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April 17, 2019

Title: Fuel Pump Credit Card Skimmers
Topic: Credit Card Skimmers
Discussed by Sid Miller
with Sid Miller (

What do skimmers, cows, sows and plows have in common with Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner? Plenty! And YOU should be paying close attention – especially to the most recent round of credit card skimmers discovered in the Houston area.

Sid Miller and others have been trying their best to protect YOU, the consumer, from these credit card skimmers. However, that is all about to change – much to his disappointment. Listen as he discusses more in this segment.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a credit card skimmer? How do these devices steal a person’s credit card information?

Are they found across Texas and throughout the world?

How can we protect our credit cards from being skimmed at the pump? Sid Miller recommends paying cash. He also suggests taking other precautionary measures if you do not have cash on hand.

Are there ways to detect a skimmer? If you don’t know what Sid is talking about, ask your kids or grandkids! They’ll know!

Why should people always get a receipt at a gas station?

How can we report suspicious situations?

You can learn more about this important issue here.

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