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March 25, 2019

Title: Can Trump Build the Wall?
Topic: Border Wall
Discussed by Dr. Ronald Trowbridge
with Independent Institute (

Can President Trump build the wall without approval from Congress? Will the decision rest in the hands of the Supreme Court?

Dr. Ronald Trowbridge is a Policy Fellow at the Independent Institute. From 1987 to 1990, Dr. Trowbridge served as Chief of Staff for retired US Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger. Before this, he was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to the United States Information Agency.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will the US Supreme Court be the final arbitrator concerning President Trump’s border wall?

Since 1976, Presidents have unilaterally declared 58 national emergencies. Listen as Dr. Trowbridge, briefly explains this law, offering several examples…

Wait a minute…. Didn’t President Barack Obama, through unilateral executive authority, and without the approval of or funding from Congress, create the Affordable Care Act?

Will Chief Justice John Roberts be the deciding vote for the wall?

Dr. Ronald Trowbridge’s op-ed, “Trump’s Wall Depends on Chief Justice John Roberts”, can be found here.

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July 10, 2015

Title: Will Houston become the Detroit of the South?
Topic: Government Spending
Discussed by Dr. Lawrence McQuillan
with Independent Institute (

Elected officials have routinely promised government employees fat pension plans but have not fully funded these obligations. Now, there aren’t enough workers paying into the system to cover the obligations to a tune of approximately $4.7 Trillion deficit across the country. Texas owes $300 Billion of that and Houston has $14 Billion in obligations.

Dr. Lawrence McQuillan is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation at the Independent Institute. He is here today to help us better understand the dire circumstances our elected officials have placed us in.

If business owners handled their employee pensions the way the local and state governments do, someone would go to prison! “The laws that govern private sector pensions are very strict. If the same shenanigans happened in the private sector, people would go to jail!” Dr. McQuillan laments.

He goes on to discuss the deficit in Houston and what the future may look like. Will Houston become the next Detroit?

Dr. Lawrence McQuillan is the author of “California Dreaming: Lessons on How to Resolve America’s Public Pension Crisis”. You can find more information here.

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April 30, 2009

Title: COERCED CHARITY Part 1 of 2
Topic: Coerced Charity
Discussed by Dr. Ronald Trowbridge
with Independent Institute (

Guest Dr. Ronald Trowbridge compares Nationalized Healthcare to coerced charity. Why? Dr. Trowbridge can be contacted through the Texas Public Policy Foundation at

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Title: COERCED CHARITY Part 2 of 2
Topic: Coerced Charity
Discussed by Dr. Ronald Trowbridge
with Independent Institute (

The government is trying to justify Nationalized Healthcare because 50 million Americans are without health insurance. But, who are these 50 million Americans? Experts estimate that a minimum of 10 million are illegal immigrants; 17 million live in households with an income greater than $50,000 and don’t think they can afford to buy HI out-of-pocket; 18 million are 18-30 and don’t think they need HI because they are healthy; and millions are simply out of work, but will likely find a job with a health benefits. That leaves only 5 million without HI. Surely the US government can come up with a better solution for these 5 million people than National Healthcare for everyone. Log on to for more information.

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