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January 22, 2024

Title: Can the State Confiscate Someone’s Property without Compensation?
Topic: Property Rights
Discussed by Jim Burling
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

Jim Burling is the Vice President of Legal Affairs at the Pacific Legal Foundation. Today, Jim discusses a very sad case involving a Texas farmer and his family who were harmed due of the actions of the State of Texas.

Click here for more information about this case, DeVillier v. State of Texas.

Click here for more information about the Pacific Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did the Texas Department of Transportation do to Richie Devillier’s family and hundreds of other families?

Has the State of Texas admitted to any wrongdoing?

Why is the State of Texas denying just compensation for the farmer and his family?

What does the law state about just compensation in cases like this?

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May 31, 2019

Title: Will Trump Help Protect Your Property Rights?
Topic: Property Rights
Discussed by Jonathan Wood
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

When bureaucrats make rules that impact the American people, they’re supposed to submit them to Congress for review. Unfortunately, today’s reality is that alphabet soup agencies – FDA, USDA, EPA, USFWS – adopt most of the rules that Americans are subjected to.

These laws have become so numerous and oppressive that one civil rights lawyer estimates that every American has committed at least three federal crimes by dinnertime every day.

Jonathan Wood is an attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation’s WDC Center, where he litigates environmental, property rights, and constitutional cases.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How important are secure property rights?

Have bureaucrats become legislators, judges, and gods when it comes to controlling our lives, our businesses, and our property?

Was it the original internet of Congress to pass laws allowing bureaucrats wide freedoms in interrupting and implementing those laws? Jonathan says yes and no… Listen as he explains…

Is ignorance (of the law) any excuse?

Has Congress attempted to rein in out-of-control bureaucrats? Jonathan discusses the 1996 Congressional Review Act…

What is President Trump doing to protect our property rights?

Are some countries actually endangering their own citizens because they offer more protection for wildlife and the environment?

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