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August 16, 2005

Title: Robinhood Republicans take a fee and turn it into a TAX!!!
Topic: Taxes and Government Spending
Discussed by Tim Morstad
with Consumers Union

Republicans take up a fee and turn it into a Tax. Why?

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July 7, 2005

Title: Working together to make a difference - the Consurmer Union.
Topic: Cable Choice is Channel Choice
Discussed by Kenneth Degrath
with Consumers Union

Consumer and conserevative groups have joined together in urging Congress to give cable viewers greater choice about the programming they are forced to pay for. "A la carte" legislation is a common sense way to address the two biggest pet peeves consumers have with cable compaines...

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February 3, 2005

Title: Cable Choice is Channel Choice. Let's demand a choice!
Topic: Cable Choice is Channel Choice
Discussed by Kenneth DeGraff
with Consumers Union

Why should we be forced to purchase 50-75 channels from our cable provider when we only watch 10-12 of them? We would not stand for the grocer to bundle a dozen eggs with a pound of bacon, a gallon of orange juice, and Play Boy Magazine? Congress should force the cable companies to "unbundle the channels" and allow us to pick only the stations we want and only pay for the stations we choose.

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