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March 12, 2013

Title: Sequester Lies
Topic: Sequestration
Discussed by Peter Ferrara
with The Carlson Center for Welfare Reform

Even Obama said the ‘sky will fall’ if the federal government doesn’t spend more money. Now, the sun is still shining, the birds are still chirping, and the earth is still spinning on its axis.

The only thing accomplished by Sequestration is: the federal government is now spending less than what was budgeted…but still more than last year.

The majority of Americans know that government is spending too much money. The majority of Americans know the government cannot keep on borrowing so much money. Even China, Russia, and India are turning to Reaganomics. The world’s leading socialist states now know: capital investment drives economies, not government spending. When will the low-information voters wake up?

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March 7, 2013

Title: What’s UP With the Sequester?
Topic: Sequestration
Discussed by Lawrence Reed
with Foundation for Economic Education

Part 1 of 2

What is “sequestration” anyway? Well, in case you’re wondering, it has nothing to do with horses…

Sequestration, which first appeared in the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Reduction Act of 1985, is the fiscal policy procedure adopted by Congress to deal with the federal budget deficit.

In other words, the sequestration is the cancellation of budgetary resources, or an automatic form of spending cutbacks.

Now, what does that mean for us? Listen to the following easy-to-understand-explanation by guest Lawrence Reed with

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Sequestration
Discussed by Lawrence Reed
with Foundation for Economic Education

Reed says this of the sequester situation currently grabbing headlines: “The sequester is a stunning example of the failure of Washington, the White House in particular, to come to grips with the most pressing problem facing the country: out of control government spending.”

Listen in as he explains….

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