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January 10, 2023

Title: What to Expect in the Upcoming 2023 Texas Legislature
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Through spending, taxation, and regulation, the decisions of the Texas Legislature affect every single Texan.

Andrew Brown is the Associate Vice President of Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Andrew discusses the upcoming 2023 session of the Texas Legislature and why an informed and engaged electorate is important to maintaining our Democracy.

Click here for more from Andrew Brown.

Click here to register for the 2023 Texas Policy Summit.

Click here to support the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and across this great nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does the Texas Legislature only meet every other year? How many days does the session last? Andrew explains that this is very different than most states in the US – and he likes it like that!

Over one-thousand bills have been pre-filed and over five thousand separate pieces of legislation could be considered during the upcoming session. How many bills are usually passed by both houses and signed into law by the governor?

Why must the Texas Legislature pass a balanced budget?

Who sets the cap on how much money our elected officials can spend? Andrew explains how the Texas Comptroller regulates the cap and why its important.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What to Expect in the Upcoming 2023 Texas Legislature
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does Texas collect the majority of taxes?

Many Conservative Elected Officials in Austin have been fighting for years and years to reduce property taxes. Will this ever be achieved? Andrew is hopeful, saying: “The burden keeps growing every single year because of reckless spending at the local level” and then offers the TPPF’s solution for the problem.

Why are property taxes such an important issue that every homeowner and business owner should and must understand?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What to Expect in the Upcoming 2023 Texas Legislature
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the status of Education Choice in Texas? Andrew discusses the groups who continually block the issue session after session. He goes on to explain why parents with children in public school need to pay attention to this issue.

Is the Texas Legislature committed to protecting females in the dressing room, locker room, and public bathrooms?

No and/or low bail is wreaking havoc on citizen safety across Texas. What should the Texas Legislature do to enhance citizen safety? Andrew believes “refunding” police departments is key.

There is a growing movement in academia, embraced by millennials, to weaken private property rights. Is this an area of concern with the TPPF?

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August 3, 2022

Title: Do No Harm: Children and the Transgender Movement
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Does new research support the use of gender modification procedures on children?

Andrew Brown is the Associate Vice President of Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Click here to read his critical review of using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on children with gender dysphoria.

Click here for more articles by Andrew Brown.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In reviewing the use of puberty blockers, hormones and surgeries, should the focus be on improving the psychological well-being of children? Andrew says: “It’s a product of peer pressure and social media. This is a mental health crisis.”

Is there conclusive evidence that the blockers and hormones help and/or improve children’s psychological well-being? SHORT ANSWER: No – there is ZERO evidence. Andrew reveals that many European nations are reversing their stance on puberty blockers and hormones due to overwhelming evidence that they are harmful.

Are some of the pharmaceuticals being used “off-label”?

Does the new report by the Texas Public Policy Foundation, “Do No Harm: Children and the Transgender Movement”, strongly support state-level efforts to prevent procedures and treatments on children? Andrew discusses preferred alternative treatments that are helpful, not harmful.

Do up to 90% of children grow out of gender-dysphoria feelings in adulthood?

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June 28, 2022

Title: Do No Harm: Children and the Transgender Movement
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Does new research support the use of gender modification procedures on children?

Andrew Brown is the Associate Vice President of Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Click here to read his critical review of using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on children with gender dysphoria.

Click here for more articles by Andrew Brown.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In reviewing the use of puberty blockers, hormones and surgeries, should the focus be on improving the psychological well-being of children? Andrew says: “It’s a product of peer pressure and social media. This is a mental health crisis.”

Is there conclusive evidence that the blockers and hormones help and/or improve children’s psychological well-being? SHORT ANSWER: No – there is ZERO evidence. Andrew reveals that many European nations are reversing their stance on puberty blockers and hormones due to overwhelming evidence that they are harmful.

Are some of the pharmaceuticals being used “off-label”?

Does the new report by the Texas Public Policy Foundation, “Do No Harm: Children and the Transgender Movement”, strongly support state-level efforts to prevent procedures and treatments on children? Andrew discusses preferred alternative treatments that are helpful, not harmful.

Do up to 90% of children grow out of gender-dysphoria feelings in adulthood?

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March 20, 2020

Title: The Truth About the Cause of Homelessness in America.
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 4

NOTE: This interview was taped before the Coronavirus basically shut down America. If you are worried about the future due to loss of income, please do not take offense to the information shared in this interview. We are only trying to help you and others who have suddenly been thrust into a situation we, as the Body of Christ and as a nation, could never have foreseen. God, however, knew this would happen. God knew what our nation – what our world – would be faced with. God is in control. Keep trusting Him.

A new study  show that homelessness is “deeply connected to addiction, mental illness, and crime.” In addition, “Housing First policies that don’t address these [issues] can’t solve the problem.”

Andrew Brown is the Director of the Center for Families and Children at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The TPPF’s response to this study is: “Focusing on Housing First (as Austin does), without addressing addiction, mental illness and other causes of homelessness, is doomed to fail.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is homelessness in America really connected to addiction, mental illness, and crime? Andrew shares a personal story of a homeless man he met in Austin…

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - The Truth About the Cause of Homelessness in America.
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the difference between “street-level chronic homelessness” and “functioning homelessness”?

Are there enough homeless shelters where families can go in times of crisis?

Do we know an accurate percentage of those who are homeless because they were simply unable to pay the rent?

What is “couch surfing”? Is this factored into the number of people who are homeless?

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - The Truth About the Cause of Homelessness in America.
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “Housing First” policy that was started under the Bush 43 Administration?

Have there been any positive results from the Housing First policy?

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - The Truth About the Cause of Homelessness in America.
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What can WE do NOW to help organizations who assist the homeless population in our communities? Andrew discusses one group, “Community First Village”, and the work they are doing in Austin.

Andrew closes with: “It’s not government that’s going to get us through this. It’s the strength of our churches and the strength of our civic organizations. The strength of our relationships with one another.

Click here  to read Andrew Brown and David Balat’s op-ed on this issue.

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June 17, 2019

Title: Government vs Community Programs
Topic: Old Topic - 2020 Presidential Race
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Dark horse presidential candidate Sen. Kristen Gillibrand, D-N.Y., recently unveiled her “family bill of rights,” a plan she claims “will lift many of the financial burdens on families and help level the playing field for children” within her first 100 days as president. Unlike the actual Bill of Rights, Gillibrand’s proposal expands the role of government while doing little to help struggling families.

Andrew C. Brown, J.D. is the Director of the Center for Families and Children at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Andrew will be discussing the consequences of Gillibrand’s proposal.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are more details about Gillibrand’s proposal “Family Bill of Rights”?

How does her proposal compare to President Johnson’s “War on Poverty”?

Are many of the Democrat Presidential Candidates’ proposal similar? In other words… the government will solve all your problems…

Will “one size fits all” medical care coverage work for everyone? Is this just a hook for the Left to use to gain votes?

How can anyone possibly be against the “Family Bill of Rights”? Tune in to the next segment with Andrew Brown for more….

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Government vs Community Programs
Topic: Old Topic - 2020 Presidential Race
Discussed by Andrew Brown
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Under Gillibrand’s proposed “Family Bill of Rights”, will all babies born in the United States automatically be enrolled in government funded medical care?

Is any part of Gillibrand’s proposal feasible and realistic?

Are too many people allowing government to take the place of families and communities? Is neglect a major factor?

Listen as Andrew Brown discusses a law passed recently that allows churches to help families in need without the interference of the government…

Do Democrats really and truly believe that government programs are the only answer to poverty?

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