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October 26, 2023

Title: The Trans Youth Phenomenon: Critiques and Hard Questions
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens is the Director of the Center for Family Studies at the Family Research Council. Today, Dr. Bauwens discusses a new report she wrote with Dr. Victoria Schneider and Raheem Williams on the Trans Youth Phenomenon in America.

Click here for more from Dr. Jennifer Bauwens on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the science behind the Trans Youth Phenomenon “settled science”? Dr. Bauwens points out something that every person learned back in middle school: the phrase “settled science” is in direct contradiction to the scientific method.

Should everyone be aware of the ideological underpinnings of gender-transitioning of minors?

Are the justifications for increasingly intensive interventions scarce?

Has “settled science” ever been wrong? Terry and Dr. Bauwens discuss frontal lobotomies…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Trans Youth Phenomenon: Critiques and Hard Questions
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a biological basis for a transgender identity? Is there a “gay gene”?

What is the diagnostic criteria for affirming gender dysphoria in children? Dr. Bauwens explains how doctors define and assign a medical diagnosis. She also explains the changes in a “gender dysphoria” diagnosis over the past ten years.

What is the sociology behind the phenomenon of “social contagions”?

Do minors have the ability to grant consent?br />

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Trans Youth Phenomenon: Critiques and Hard Questions
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the media been truthful about the Trans Youth Phenomenon?

Are most gender-affirming studies massively misleading and problematic? Dr. Bauwens explains how reports and studies on the “settled science” of transgenderism have missing components, specifically about suicidal tendencies among transgender teens.

How many youth now self-identify as LGBTQ+?

How do we begin to reverse this trend?

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February 23, 2023

Title: How Can we Combat Depression in Children and Teens?
Topic: Depression
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Recently, the New York Times reported on new data from the CDC regarding the increase in depression among teenagers in the US.

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens serves as Director of the Center for Family Studies at the Family Research Council. Today, Dr. Bauwens discusses those findings and offers suggestions on how to combat this growing concern.

Click here to read the article that prompted this interview by Washington Stand contributor, Dan Hart.

Click here for the latest from the Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council.

Click here for more from Dr. Jennifer Bauwens.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the lockdowns during the pandemic contribute to increased sadness and depression in children and teens?

Does the use of smartphones and social media apps contribute to the poor mental state of children and teens?

Does sexual abuse and violence contribute to thoughts of suicide? Dr. Bauwens discusses this and other factors that contribute to suicide and suicidal thoughts. She goes on to explain the negative effects of banning counseling for gender confused children and teens.

Do we expect too much of children and teens from an early age?

Is public education, in addition to social media, television, and movies, pushing kids and teens into a LGBTQ lifestyle? Are many receiving mixed signals from those avenues as compared to their parents/church? Dr. Bauwens believes that too many children and teens don’t have a sense of right or wrong, but she does offer some hope and encouragement as we move forward.

Do children and teens search for an adult to connect with?

Why should the clinical world begin to examine the underlying causes of depression and suicidal tendencies in both girls and boys? Dr. Bauwens encourages us to pray for children and teens (and adults, too, of course) who are gender confused because they are much more likely to be depressed or attempt suicide.

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August 18, 2022

Title: Planned Parenthood Aiding the Transgender Movement
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Planned Parenthood is now the second top provider of “gender-affirming/gender bending care” in the US.

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens is the Director of the Center for Family Studies at the Family Research Council. Today she discusses the disgusting new antics from Planned Parenthood that have absolutely nothing to do with abortion, but are just as despicable. She also explains how and why the transgender movement is vulnerable right now, especially in their open recruitment of children.

Click here for more from Dr. Jennifer Bauwens on this and other issues.

Click here for resources from the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are many tween and teen girls going to Planned Parenthood now? Dr. Bauwens reveals that many times they don’t even have to visit the clinic! They are doing tele-visits!

About six years ago, did then-President of Planned Parenthood, Cecil Richards, look into the future and build a new cash-cow profit center focused on the trans-movement?

Are whistleblowers now revealing the truth about what goes on behind closed Planned Parenthood doors regarding “gender-affirming/gender bending care”? Dr. Bauwens reveals how one whistleblower went from managing a Wendy’s to writing prescriptions!

Why are European nations putting the brakes on pediatric gender transition?

Do studies reveal that 90-95% of those with transgender thoughts return to their biological sex in adulthood?

Is the exponential explosion of the number of “questioning” teens indicative of a follow-the-leader mentality, aggressive recruiting, or a combination of both?

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May 31, 2022

Title: The Groomer Controversy: What’s Actually Going On?
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Left-wing “fact-checking” website PolitiFact recently wrote the first of what will likely be many articles aimed at quelling the reality that our children are being sexualized in the education and media spaces.

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens serves as Director of the Center for Family Studies at the Family Research Council. She has a Ph.D. from New York University and has worked extensively as a clinician providing trauma-focused treatment to children in foster-care and behavioral health settings and to adults who have experienced interpersonal traumas, such as sexual abuse and assault.

Today Dr. Bauwens discusses the serious effects that the LGBTQ+ agenda is having on an entire generation of vulnerable young people.

Click here to read more on this serious topic by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “grooming”? Dr. Bauwens explains the historical use of the word and how it is absolutely is happening every day in public schools across America.

Are groomers depicted as the victim, while those defending innocent children are called bigots? Dr. Bauwens says: “Some of this material isn’t even LGBTQ. It’s heterosexual and very vulgar and graphic.”

If parents keep using the word “grooming”, never backing down, will we win this battle?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Groomer Controversy: What’s Actually Going On?
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have we allowed an entire generation to be introduced to concepts intended for fully developed bodies and minds – essentially using our children as experiments? Dr. Bauwens reveals that Gen Z is the most LGBT-identified generation, has one of the highest suicide rates, the most mental health problems, expresses great amounts of unhappiness, and has the lowest identification with a religion or God.

Many on the Left believe that we must teach our children about sex so they don’t get pregnant or STD’s. Is the opposite happening?

If a parent or any adult showed the same sex education material to children on a playground that is being taught in the classroom, would that parent or adult be arrested?

What must we do now to protect our children and grandchildren? Dr. Bauwens encourages parents and activists to remain hopeful because you are making a difference. Stay in the battle and keep fighting. Don’t back down.

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April 22, 2022

Title: Does Transgenderism Have a Science Problem?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 3

Joe Biden and others declare that we must “save lives” by giving life-changing hormone drugs and other therapies to gender-confused children.

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens. Ph.D. serves as Director of the Center for Family Studies at the Family Research Council. In her role, she researches and advocates for policies that will best serve the health and well-being of families and communities. Dr. Bauwens has worked extensively as a clinician providing trauma-focused treatment to children in foster-care and behavioral health settings.

Today, Dr. Bauwens discusses the sexualization of our nation, specifically transgenderism in children under the age of 18. She says that the studies used to push transgenderism are “radical practices without a lot of backing”.

Click here to read Dr. Bauwens’ op-ed on this topic from the Christian Post.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are too many people, including Joe Biden, defending life-altering therapies, saying they necessary for gender-confused children?

What is Dr. Jennifer Bauwens’ professional opinion on this matter? Dr. Bauwens believes that they are wrong and delaying the treatment of the real issue.

Are there any scientific studies showing gender-transition therapies help the mental well-being long-term and/or reduce the occurrence of suicide tendencies? Dr. Bauwens takes several minutes to explain that it is all based on bad science.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Does Transgenderism Have a Science Problem?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are parents suddenly rushing their young kids to “specialists” because the child wants to play with a toy that isn’t “normal” for their sex? (i.e. a boy playing with dolls or a girl playing with action figures)

Do most people, who were gender-confused as a child or teen, live as the gender God intended them to live as an adult?

Are there any peer-reviewed studies that prove gender transition drugs and therapies have POSITIVE outcomes? SHORT ANSWER: NO. Dr. Bauwens goes on to explain that the “scientific methods” the so-called child experts use when conducting research about transgenderism can’t even make that claim! She also explains the “scientific method” being used…

Are we as a country saving lives long-term by allowing gender-transition therapies on our children?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Does Transgenderism Have a Science Problem?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there any studies to date claiming that “gender affirmative medical care” clearly reduces depression, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, or gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens explains that there are long-term studies that prove the OPPOSITE happens.

How can we hit the pause button on the Left’s transgender agenda?

Why are more and more millennials claiming that they identify as transgender? Have they been programmed to think this way? Dr. Bauwens explains how social media has a major effect on younger generations.

Would you have any of your vital organs, such as a kidney, removed because a few studies by advocates for kidney removals launched web surveys and found that some people felt less mental distress at the idea of an organ removal or because some people accessed services to remove their healthy kidney?

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March 30, 2022

Title: Does Transgenderism Have a Science Problem?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 3

Joe Biden and others declare that we must “save lives” by giving life-changing hormone drugs and other therapies to gender-confused children.

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens. Ph.D. serves as Director of the Center for Family Studies at the Family Research Council. In her role, she researches and advocates for policies that will best serve the health and well-being of families and communities. Dr. Bauwens has worked extensively as a clinician providing trauma-focused treatment to children in foster-care and behavioral health settings.

Today, Dr. Bauwens discusses the sexualization of our nation, specifically transgenderism in children under the age of 18. She says that the studies used to push transgenderism are “radical practices without a lot of backing”.

Click here to read Dr. Bauwens’ op-ed on this topic from the Christian Post.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are too many people, including Joe Biden, defending life-altering therapies, saying they necessary for gender-confused children?

What is Dr. Jennifer Bauwens’ professional opinion on this matter? Dr. Bauwens believes that they are wrong and delaying the treatment of the real issue.

Are there any scientific studies showing gender-transition therapies help the mental well-being long-term and/or reduce the occurrence of suicide tendencies? Dr. Bauwens takes several minutes to explain that it is all based on bad science.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Does Transgenderism Have a Science Problem?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are parents suddenly rushing their young kids to “specialists” because the child wants to play with a toy that isn’t “normal” for their sex? (i.e. a boy playing with dolls or a girl playing with action figures)

Do most people, who were gender-confused as a child or teen, live as the gender God intended them to live as an adult?

Are there any peer-reviewed studies that prove gender transition drugs and therapies have POSITIVE outcomes? SHORT ANSWER: NO. Dr. Bauwens goes on to explain that the “scientific methods” the so-called child experts use when conducting research about transgenderism can’t even make that claim! She also explains the “scientific method” being used…

Are we as a country saving lives long-term by allowing gender-transition therapies on our children?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Does Transgenderism Have a Science Problem?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there any studies to date claiming that “gender affirmative medical care” clearly reduces depression, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, or gender dysphoria? Dr. Bauwens explains that there are long-term studies that prove the OPPOSITE happens.

How can we hit the pause button on the Left’s transgender agenda?

Why are more and more millennials claiming that they identify as transgender? Have they been programmed to think this way? Dr. Bauwens explains how social media has a major effect on younger generations.

Would you have any of your vital organs, such as a kidney, removed because a few studies by advocates for kidney removals launched web surveys and found that some people felt less mental distress at the idea of an organ removal or because some people accessed services to remove their healthy kidney?

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January 21, 2022

Title: Gender Confusion: Protecting the Most Vulnerable – Our Kids
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

The Biden administration and the liberal MSM are actively pushing transgenderism on our families – especially children. Why are there too few who will stand and say the transgender movement is simply wrong?

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens is the Director of the Center for Family Studies at Family Research Council. In her role, she researches and advocates for policies that will best serve the health and well-being of families and communities.

Click here for recent articles on this topic from Dr. Jennifer Bauwens.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it dangerous to use powerful hormones (puberty blockers) on pubescent children?

Are these drugs being used “off label”? What was the original purpose for these specific drugs? What are the side effects?

Do most “questioning” girls and boys embrace their biological sex in adulthood? Dr. Bauwens says that people don’t complete their physical or mental development until their mid-20’s; therefore, doctors who allow and prescribe puberty blockers in young children and teens are stunting their growth.

Is there growing evidence and testimonials of sex-change regret?

Do many people who have had a sex-change operation experience suicidal thoughts and attempt suicide?

Do many pro-family Conservatives lack the courage to stand up for the health and safety of America’s youth? Dr. Bauwens shares a heart-breaking story…

Have too many politicians bought into gender ideology?

Are too many doctors afraid to speak out against these experimental drugs and therapies on children? Dr. Bauwens admits that she has received some hate mail for speaking out…

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August 12, 2021

Title: Gender Confusion: Protecting the Most Vulnerable – Our Kids
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Bauwens
with Family Research Council (

The Biden administration and the liberal MSM are actively pushing transgenderism on our families – especially children. Why are there too few who will stand and say the transgender movement is simply wrong?

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens is the Director of the Center for Family Studies at Family Research Council. In her role, she researches and advocates for policies that will best serve the health and well-being of families and communities.

Click here for recent articles on this topic from Dr. Jennifer Bauwens.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it dangerous to use powerful hormones (puberty blockers) on pubescent children?

Are these drugs being used “off label”? What was the original purpose for these specific drugs? What are the side effects?

Do most “questioning” girls and boys embrace their biological sex in adulthood? Dr. Bauwens says that people don’t complete their physical or mental development until their mid-20’s; therefore, doctors who allow and prescribe puberty blockers in young children and teens are stunting their growth.

Is there growing evidence and testimonials of sex-change regret?

Do many people who have had a sex-change operation experience suicidal thoughts and attempt suicide?

Do many pro-family Conservatives lack the courage to stand up for the health and safety of America’s youth? Dr. Bauwens shares a heart-breaking story…

Have too many politicians bought into gender ideology?

Are too many doctors afraid to speak out against these experimental drugs and therapies on children? Dr. Bauwens admits that she has received some hate mail for speaking out…

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