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May 8, 2023

Title: World Population and Trends in Reproductive Technology
Topic: Pro-Family Issues
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Part 1 of 3

Human reproductive technology continues to make advancements. With those advancements come a plethora of bioethical concerns that give pause to many people regardless of their worldview.

Today, Dr. Jan Dudt explains why Christians who watch these trends are especially alarmed by these advancements and the implications the technologies have for humanity’s future. Dr. Dudt is a Professor of Biology at Grove City College and fellow for medical ethics with the Institute for Faith & Freedom.

Click here to read Dr. Jan Dudt’s op-ed on this topic.

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Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are world population numbers exploding or imploding?

Without immigration numbers (both legal and illegal), are the US, Europe, and Asia slowing dying? Dr. Dudt discusses the drastic decrease in births per woman, saying it is an “alarming trend”.

Is the working-age population in America aging (retiring or close to retiring)?

Is the explosion in gender confusion contributing to the decline in birth rates?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - World Population and Trends in Reproductive Technology
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do those who do not want children or only have one child ever consider that the human race may go extinct?

Why does Dr. Dudt describe the path we are on as “neopagan” and “atheistic”? Dr. Dudt says: “As you move the left on the political spectrum, the disdain for things Biblical and Christian increases… As a result, the solutions that are proposed… are not going to be healthy.”

Is the explosion in gender confusion contributing to the decline in birth rates?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - World Population and Trends in Reproductive Technology
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

To counter the population implosion, do many see advances in reproduction technology as the solution? Dr. Dudt believes “artificial wombs” will inevitably lead down a much more dangerous path.

Christians are often divided on this topic. Why should Christians oppose artificial wombs as surrogate mothers? Dr. Dudt once again discusses the effect gender confusion is having on the world population. He says: “We need to have Biblical definitions of what it means to be a human, what it means to have a family, what it means to care for someone more importantly than yourself. These are fundamental ideas that we need to get right.”

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May 17, 2021

Title: Genetically Modified Humans
Topic: Genetics and Human Cloning
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Every human has been made in the image of God – that is, until 2019 when two Chinese baby girls were born with gene-edited traits. Their sibling was born in 2021. What’s next on “their” agenda?

Dr. Jan Dudt is a Biology Professor at Grove City College and a Fellow for Medical Ethics with the Institute for Faith and Freedom.  Click here  for more information on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can scientists genetically modify humans? Have they been modifying animals and plants for years?

The three Chinese baby girls were genetically modified to be resistant to HIV. Does this modification make them more susceptible to other diseases?

How many countries outlawed such procedures?

Has the US outlawed human genetic alterations?

Will the meaning for “human” be forever changed? What will humans look like in 200 years?

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July 24, 2009

Topic: Stem Cell Research
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Dr. Jan D. Dudt, Associate Professor of Biology at Grove City College, is co-author of the above titled paper on embryonic stem cells. What are the issues? What’s at stake? And just what is the difference between non-embryonic and embryonic stem cells? Log on to for more information.

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Topic: Stem Cell Research
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Embryonic stem cells can only be removed from the actual embryo by destroying the embryo, thus killing a human life. Adult stem cells, however, can be removed from numerous places.

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Topic: Stem Cell Research
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

One problem that has arisen with the extraction and placement of embryonic stem cells is that the recipient can unpredictably develop cancer from the embryonic stem cells.

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September 29, 2005

Title: The I D Movement: Intelligent Design Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Intelligent Design
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

What is the Intelligent Design movement? What is Itellifent Design? Dr. Professor Dudt explains some of the arguments for and against Intelligent Design.

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Title: The I D Movement: Intelligent Design
Topic: Intelligent Design
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

What is the Intelligent Design movement? What is Itellifent Design? Dr. Professor Dudt explains some of the arguments for and against Intelligent Design.

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