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July 26, 2024

Title: Experience Jesus’ Rest
Topic: Promise Keeper
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Jeff Young continues the summer series this week entitled: “Promise Keeper”. The focus each week will be on a different promise from God found in the Bible – both the Old and New Testaments. His sermon this week is on Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Pastor Jeff Young is Executive Pastor for CFBC.

Find Pastor Jeff Young sermon here.


Pastor Jeff continues with the story of Elijah from 1 Kings 19…

How did God protect Elijah? Did God have a plan all worked out for Elijah when he went back home?

How are WE similar to Elijah when we are worried and stressed out?


To experience rest in Jesus, rehearse His promise every day.

To experience rest in Jesus, remind yourself of His desire to take your burden.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 25, 2024

Title: Experience Jesus’ Rest
Topic: Promise Keeper
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Jeff Young continues the summer series this week entitled: “Promise Keeper”. The focus each week will be on a different promise from God found in the Bible – both the Old and New Testaments. His sermon this week is on Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Pastor Jeff Young is Executive Pastor for CFBC.

Find Pastor Jeff Young sermon here.


Pastor Jeff continues with the story of Elijah from 1 Kings 19…

Why did Elijah want to give up and die? What did the angel say to him in a vision? What did he do after the vision? How did God protect Elijah? Did God have a plan all worked out for Elijah when he went back home?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 24, 2024

Title: Experience Jesus’ Rest
Topic: Promise Keeper
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Jeff Young continues the summer series this week entitled: “Promise Keeper”. The focus each week will be on a different promise from God found in the Bible – both the Old and New Testaments. His sermon this week is on Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Pastor Jeff Young is Executive Pastor for CFBC.

Find Pastor Jeff Young sermon here.


How did Elijah handle stress – the good or the bad way? How did God communicate to and through Elijah? Pastor Jeff summarizes 1 Kings 17-19.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 23, 2024

Title: Experience Jesus’ Rest
Topic: Promise Keeper
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Jeff Young continues the summer series this week entitled: “Promise Keeper”. The focus each week will be on a different promise from God found in the Bible – both the Old and New Testaments. His sermon this week is on Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Pastor Jeff Young is Executive Pastor for CFBC.

Find Pastor Jeff Young sermon here.


How and why did Jesus teach the people about the importance of resting? Pastor Jeff references God’s words to Moses in Exodus 33:14 “And he said, 'My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.'”

Does Jesus really want us to cast our burdens upon him?

Wise Words of Winnie the Pooh: “Today is my favorite day. Yesterday, when it was tomorrow, it was too much day for me.”

How did Elijah handle stress – the good or the bad way? How did God communicate to and through Elijah? Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Jeff continues with the story of Elijah.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 22, 2024

Title: Experience Jesus’ Rest
Topic: Promise Keeper
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Jeff Young continues the summer series this week entitled: “Promise Keeper”. The focus each week will be on a different promise from God found in the Bible – both the Old and New Testaments. His sermon this week is on Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Pastor Jeff Young is Executive Pastor for CFBC.

Find Pastor Jeff Young sermon here.


Is it possible to find rest in the midst of stress? Does stress hinder our progress? How do you respond to stress? Are people experiencing higher levels of stress and more stress than ever before? Can stress be a good thing?

What is the quickest way to relieve stress in our lives? Pastor Jeff reminds us that the best way is to align our life with God’s Word.

Can rest help relieve stress?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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August 11, 2023

Title: Psalm 143: Can God be Trusted?
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

How can fear, anger, loneliness, and rejection keep us away from God? How can they draw us closer to God?

Pastor Jeff Young concludes the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 143.

Pastor Jeff Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information about Pastor Young.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Why is it hard to trust God sometimes? Are you trusting Him in some areas, but other areas are a struggle? Pastor Young goes back to the 1 Samuel 22-24 story of David and Ahimelech. What was God trying to tell David with the sword of Goliath?


God is all-wise. He knows what is best for us.

God is all-loving. He wants what is best for us.

God is all-powerful. He can accomplish what is best for us.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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August 10, 2023

Title: Psalm 143: Can God be Trusted?
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

How can fear, anger, loneliness, and rejection keep us away from God? How can they draw us closer to God?

Pastor Jeff Young concludes the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 143.

Pastor Jeff Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information about Pastor Young.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


NOTE: If you want to see Pastor Young’s grandson’s happy donut-surprise face, click the link above and fast-forward to the 69-minute mark. It’s priceless!


Why did David change direction and begin running to God for help instead of men?

Are you trusting God for his direction and guidance in all you do? (John 16:13; Psalm 40:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Are you allowing God to lead you? (Psalm 23)

Will God always provide and protect us? (1 Corinthians 10:13; Romans 8:1) Pastor Young mentions the viral story from 2022 when oil activists threw tomato sauce on a priceless Van Gogh painting. What happened to the painting?

Can we really trust God’s character? Does He really want what’s best for us?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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August 9, 2023

Title: Psalm 143: Can God be Trusted?
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

How can fear, anger, loneliness, and rejection keep us away from God? How can they draw us closer to God?

Pastor Jeff Young concludes the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 143.

Pastor Jeff Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information about Pastor Young.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at



Why did David need to remind himself of what God has done for him?

When was the last time you mentioned your blessings to God? (Psalm 94:19)

What are some of God’s promises? What is the purpose of God’s promises?

Is it important for us to fully trust God? Are you trusting God for his direction and guidance in all you do? (Lamentations 3:22-23) Pastor Young reminds us that we should always turn to God and His Word first before we make any decision – big or small.

NOTE: If you want to see Pastor Young’s grandson’s happy donut-surprise face, click the link above and fast-forward to the 69-minute mark. It’s priceless!

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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August 8, 2023

Title: Psalm 143: Can God be Trusted?
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

How can fear, anger, loneliness, and rejection keep us away from God? How can they draw us closer to God?

Pastor Jeff Young concludes the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 143.

Pastor Jeff Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information about Pastor Young.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


1 SAMUEL 21-23

What was so special about David?

What did David do to fall out of favor with God?

Who was Doeg? What did he do that was so violent?

Who was Ahimelech? What happened to him?

Was David responsible for these horrific events?


Why did David need to remind himself of Who God is?

Why was he begging God to hear him?

Pastor Young believes we are all like David sometimes and have trouble remembering who God is and what He has done for us. Tune in tomorrow as he offers encouragement when we do feel all alone.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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August 7, 2023

Title: Psalm 143: Can God be Trusted?
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

How can fear, anger, loneliness, and rejection keep us away from God? How can they draw us closer to God?

Pastor Jeff Young concludes the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 143.

Pastor Jeff Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information about Pastor Young.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Have you ever felt afraid, angry, lonely, or rejected? Has life ever thrown you a curveball and you tried to handle it on your own? How did that turn out for you? How did that turn out for King David?

1 SAMUEL 21-23

Who was the king when David was appointed king?

How old was David at the time he was sent to be the captain of Saul’s army?

Why was David replacing Saul as king?

Why did Saul want to kill David?

What was so special about David?

What did David do to fall out of favor with God?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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July 29, 2022

Title: A Perfect Peace
Topic: Summer Hits
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Jeff Young continues the “Summer Hits” sermon series with a great reminder that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, wants to give us perfect peace.

Pastor Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 26:3-4

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can we begin to truly have perfect peace? (NOTE: The first two were discussed on Thursday.)
#3: Remember a few things: Remember who God is. (Psalm 143:1) Remember what God has done. (Psalm 143:5) Remember to trust His best for you. (Psalm 143:8)

Why did Isaiah refer to Jesus as the “Prince of Peace”? (John 14:25-30; Ephesians 2:14)

How can we be confident that God will take care of us? How can we be confident in the peace of Christ?
Tell yourself: Jesus wants me.
Tell yourself: Jesus wants my burdens.
Tell yourself: Jesus wants to give me peace.

NOTE: Click here for more information about counseling through CFBC.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 28, 2022

Title: A Perfect Peace
Topic: Summer Hits
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Jeff Young continues the “Summer Hits” sermon series with a great reminder that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, wants to give us perfect peace.

Pastor Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 26:3-4

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it important to keep our thought life in check? Pastor Jeff’s plumber once said: “It doesn’t take much of a hole to create a big problem.” (Colossians 3:2; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Peter 1:13)

How can we begin to truly have perfect peace?
#1: Admit you have a leak. Repair your leak on a daily basis. Don’t wait until you have a problem.
#2: Open up about your need for peace. Ask Him for help. Ask Him for peace! Pastor Jeff reminds us that it is absolutely okay to seek professional help for anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. He says: “There’s no extra credit for being a lone ranger!” (Galatians 6:2)
#3: Remember a few things: Remember who God is. (Psalm 143:1) Remember what God has done. (Psalm 143:5)

Tune in tomorrow hear the third thing that Pastor Jeff wants us to remember.

Book Reference: “Reclaiming the Lost of Art of Biblical Meditation: Find True Peace in God” by Robert J. Morgan Click here to order your copy.

NOTE: Click here for more information about counseling through CFBC.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 27, 2022

Title: A Perfect Peace
Topic: Summer Hits
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Jeff Young continues the “Summer Hits” sermon series with a great reminder that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, wants to give us perfect peace.

Pastor Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 26:3-4

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Isaiah choose to write this passage as a song? How do different translations of the Bible interpret this passage? Pastor Jeff believes that Isaiah would want us to know that “humble dependence creates a peaceful trust in God’s abundant strength.”

What ingredients do we need as we search for peace?
Humility (Isaiah 26:9)
Dependence (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Why is it important to keep our thought life in check? Pastor Jeff’s plumber once said: “It doesn’t take much of a hole to create a big problem.” (Colossians 3:2; Romans 12:1-2)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 26, 2022

Title: A Perfect Peace
Topic: Summer Hits
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Jeff Young continues the “Summer Hits” sermon series with a great reminder that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, wants to give us perfect peace.

Pastor Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 26:3-4

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What do you fear? Are your fears palpable? Why do you fear? What are we to do when we are overcome with fear or grief? Pastor Jeff quickly goes through several people in the Bible who were in tough situations and filled with fear and grief. (Job 3:25; 1 Kings 19:4; 1 Samuel 1:10; 2 Timothy 1:7)

Why did Pastor Jeff choose Isaiah 26:3-4 as the focus of his Summer Hits sermon? What was the problem the people were facing at this time? How did they overcome their fear and receive peace?

Why did Isaiah choose to write this passage as a song? How do different translations of the Bible interpret this passage?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 25, 2022

Title: A Perfect Peace
Topic: Summer Hits
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Jeff Young continues the “Summer Hits” sermon series with a great reminder that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, wants to give us perfect peace.

Pastor Young is the Executive Pastor for Champion Forest Baptist Church. Click here for more information.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 26:3-4

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have you ever had a peaceful situation turn tragic in an instant? Have you ever felt the storms of life? Pastor Jeff Young begins his sermon reminiscing about the Ice Storm in Texas in 2021.

What does “perfect” mean to you? What does “peace” mean to you? What does “perfect peace” mean to you? Pastor Jeff shares some statistics  from the Barna Group about anxiety and depression.

What do you fear? Are your fears palpable? Why do you fear? (Job 3:25; 1 Kings 19:4)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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January 14, 2022

Title: Strengthening Your Faith
Topic: Strengthening Your Faith
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Jeff Young is the new Executive Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church. He is a self-motivated team-builder and adept problem solver with over 30 years of pastoral leadership.

Pastor Jeff’s favorite leadership axiom is: "Trust and truth-telling are inseparably linked, but trust is the highest value in leadership.”

This week, Pastor Jeff’s preaches his first sermon at CFBC, entitled: “Strengthening Your Faith”.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 30:1-6 and Psalm 23:1-6

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is your objective for the coming year? Will you commit to rely on God’s strength and not your own?

Pastor Jeff offers this advice to remember God’s LOVE for us:
Receive His Love
Receive His Oversight
Receive His Victory
Receive His Energy

Hymn of Invitation: Joy Comes in the Morning, Church of the City

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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January 13, 2022

Title: Strengthening Your Faith
Topic: Strengthening Your Faith
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Jeff Young is the new Executive Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church. He is a self-motivated team-builder and adept problem solver with over 30 years of pastoral leadership.

Pastor Jeff’s favorite leadership axiom is: "Trust and truth-telling are inseparably linked, but trust is the highest value in leadership.”

This week, Pastor Jeff’s preaches his first sermon at CFBC, entitled: “Strengthening Your Faith”.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 30:1-6 and Psalm 23:1-6

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does God truly protect us from our enemies? Pastor Jeff reminds us that God has qualified us, delivered us, transferred us, redeemed us, and forgiven us.

Is there any doubt that God loves us – no matter what?

How was David strengthened when he saw his home and community on fire and discovered his wives and children were gone?

What is your objective for the coming year? Will you commit to rely on God’s strength and not your own?

Pastor Jeff offers this advice to remember God’s LOVE for us:
Receive His Love
Receive His Oversight
Receive His Victory
Receive His Energy

Scripture References: Colossians 1:11-14; Romans 8:38-39. 1 Corinthians 10:13; 1 Corinthians 15; 2 Corinthians 4:16

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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January 12, 2022

Title: Strengthening Your Faith
Topic: Strengthening Your Faith
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Jeff Young is the new Executive Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church. He is a self-motivated team-builder and adept problem solver with over 30 years of pastoral leadership.

Pastor Jeff’s favorite leadership axiom is: "Trust and truth-telling are inseparably linked, but trust is the highest value in leadership.”

This week, Pastor Jeff’s preaches his first sermon at CFBC, entitled: “Strengthening Your Faith”.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 30:1-6 and Psalm 23:1-6

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does God restore our soul? How can we find strength in the Lord when we feel helpless and all alone? Can God give us joy in times of trouble?

How can we be certain that we are following God’s plan for our life? Pastor Jeff quotes Pastor and author Robert Morgan: "Right paths are the decisions and directions that God leads us to walk in. He also leads us in righteous paths. As we strengthen [our] daily walk, our behavior patterns will correspond with His good nature.”

Is the “valley of the shadow of death” a permanent situation? Nope! God will lead you through it!

Does God truly protect us from our enemies? Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Jeff continues to share how God protects us.

Scripture References: Micah 7:19; Psalm 40:2-3; John 16:20; Psalm 46:1; Hebrews 13:5-6

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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January 11, 2022

Title: Strengthening Your Faith
Topic: Strengthening Your Faith
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Jeff Young is the new Executive Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church. He is a self-motivated team-builder and adept problem solver with over 30 years of pastoral leadership.

Pastor Jeff’s favorite leadership axiom is: "Trust and truth-telling are inseparably linked, but trust is the highest value in leadership.”

This week, Pastor Jeff’s preaches his first sermon at CFBC, entitled: “Strengthening Your Faith”.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 30:1-6 and Psalm 23:1-6

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you sometimes feel all alone? Do you stay alone or do seek the company of others? What would God want you to do? Pastor Jeff uses the story of David, Saul, King Achish, and the Philistines.

How did the people, especially the soldiers, feel about David fighting with them? What did King Achish do about their concerns? How did David react to this decision? What did David discover when he got back home to Ziklag?

Where did David find his strength? Would YOU be able to find strength in the Lord in this situation? Pastor Jeff breaks down Psalm 23:1-6 to offer hope and encouragement, saying: “This is a heartfelt, personal Psalm.”

Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Jeff reminds us how God restores our soul when we feel weak and all alone.

Scripture References: 1 Samuel 27 and 29; Psalm 27:1; Romans 8:31; Micah 7:19; Psalm 40:2-3

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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January 10, 2022

Title: Strengthening Your Faith
Topic: Strengthening Your Faith
Discussed by Pastor Jeff Young
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Jeff Young is the new Executive Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church. He is a self-motivated team-builder and adept problem solver with over 30 years of pastoral leadership.

Pastor Jeff’s favorite leadership axiom is: "Trust and truth-telling are inseparably linked, but trust is the highest value in leadership.”

This week, Pastor Jeff’s preaches his first sermon at CFBC, entitled: “Strengthening Your Faith”.

Find Pastor Jeff Young’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 30:1-6 and Psalm 23:1-6

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Jeff begins the sermon with an incredible story about Dr. Evan Cain, head of surgery at Cain Summit Hospital in Pennsylvania in the early 1900s.

Why is friendship in Biblical community so important to our walk with Christ? Do you focus more on yourself or others?

Do you sometimes feel all alone? Do you stay alone or do you seek the company of others? What would God want you to do? Pastor Jeff uses the story of David, Saul, King Achish, and the Philistines. He will continue with this story tomorrow…

Scripture References: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; 1 Samuel 23:16; Genesis 1:26; 1 Samuel 27 and 29

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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