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March 8, 2022

Title: HOUSTON: Election Integrity Training Meeting
Topic: Election Integrity
Discussed by Lindsey Curnutte
with Heritage Action for America (

We all want voting to be easier, right? But how can we make it easier while simultaneously making it harder to cheat? Another important question: Who is watching?

Lindsey Curnette is the Press Secretary for Heritage Action for America. She is also the host of “On Air with Heritage Action”, a podcast built for American Conservatives.

Today, Lindsey will discuss the importance of election integrity and an upcoming meeting Heritage Action for America is hosting in Houston. (Details and a link to register below.) She also explains the difference between election workers and poll watchers and why they are important to election integrity.

Click here for more information about Heritage Action for America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “election integrity”?

Why do we need election integrity? Lindsey discusses why Heritage Action developed a set of policy priorities that states are implementing so voters are confident when they go to the polls.

What is the difference between an election worker and a poll watcher? Are both important?

If someone suspects fraud, what can they do? Lindsey explains that this is the responsibility of a poll watcher and that all fraud should be immediately and properly documented. She also stresses the importance of having both Republican AND Democrat poll watchers.

Heritage Action for America is hosting an Election Integrity Training for those wanting to be an election poll worker and/or an election poll watcher in upcoming elections.

WHEN: Wednesday March 16, 2022
TIME: Doors open at 6:30 pm. Training is from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
WHERE: Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Rd., Houston, TX, 77055

The need for election integrity and making it “easy to vote but hard to cheat
Recognizing who’s who on Election Day
The differences between poll workers and poll watchers and how to serve in these roles
How to find election laws in Texas
Recognizing fraud
What to do if you see fraud occur

Click here to register for the free Election Integrity Training hosted by Heritage Action for America. Seating is limited, so please RSVP soon. Complimentary sandwiches and refreshments will be served at the training meeting.

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July 21, 2021

Title: Easy to Vote. Hard to Cheat.
Topic: Election Reform
Discussed by Lindsey Curnutte
with Heritage Action for America (

Do you want fair, honest, open elections? OR do you want elections where it is easy to cheat and manipulate the outcome? This should be a no-brainer.

President Joe Biden claimed in a recent speech that election reform efforts are "the 21st Century Jim Crow assault" and "the most dangerous threat to voting and integrity of free and fair elections in our history."

Lindsey Curnutte is the Press Secretary at Heritage Action. Prior to this position, Lindsey contributed to the group’s digital efforts and worked for Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) as his Communications Director.

Click here for more information about election reform and election integrity laws.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is discriminatory about requiring a potential voter to show a photo-ID?

What is discriminatory about requiring a voter identification number to be hand-written on an absentee ballot?

What is discriminatory about not allowing ballot harvesting? Lindsey explains what ballot harvesting is and how it compromises the integrity of elections.

Does Joe Biden deserve three Pinocchio’s for his comments on the Texas election reform effort?

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