join their churches. Alexander Griswold, with the Institute on Religion and Democracy, has found the opposite to be true. He has studied their attendance numbers and discovered that as soon as these decisions have been made, people begin leaving the church in droves. Marriages and baptisms (both infant and adult) decline drastically, as well.

I just don’t understand why these church leaders continue to embrace sexual immorality and allow same-sex marriage. Research has clearly shown that members do not have the same zeal for abandoning their morals. In fact, Alexander points out that if the decline continues at the same rate, some of these denominations won’t even exist in forty years.

We teach our children that God created the heavens and the earth. We teach our children that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again so that we might have eternal life with him in heaven. We teach them about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. Then they go to school and hear differently from their teachers and friends. Who are they to believe?

Listen in to hear the shocking truth about churches today and why we must teach our children Biblical, moral values.

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