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January 6, 2017

Title: Is the American Dream Dead?
Topic: Is the American Dream Dead?
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 2

Author Gary Sirak wrote “The American Dream Revisited” for you, your neighbor, your college kids – for everyone. Within the pages of this amazing book, are thirteen true stories from real people just like you.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What prompted Gary Sirak to write “The American Dream Revisited”?

Is the American Dream still achievable? Will everyone achieve it?

How can average, everyday Americans achieve their dream?

Why is a “don’t quit” attitude important for success?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is the American Dream Dead?
Topic: Is the American Dream Dead?
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Terry reads from a section of the book concerning “Scout Laws”. How can we apply these rules in our own lives?

Should people make a list of goals they want to achieve?

What if a person is nearing retirement age? Should they still go after their dreams?

Gary also has some terrific advice for the younger generation as they plan their future.

Why is it important for the older and wiser generation to be mentors?

Click here to order a copy of Gary Sirak’s newest book, “The American Dream Revisited”.

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May 20, 2013

Title: Never, Never Give Up
Topic: Don't Give Up
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 2

When guest Gary Sirak was 10 years old, he was a very shy, quiet boy who desperately wanted to go to camp. His mother never thought her son would have the courage to go door-to-door to earn the needed money for the camp. But he proved her wrong!

Listen in as Gary tells how selling peppermint patties changed his life!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Don't Give Up
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Gary Sirak is a financial consultant who has helped countless people, couples, and business owners take control of their finances. He started as a 10 year old boy who wanted to go to camp. What will YOU do and HOW will you do it?

Get his inspiring book at

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February 20, 2013

Title: Is Your Marriage Doomed Due to Financial Mishaps? Take the 21 Day Pledge!
Topic: Twenty-One Day Pledge
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 3

Yes, we’re talking about the “B” today. It makes everyone uncomfortable, especially the government!

Establishing a budget is vital to the success of any family, whether you are married or not. Gary Sirak has over 30 years of experience helping businesses and families succeed. Let him help you!

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Twenty-One Day Pledge
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Gary Sirak has 8 secrets to help get you out of debt and stay out of debt. First, you must start NOW. Do not wait until next month or your next paycheck. Do it now. Set the budget and stick to it. Just like when you were a baby and took your first step. You fell down. Probably a lot. But you kept getting up and walking toward your goal.

Have this mindset with your finances. You might stumble and fall a few times in the beginning, but if you keep trying, you will succeed!

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Twenty-One Day Pledge
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Insanity: Extreme foolishness or irrationality.

Insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein

If Thomas Edison hadn’t tried over and over again, would we have electricity? Maybe someone else would have invented the light bulb. Who knows? Maybe not!

Only YOU can take control of your own finances and turn your life around. Don’t keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and then complain that you’re broke - again! br />
Use Gary Sirak’s 8 secrets for 21 days and see what happens.

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February 13, 2013

Title: The Rule of 59
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 2

It is Monday on the first day of school and the eighth grade sociology teacher walks into class and puts his name on the blackboard and next to it the number 59 with a circle around it.

He then proceeds to tell his class that he is Mr. Smith and the most important thing they will learn in his class involves the number 59. He tells them to look at it, think about it, and study it. After about five minutes Mr. Smith then taught his first class, never mentioning the encircled number again. Gary, tell our listeners the secret of the number 59!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

What was the most important thing Mr. Smith taught his students all year? Why would it be the most significant thing his students would ever learn?

Gary Sirak, author of If Your Money Talked…What Secrets Would It Tell? is President of Sirak Financial Services, Inc., a family owned business specializing in financial products and services. For more than 30 years Gary has consulted with entrepreneurs to build, grow, and maintain their businesses and helped family owned companies ensure success across future generations. Today, the company is one of the most successful financial services companies in Ohio. Gary lives in Canton, Ohio with his wife and editor, Linda.

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December 14, 2012

Title: The Rule of 59
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 2

It is Monday on the first day of school and the eighth grade sociology teacher walks into class and puts his name on the blackboard and next to it the number 59 with a circle around it.

He then proceeds to tell his class that he is Mr. Smith and the most important thing they will learn in his class involves the number 59. He tells them to look at it, think about it, and study it. After about five minutes Mr. Smith then taught his first class, never mentioning the encircled number again. Gary, tell our listeners the secret of the number 59!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

What was the most important thing Mr. Smith taught his students all year? Why would it be the most significant thing his students would ever learn?

Gary Sirak, author of If Your Money Talked…What Secrets Would It Tell? is President of Sirak Financial Services, Inc., a family owned business specializing in financial products and services. For more than 30 years Gary has consulted with entrepreneurs to build, grow, and maintain their businesses and helped family owned companies ensure success across future generations. Today, the company is one of the most successful financial services companies in Ohio. Gary lives in Canton, Ohio with his wife and editor, Linda.

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November 7, 2012

Title: A Financial Secret, The Rule of 59
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 2

It is Monday on the first day of school and the eighth grade sociology teacher walks into class and puts his name on the blackboard and next to it the number 59 with a circle around it.

He then proceeds to tell his class that he is Mr. Smith and the most important thing they will learn in his class involves the number 59. He tells them to look at it, think about it, and study it. After about five minutes Mr. Smith then taught his first class, never mentioning the encircled number again. Gary, tell our listeners the secret of the number 59!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

What was the most important thing Mr. Smith taught his students all year? Why would it be the most significant thing his students would ever learn?

Gary Sirak, author of If Your Money Talked…What Secrets Would It Tell? is President of Sirak Financial Services, Inc., a family owned business specializing in financial products and services. For more than 30 years Gary has consulted with entrepreneurs to build, grow, and maintain their businesses and helped family owned companies ensure success across future generations. Today, the company is one of the most successful financial services companies in Ohio. Gary lives in Canton, Ohio with his wife and editor, Linda.

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October 24, 2012

Title: If Your Money Talked, What Secrets Would It Tell? Discover Holiday Spending Tips!
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 2

Can you help our listeners out with a little acronym to help them start thinking about their thanksgiving and Christmas shopping?

Should we all just stop and really think about the magnitude of our holiday gifts lists?

What is the problem with acting out/buying on impulse?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

What is the 24 hour rule?

Gary, can you help us plan? What should we do if we can't afford to do what we did in the past?

Should we draw names?

What should we all do before we impulse buy? Is it important to make that list and keep track of what you buy?

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June 22, 2012

Title: If Your Money Talked What Secrets Would it Tell?
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 4

What have you been doing with your money since the economy crashed in the Fall of 2008? Have you tightened your belt and changed your spending habits? How do you feel about the way the government has handled the financial crisis?

Guest Gary Sirak is back today to help us learn how to save our money.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Bad things happen to good people. Tires blow out on the freeway. Kids break their arm jumping on the neighbor's trampoline. Teenagers drive too fast and have an accident. Pipes burst in the house. The AC goes out. These are all unexpected occurrences that cost money. Lots of money.

Do you have the money saved in case of emergency or loss of job?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

How long would it take you to save $10,000? Impossible? No it's not! Even if you are living paycheck-to-paycheck you can save each month and before you know it you'll have $10,000 saved. It takes discipline and following a strict budget, but it can be done.

One tip author Gary Sirak recommends is using cash only. No credit cards at all. If you don't have the money (aka cash) you can't spend it!

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Financial problems are the root of most of divorces. Gary Sirak has a "Marriage Money Agreement" you and your spouse can use to keep money arguments from taking control of your marriage.

You can find more information about Gary Sirak and his book "If Your Money Talked What Secrets Would it Tell" at his website

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May 18, 2012

Title: If Your Money Talked, What Secrets Would It Tell?
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 3

Special guest Gary Sirak answers:

Do most listeners, right now, have a budget?

Is money the cause of most divorces? Is it possible for people to get a handle on their outflow?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Do most people spend more than they make and they spend that by just charging more on their credit cards?

Has the mortgage crisis had an impact on many people? What happened?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Do most people spend more than they make and they spend that by just charging more on their credit cards?

Has the mortgage crisis had an impact on many people? What happened?

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April 30, 2012

Title: How quickly can you save $10,000?
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

Part 1 of 2

How do you get your spouse on board with spending limits?

Why do some ignore time-tested money truths like don't spend more than you make and pay yourself first? Are some financial troubles just byproducts of living an unaffordable lifestyle?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Gary Sirak
with Gary Sirak (

What is credit card abuse and how do you know if you are guilty of it?

What are the most common money mistake people make that have them one phone call away from financial ruin?

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