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March 25, 2019

Title: Can Trump Build the Wall?
Topic: Border Wall
Discussed by Dr. Ronald Trowbridge
with Independent Institute (

Can President Trump build the wall without approval from Congress? Will the decision rest in the hands of the Supreme Court?

Dr. Ronald Trowbridge is a Policy Fellow at the Independent Institute. From 1987 to 1990, Dr. Trowbridge served as Chief of Staff for retired US Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger. Before this, he was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to the United States Information Agency.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will the US Supreme Court be the final arbitrator concerning President Trump’s border wall?

Since 1976, Presidents have unilaterally declared 58 national emergencies. Listen as Dr. Trowbridge, briefly explains this law, offering several examples…

Wait a minute…. Didn’t President Barack Obama, through unilateral executive authority, and without the approval of or funding from Congress, create the Affordable Care Act?

Will Chief Justice John Roberts be the deciding vote for the wall?

Dr. Ronald Trowbridge’s op-ed, “Trump’s Wall Depends on Chief Justice John Roberts”, can be found here.

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November 5, 2018

Title: Border Wall: What Would Jesus Do?
Topic: Border Wall
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

The God of the Bible sometimes knocks walls down, as at Jericho, or ordains a prophet like Nehemiah to lead their rebuilding at Jerusalem. The lesson of Babel wasn’t about construction but about human arrogance claiming for itself what only belongs to God. The divine judgment at Babel was division of humanity into different tribes and tongues.

What does this mean though? Would Jesus approve of a wall of separation on the border?

Mark Tooley is the President of Institute on Religion and Democracy. Listen as he offers his opinion…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are open borders ‘godly’ while restrictions and fences are ungodly and inhospitable?

Are national boundaries satanic strongholds?

Do borders have providential purpose?

Do some on the Left work tirelessly for political conformity in which all nations are effectively erased?

Can political conformity only occur coercively and repressively?

Do fences make good neighbors?

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