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July 16, 2021

Title: Man Should Not Play God
Topic: Genetics and Human Cloning
Discussed by Wesley J. Smith
with Discovery Institute (

Vermont has already established an absolute statutory right to abortion through the ninth month and deprives embryos and babies of any rights. They have now gone one step further, proposing something akin to reproductive anarchy.

Wesley J. Smith warns: “The unintended societal consequences of such radical experiments in family formation and childbirth – and the prospect of using unborn life instrumentally in more varied ways than we do already – cannot be known.”

Wesley is a contributor to the Corner at National Review and author of more than fourteen books. He has been recognized as one of America’s premier public intellectuals on bioethics and has been honored as a “Great Defender of Life”. Click here for more from Wesley J. Smith at the Discovery Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What’s wrong with manufacturing babies via cloning?

What’s wrong with engineering a baby?

What’s wrong with fetal farming for organ-donation purposes? “It denies the importance of human life, even at the gestation stage,” Wesley believes.

What is “reproductive autonomy”? Wesley reads some of the proposed Vermont amendment, which will be up for a public citizen vote in 2022.

Where will this end with man playing God? Wesley compares it to the Tower of Babel.

Is there intrinsic value in human dignity?

Is a clone the same as a slave? Wesley says that this has a complicated answer…

Have scientists thought through the implications of human cloning?

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May 17, 2021

Title: Genetically Modified Humans
Topic: Genetics and Human Cloning
Discussed by Dr. Jan F. Dudt
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Every human has been made in the image of God – that is, until 2019 when two Chinese baby girls were born with gene-edited traits. Their sibling was born in 2021. What’s next on “their” agenda?

Dr. Jan Dudt is a Biology Professor at Grove City College and a Fellow for Medical Ethics with the Institute for Faith and Freedom.  Click here  for more information on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can scientists genetically modify humans? Have they been modifying animals and plants for years?

The three Chinese baby girls were genetically modified to be resistant to HIV. Does this modification make them more susceptible to other diseases?

How many countries outlawed such procedures?

Has the US outlawed human genetic alterations?

Will the meaning for “human” be forever changed? What will humans look like in 200 years?

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