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July 31, 2015


Do you Recycle Well Enough?
Topic: Government Interference
Discussed by Ethen Blevins
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

In Seattle, WA, residents once had their garbage protected from nosy trash collectors. Not anymore. Now, if you do not sort through your recyclables and trash well enough, you can be fined and forced to sort through it again! Yes! I’m serious!

Ethen Blevins  is an attorney with the Pacific Legal Foundation representing the people in Seattle who are fed up with the government overreach. Ethen calls them “lovers of liberty”. He explains the law and why it is just so outrageous. He also discusses the two main components to their lawsuit against the city of Seattle. Listen in as he explains.

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February 10, 2014

Title: A Government That Governs Least, Governs Best
Topic: Government Interference
Written by Barry Smitherman

Texas is under assault from a liberal regime in Washington, DC that opposes everything our great state stands for. The fat-cats in WDC don’t like our free enterprise, personal freedom, and traditional family values that we cherish here in Texas.

While my opponents agree that we must stand up to the federal government, I am the only candidate for Attorney General with a proven record of doing so. I’ve been on the front lines fighting against Obama’s federal overreach, suing the EPA seven times in order to protect jobs and energy for our families and future generations of Texans. 

To read more click [here!]

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March 5, 2013

Title: Builders Scheming Schemes
Topic: Government Interference
Discussed by Alex Winslow
with Texas Watch (

Part 1 of 3

The first concept of holding a builder accountable for faulty construction dates back to Moses! But we won’t go back that far.

A few decades ago, builders began placing tiny, tiny print about something called “forced arbitration” in their buyer contracts. The biggest shock with these “forced arbitration” is…

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Government Interference
Discussed by Alex Winslow
with Texas Watch (

TRCC stands for Texans Residential Construction Commission. Sounds good right? Listen to this segment to find out the who, why, what, when, where, and how of this government-formed state agency.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Government Interference
Discussed by Alex Winslow
with Texas Watch (

Perry Homes and David Weekly Homes played major roles in the formation of TRCC. For many reasons, this did not sit well with home owners in Texas. So, the TRCC was abolished.

But, the problems have not ended. If you are buying a home in Texas, be careful and make sure your house is solid!

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