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August 27, 2015

Title: Fracking Accused of Causing More To Drop Out of High School
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

Fracking continues to get a bad name, an engineer with 35 years of experience in the natural gas and oil industries.

An article recently published on Yahoo!, based on data released by the National Bureau of Economic Research, blames fracking for not reducing the drop-out rate among male high school students ages 17 and 18. Instead, the study says, the availability of good-paying jobs in the shale oil and gas industry made it less attractive to finish school.

The study’s abstract claims that, without fracking, the drop-out rate would have narrowed for that demographic in relation to female students who are the same age by 11 percent in recent years.

A while back we were complaining that there weren’t enough viable blue-collar, industrial jobs available to the American workforce, and now we’re blaming a job-creating industry for high school drop-out rates? I smell agenda.

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December 2, 2014

Title: Thanks to Fracking, Gas Prices are Falling!
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

Greg Kozera can’t even remember when gas was near $2.75 a gallon! For decades, the oil sheiks in the Middle East have controlled the world with their oil. That is all changing – thanks to fracking! Now, America holds the #2 spot in oil production and we hold the top spot in gas production!

Listen in as Greg discusses how fracking is the most important factor in the reduction of gas prices. Does Greg think that gas prices will continue to fall?

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November 13, 2014

Title: What Climate Change Protestors Don't Know Can Hurt Us
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

What lessons can be learned from the ban on fracking in Denton, Texas? Greg Kozera, author of  Just the Fracks Ma’am, was shocked to learn that this small town in Texas had voted to ban the practice of fracking in new drilled wells. He was absolutely astounded.

A small group of environmentalists have been traveling around the country and spreading outright lies about fracking and the “harm” it does to the water supply. They don’t really care about fracking. They care about the drilling itself. They assume that if they are able to ban fracking, the oil companies will just tuck tail and leave.

What the climate change fanatics don’t realize is how many times per day they actually use a product or device made of oil from a well that has been fracked. iPhones, iPads, car, refrigerators, grocery stores, fancy work-out gyms, and even their shoes have all been made from oil. All of these items are made in a factory using oil.

I guess they might as well start wearing animal skins that they’ve made themselves – actually scratch that. They’re all vegans and don’t kill animals for anything, especially not clothes. So, they’re now wearing Adam and Eve-type leafy greens over their nether-regions, living off the land. Oh no! They can’t Google “How to cook over a dung-fired pit”! How will they survive?

So what’s next? Listen in as author Greg Kozera discusses health issues, cost comparisons, and loss of jobs. For more information about fracking, log on to

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October 22, 2014

Title: Why does the Left Hate Fracking?
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

Part 1 of 2

Would you rather put $10 million into a business in Mexico, Africa, or Canada – or America? That’s kind of a rhetorical question. Well, in Denton, Texas, there is a referendum on the ballot to ban the fracking process. In fact, many cities all across the country have been attempting this. Why? Why does the left despise fracking so much?

Many environmental organizations want to ban fracking, but they really don’t have any idea what fracking is – and more importantly how fracking benefits the environment. They don’t even know that their iPhones use as much energy as their refrigerator! When they Tweet “Eat a plant! Not a cow!” they are using energy from all over the United States! Just for one single Tweet! What hypocrites!

The people in Denton have a choice – to choose to continue to have reliable, inexpensive energy to watch TV, play Scrabble on their iPads, work at home from a computer, and drive their kids to soccer practice. Or they can choose to pay more for unreliable, patchy energy which is constantly having interruptions and give up their cable, kids piano lessons, pawn their iPads, and work a second job just to pay for their outrageous electric bills. They have a choice.

Secondly, how many pollutants are released from fracking? NONE! ZERO! In fact, fracking HELPS the environment! Fracking lowers electric bills, cleans the air, and has never, ever polluted any source of water. And fracking creates jobs. Know your Fracks, ma’am.

Listen in to the next segment to hear the negative effects we all would face if fracking is banned for good.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why does the Left Hate Fracking?
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

Would you rather put $10 million into a business in Mexico, Africa, or Canada – or America? That’s kind of a rhetorical question. Well, in Denton, Texas, there is a referendum on the ballot to ban the fracking process. In fact, many cities all across the country have been attempting this. Why? Why does the left despise fracking so much?

Many environmental organizations want to ban fracking, but they really don’t have any idea what fracking is – and more importantly how fracking benefits the environment. They don’t even know that their iPhones use as much energy as their refrigerator! When they Tweet “Eat a plant! Not a cow!” they are using energy from all over the United States! Just for one single Tweet! What hypocrites!

The people in Denton have a choice – to choose to continue to have reliable, inexpensive energy to watch TV, play Scrabble on their iPads, work at home from a computer, and drive their kids to soccer practice. Or they can choose to pay more for unreliable, patchy energy which is constantly having interruptions and give up their cable, kids piano lessons, pawn their iPads, and work a second job just to pay for their outrageous electric bills. They have a choice.

Secondly, how many pollutants are released from fracking? NONE! ZERO! In fact, fracking HELPS the environment! Fracking lowers electric bills, cleans the air, and has never, ever polluted any source of water. And fracking creates jobs. Know your Fracks, ma’am.

Listen in to the next segment to hear the negative effects we all would face if fracking is banned for good.

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September 23, 2014

Title: Where Does Energy Actually Come From?
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

If you were in need of surgery, would you ask a medical writer who has never performed a surgery or even practiced medicine to cut you open? NO! You’d actively seek the best surgeon in town.

If you wanted to improve your golf swing, would you ask a Sports Illustrated staff writer to help you? NO! You’d find the best pro golfer money could buy to teach you the tricks of the trade.

If your car broke down, would you take it to the local donut shop? NO! You’d take it to a mechanic.

Why do so many people trust a paid Hollywood actor who is reading from a script, spreading false information about hydraulic fracking instead of an expert on the environment? Greg Kozera discusses a recent Rasmussen survey of 1,000 likely voters concerning various economic and social issues facing our nation.

Greg is the President of the Virginia Oil and Gas Association and an environmentalist author – one of the rare few who actually encourages hydraulic fracking. He says people just don’t have a clue where the energy, electricity, gasoline, air conditioning, heat they use comes from.

In the late 1970’s, after OPEC placed an oil embargo on the United State, lines for gasoline were atrocious! Now, America is the NUMBER ONE producer of oil in the world. Greg says, in his opinion, we will not be running out of natural gas or crude oil any time soon, even by today’s standards.

If the truth isn’t shouted from the rooftops by people like Greg Kozera, the EPA will have us living like the cavemen in the stone ages within a few generations. Mark my words, friends. It is not as far off as you think.

Log on to  to order Greg’s great book or for more information on fracking and the truth.

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August 6, 2014

Title: Debunking the Myths of Hydraulic Fracking
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

Part 1 of 3

Who said “If you tell the people a lie long enough, it will become the truth”? Oh, yeah. Hitler.

If you listened to the Main Stream Media, you would believe fracking is a new technique fraught with many bad unintended consequences. The MSM are paid marketers for the left’s cause. Their only goal is to stop all drilling in America. Period.

Would you believe me if I told you that, since 1947, nearly 2 million wells have been fracked? Would you believe me if I told you that there has not been one single recorded case of contamination – from nearly 2 million wells? That’s a fact, Jack.

Greg Kozera is an environmentalist who has helped with the implementation of thousands of fracked wells. Is he biased? You bet he is! But only because he knows the TRUTH.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Debunking the Myths of Hydraulic Fracking
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

In just five short years, America has gone from being on the bottom of the barrel to the world leader in oil production. Imagine what we could do if the left would just allow us! Greg Kozera, author of  Just the Fracks Ma’am, says we could literally save the planet.

It’s not about more jobs, although that is a major plus. It’s not even about the money, which is obviously a tremendous benefit.

Greg says it’s simply about saving the planet. The smog and smut from China doesn’t stay in China; it travels globally. The people in Africa would have their lives changed. Middle Eastern countries ravaged in war and poverty could see the light of day. European countries would have no need to depend on Russia.

We could help. America could help. America could save the planet! Let’s put that on our resume!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Debunking the Myths of Hydraulic Fracking
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

What does the future look like for the fracking industry? Right now, it’s pretty grim due to the mounting lies the MSM is spreading far and wide. The left even has Hollywood celebrities pleading their case. And we all know that when celebrities open their mouths, there is nothing but truth that comes out (said with much sarcasm and rolling of the eyes).

Friends, get the facts about fracking. Read Greg’s new book, Just the Fracks Ma’am, with your teens and college students. Tell them the truth and encourage them to politely and respectfully challenge their teachers and professors on the matter should it arise.

Greg says we currently have enough oil and gas available to last hundreds of years – and he is not the only one in his field who knows this to be true. New technology would expand fracking by leaps and bounds. Let’s be givers, not takers. Let’s share our wealth with the world, not hide it away, literally, underground.

You can find Greg’s book at  Greg also encourages you to send him an email if you would like more information about fracking. His email is

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July 2, 2014

Title: Just the Fracks Ma'am
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

Part 1 of 3

Despite King Obama. Despite the Democrats. Despite the EPA. Despite all the tree-huggers in California and up north….America is now the oil and gas giant in the world.

Since 1947, millions of wells around the world have been fracked. No wells have contaminated water well. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada. None. No one has gotten cancer. No one has developed lung disease. No one has even so much as gotten a cold from fracking “contaminating” their water supply.

Greg Kozera explains how fracking works by comparing it to emptying a football stadium after the big game. What if there was an eight-lane highway you could automatically jump on when you were leaving? That’s how fracking works – it’s like an underground highway for water!

Listen in to hear the rest of the story!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Just the Fracks Ma'am
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

Drill here! Drill now! Drill more! Greg has over 35 years of experience in the fracking industry. He is not biased. He just tells the facts. He is here to set the record straight about fracking.

If companies would be allowed to drill for natural gas and construct new buildings for manufacturing, job growth would be incredible! These would be good paying jobs for honest Americans. It would stimulate the economy like crazy!

Obama has tried to take credit for the small increase in natural gas production, but he is lying – again. All he has done from day one in office is stifle the oil and gas industry, placing regulation after regulation on them. He continues to block drilling – but only here on American soil; it’s ok to drill in other parts of the world, just not here. I think he is purposefully trying to ruin our country on a daily basis.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Just the Fracks Ma'am
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Greg Kozera
with Just the Fracks Ma’am (

Ladies, how would you like to wash all your clothes by hand in a bucket in the front yard? Do you think you’d enjoy frying up a chicken (that you killed and plucked yourself) in a hot kitchen with no air condition? Then, you wash all the dishes by hand in the same tub you take a bath in once a week! Shiver….

Men, how much do you enjoy farm work? Ok, let’s say you’re an attorney. You think you work hard now. Imagine not having a car to ride to your law office in. You have to ride a horse or take a buggy. You don’t have a computer to do research or a smart phone to text your client updates. You have to – gulp – actually go to a library (if there is one!) or talk to your client face-to-face.

Moms and dads: Do you think your kids would enjoy cleaning out an outhouse several times a week or getting up at 5 am to milk the cows and gather the eggs, then head off to school miles away – on foot? You think they complain now. Just wait!

You think I’m kidding. You think this could never happen. But, this is exactly what the environmentalists want us to do: Live like it’s the 1800’s all over again. No A/C. No indoor plumbing. No cars. No fast-food. No WalMart? They say we’re using too much oil and gas and it will all disappear soon. Cry me a river!

Greg Kozera says that with today’s technology, we can rely on current fracking for 200 years. Imagine how long it will last with new technology. Also, he points out that natural gas has lowered the CO2 levels in the US to 1992 levels. They’re NOT increasing – they are decreasing!

In fact, we are shipping natural gas to India and China and Japan and cleaning up their CO2 emissions, too! Greg wraps up his interview with debunking some of the misconceptions about fracking.

Log on to  to order Greg’s new book. It’s not full of technical jargon and big, fancy words. It’s written for soccer moms and college kids. It’s written for teens and grandpas. Get a copy today!

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