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February 14, 2024

Title: Texas March Primary Information
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

Cindy Siegel is the current Harris County Republican Party Chair. Today, she discusses information you need to know about the upcoming March Primary in Texas.

Click here for more information about the Harris County Republican Party.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do voters in Texas declare affiliation to any particular party when they register to vote?

Can only registered voters vote in the upcoming Primary?

Do each of the major parties in Texas, Republican and Democrat, hold separate Primaries? Are they on the same days? Cindy discusses the changes…

If a voter receives the wrong ballet in the voting booth, what should they do?

Early voting begins Tuesday, February 20 and runs through Friday, March 1. Can voters select where and when to vote? NOTE: Click on the “INFORMATION” tab at for sample ballots and voting information.

Why should we all encourage family, friends, and co-workers to vote in the upcoming Primary?

Click here for more information about Cindy Siegel’s re-election campaign for Harris County Republican Party Chair.

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October 25, 2021

Title: What’s UP with Redistricting in Texas?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

The Texas Legislature recently approved redistricting statewide. How will this affect your life?

Cindy Seigel is the Chairwoman of the Harris County Republican Party. Click here for the latest information from the HCRP.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is redistricting?

Where did Texas gain two Congressional seats?

Can the redistricting be manipulated? Cindy explains that it is computer-generated, but it is definitely hard to please everyone. Terry says: “If both sides are mad, then they probably did something right!”

Will all Texas State Senators and Representatives be on the ballot in 2022?

How have some of the districts changed? Cindy shares how her own district lines have been redrawn and she now has a Democrat Senator.

Do Democrats and Republicans, for the most, vote straight party?

There is chatter on social media that the County Commissioners boundaries are also changing. How can those boundary changes impact our every-day lives? Cindy discusses how the proposed changes will make it virtually impossible to have a majority Republican vote in Harris County.

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October 14, 2021

Title: Elections Matter!
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

Harris County Republican Party Chairwoman Cindy Siegel discusses rising crime in Houston. Click here for more information on the Harris County Republican Party.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are citizens in Houston aware that judges are releasing criminals with little or no bail back onto our streets?

How is the HCRP communicating this issue to the public?

How do we engage those who are not aware?

Is Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo part of the cabal placating those arrested?

Did Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo attempt to redirect millions of dollars that were earmarked for law enforcement to other social causes? Cindy shares how she attempted to redirect this money to campaigns advocating for and pushing COVID vaccinations.

Has Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo stood with our great Border Patrol Agents in repelling the criminal element that is flooding across our southern border? SHORT ANSWER: NOPE.

Did Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo take to the pages of the Houston Chronicle stating the Socialist Manifesto was “written for Harris County”? If so, what does that really mean? Is she a Socialist?

How can the Republican Party reframe their message to attract more voters, especially minorities? Cindy has some suggestions…

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August 10, 2021

Title: Second Texas Special Session: What to Expect
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

Cindy Siegel discusses the Second Texas Special Session, which began on Saturday, August 7, 2021. What can we expect this time around?

Click here to stay up-to-date on politics in Harris County and the state of Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will the Texas Democrats skip work again?

During the Special Session, are elected officials obligated to vote on and pass any bills? Cindy believes this is a complicated question with a complicated answer…

Do the majority of Americans (on both sides of the aisle) want better border security and less illegals invading our state and our country? Do the majority of Americans want mandated vaccinations, more mask mandates, and more lockdowns? Do the majority of Americans demand Election Integrity?

Is the Republican message beginning to resonate with more Americans? If so, can we win the next election?

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July 15, 2021

Title: Is the American Public being Gaslighted – Again?
Topic: Democrats Gone Wild
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

Cindy Siegel, Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, recently wrote: “The Democrats flipped the script more times than a sleazy Hollywood movie producer.”

Click here for more information on the HCRP.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Biden Administration now accusing Republicans of wanting to defund the police?

NOTE: In Terry’s opinion, voting against a massive, reckless spending bill, which contained minor police funding, is not advocating for “defunding the police”.

Have Democrats in Texas pulled funding from various police departments including Austin and Houston? Cindy is a CPA by profession, so she loves numbers. Listen as she explains what is happening in Houston…

What have been the results of the “Defund the Police Movement”?

Is the loud and vocal “Defund the Police Movement” hurting Democrats at the polls?

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June 18, 2021

Title: What Issues Really Matter?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

Part 1 of 2

Cindy Siegel is the Chairman for the Harris County Republican Party. Today she discusses several topics that are of importance to Houstonians and all Texans.

Click here for more information about the Harris County Republican Party.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Rush Limbaugh often said, “It’s hard to compete against Santa Clause!” What does this mean?

The Democrats hire the best wordsmiths and can articulate their message in 15 words or less. Too often, Republicans take 8 to 10 minutes to explain their position. Do Republicans have a messaging problem?

Should Republicans be focused on crime rates in relation to race?

Here’s a 13-word summary on crime: Are you Safe at home, safe on the streets, safe while you shop?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What Issues Really Matter?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Cindy’s plan to reach Democrat Voters in Harris County?

Use the CONTACT link on our main page to let us know your thoughts on issues we are facing as Texans and Americans

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January 29, 2020

Title: Who Will You Vote For?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

The fight to take back Congressional District 7 is rounding the bend and heading towards the home stretch. Six candidates are reaching out to the voters in an attempt to win their vote in the upcoming Republican Primary. CD 7 is John Culberson’s old seat, which he lost to a Democrat in November 2018.

This is part 3 of candidate Cindy Siegel’s interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The economy is booming and Democrats are laser-focused on destroying the economy to defeat Trump, hurting millions of American workers. They don’t care. What’s the solution?

Democrats want to outlaw drilling and do away with fossil fuels, creating higher fuel and energy costs. Is this a practical and workable solution for short and mid-term?

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Title: Who Will You Vote For?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

The fight to take back Congressional District 7 is rounding the bend and heading towards the home stretch. Six candidates are reaching out to the voters in an attempt to win their vote in the upcoming Republican Primary. CD 7 is John Culberson’s old seat, which he lost to a Democrat in November 2018.

This is part 4 of candidate Cindy Siegel’s interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some Democrats want to outlaw the ownership of private property. What is your opinion on this issue?

Why not your opponent?

Why should voters cast their vote for you?

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January 28, 2020

Title: Cindy Siegel and Wesley Hunt (more to follow)
Topic: Primary: CD 7 Interviews
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

Part 1 of 2

The fight to take back Congressional District 7 is rounding the bend and heading towards the home stretch. Six candidates are reaching out to the voters in an attempt to win their vote in the upcoming Republican Primary. CD 7 is John Culberson’s old seat, which he lost to a Democrat in November 2018.

This is part 1 of candidate Cindy Siegel’s interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should voters cast their vote for you?

Police officers throughout our area are stating that criminals have a revolving door due to “catch and release” or no bond/very low bond amounts. Many police officers are very discouraged. How do we keep our wives, daughters, and everyone safe?

Millions and millions around the world see America as the land of opportunity not afforded to them where they live now. Where do we draw the line in terms of immigration, legal and/or illegal?

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Title: Part 2 - Cindy Siegel and Wesley Hunt (more to follow)
Topic: Primary: CD 7 Interviews
Discussed by Cindy Siegel
with Cindy Siegel (

Will Cindy Siegel or Wesley Hunt, or one of the other four Republican Candidates, face the Democrat in November? Their interviews continue…. more candidate interview to follow leading up to the Primary.

This is part 2 of candidate Cindy Siegel’s interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Men and women have seen their take-home pay shrink because of ever-increasing health insurance premiums since Obamacare was passed by the Democrats. What can you do to lower these costs for Texans?

Leading Democrats want to outlaw private and employer provided health insurance. Why do they want to do this?

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