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April 18, 2024

Title: Has Inflation Impacted Your Family?
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Patrice Onwuka
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Nearly three out of every four middle-class families say what they earn can’t keep up with inflation.

Patrice Onwuka is the Director of the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Independent Women’s Forum. She is a frequent guest on many national news outlets and hosts a column called the New Agenda for Black Women .

Click here for more from Patrice Onwuka on this and other topics.

Click here  to share how inflation has affected you and your family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do too many go to bed hungry in America?

Has food insecurity skyrocketed due to inflation? Patrice explains what “food insecurity” is and why it’s such a problem right now.

Are too many having to choose what is more important: food, medicine, gas, or heating their homes? Patrice reveals some grim details – even among middle class families.

Why is the Independent Women’s Forum asking people to share their Inflation Story? (Click the link above to share yours.)

Why is the IWF so passionate about helping lift families out of poverty? Patrice and the IWF believe that anyone can be lifted out of poverty with the right help – and with the right legislation.

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March 7, 2023

Title: Three Things to know about the Wage Gap in America
Topic: Wage Gap: Fact or Fiction
Discussed by Patrice Onwuka
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Patrice Onwuka is the Director of the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Independent Women’s Forum. Patrice is a frequent guest on many national news outlets and hosts a column called the New Agenda for Black Women on

Today, Patrice discusses the facts and myths about the gender/race wage gap in America.

Click here to read more from Patrick Onwuka on this and other important economic issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

True or Fales: Women earn about 18 cents less per dollar than their male counterparts. ANSWER: True – BUT there is an asterisk. Patrice goes on to explain the “asterisk” saying: “There are so many factors that the basic raw data point does not include and those factors are what explain most of that wage gap.”

Why do large pay gaps exist for black, Hispanic, and Native American women as compared to white men?

Should all workers, especially women, understand that their individual choices have a bearing on their earnings in the short-term and long-term? Patrice says: “The school counselors and college counselors are not telling [people] this!” She goes to share what females should be taught from a young age about career flexibility and benefits when they choose a career.

In the current tight labor market, where more job openings are chasing too few job-seekers, what can both sides of the equation do to fill employment needs?

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February 1, 2023

Title: Has Inflation Impacted Your Family?
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Patrice Onwuka
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Nearly three out of every four middle-class families say what they earn can’t keep up with inflation.

Patrice Onwuka is the Director of the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Independent Women’s Forum. She is a frequent guest on many national news outlets and hosts a column called the New Agenda for Black Women .

Click here for more from Patrice Onwuka on this and other topics.

Click here  to share how inflation has affected you and your family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do too many go to bed hungry in America?

Has food insecurity skyrocketed due to inflation? Patrice explains what “food insecurity” is and why it’s such a problem right now.

Are too many having to choose what is more important: food, medicine, gas, or heating their homes? Patrice reveals some grim details – even among middle class families.

Why is the Independent Women’s Forum asking people to share their Inflation Story? (Click the link above to share yours.)

Why is the IWF so passionate about helping lift families out of poverty? Patrice and the IWF believe that anyone can be lifted out of poverty with the right help – and with the right legislation.

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March 21, 2022

Title: Three Things to know about the Wage Gap in America
Topic: Wage Gap: Fact or Fiction
Discussed by Patrice Onwuka
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Patrice Onwuka is the Director of the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Independent Women’s Forum. Patrice is a frequent guest on many national news outlets and hosts a column called the New Agenda for Black Women on

Today, Patrice discusses the facts and myths about the gender/race wage gap in America.

Click here to read more from Patrick Onwuka on this and other important economic issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

True or Fales: Women earn about 18 cents less per dollar than their male counterparts. ANSWER: True – BUT there is an asterisk. Patrice goes on to explain the “asterisk” saying: “There are so many factors that the basic raw data point does not include and those factors are what explain most of that wage gap.”

Why do large pay gaps exist for black, Hispanic, and Native American women as compared to white men?

Should all workers, especially women, understand that their individual choices have a bearing on their earnings in the short-term and long-term? Patrice says: “The school counselors and college counselors are not telling [people] this!” She goes to share what females should be taught from a young age about career flexibility and benefits when they choose a career.

In the current tight labor market, where more job openings are chasing too few job-seekers, what can both sides of the equation do to fill employment needs?

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October 20, 2021

Title: How Much Do You Have in Your Wallet?
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Patrice Onwuka
with Independent Women’s Forum (

You have probably noticed that you are paying more at the pump to gas your vehicle. Have you noticed the same about your groceries and other bills you pay monthly?

Patrice Onwuka is the Director of the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Independent Women’s Forum, the leading national women’s organization dedicated to developing and advancing policies that affect us each and every day.

Click here for more information the IWF’s inflation tracker and to take their one-minute inflation poll.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why have bacon prices have increased nearly 20%, gasoline by over 40%, beef by nearly 20%, and eggs nearly 13%? Patrice offers several reasons, including the national debt deficit, fewer goods, more demand, and unemployment.

Government data points to an inflation rate of 5.4%. Is this at its highest level in 13 years?

Is inflation here to stay for the near term and longer?

Why is the Independent Women’s Forum tracking price changes on many household staples? Patrice explains that these high inflation rates are hitting lower- and middle-class families hard and they are doing all they can to help fight it.

Are supply chain disruptions going to interrupt the flow of staple goods? Patrice reveals that only two Senators are fighting for the American people: Senator Joe Manchin III (WV) and Senator Kyrsten Sinema (AZ).

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August 27, 2021

Title: Remain in Mexico Order: Good or Bad?
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Discussed by Patrice Onwuka
with Independent Women’s Forum (

While Americans were asked to stay home, limit interactions with others, forgo school and vacations, and even miss funerals, weddings, and religious gatherings, migrants from across the world were practically invited in over the past eighteen months.

New guest, Patrice Onwuka, is the Director for the Center for Economic Opportunity for the Independent Women’s Forum. She has worked in policy, advocacy, and communications roles in Washington, D.C. for more than a decade on issues related to the economy, employment, technology, and the criminal justice system.

Click here to read more on this topic from Patrice.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the US currently experiencing the highest amount of attempted border crossings? Patrice compares the number to just two decades ago…

How many encounters has the US border experienced this year alone? HINT: It’s WAY more than you probably thought – and this number only includes the illegals that are caught – NOT the ones that make it over unnoticed!

Should the health of immigrants attempting to enter the US be of concern?

Do illegals have diseases – other than COVID?

Should we hold the Federal government responsible for placing COVID-positive illegals in various cities across the country?

Click here to sign IWF’s Safe Borders Petition.

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