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June 26, 2018

Title: Paid Sick Leave: Good or Bad?
Topic: Paid Sick Leave
Discussed by Annie Spilman
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Part 1 of 3

Recently, Annie Spilman was a panelist at a forum sponsored by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The topic was the “Cost and consequences of mandating paid sick leave for employees working inside the city limits of Austin”. Annie is the Legislative Director of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) – Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is NFIB and who do they represent?

What workers are exempt from Austin’s paid sick leave benefits?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Paid Sick Leave: Good or Bad?
Topic: Paid Sick Leave
Discussed by Annie Spilman
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Paid sick leave is a great idea…on paper. But is it really a good plan for “every business”?

Under the Federal Medical Leave Act, aren’t workers allowed paid time off?

Is NFIB fighting hard to keep this sort of mandate away from other cities in Texas (and across the nation)?

How is the paid sick leave calculated?

Does the Austin ordinance allow for a city “Czar” to oversee ALL employment records for ALL businesses within the city limits, including small businesses? Listen as Annie explains why this is so extremely dangerous – for everyone.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Paid Sick Leave: Good or Bad?
Topic: Paid Sick Leave
Discussed by Annie Spilman
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Austin City Council site any studies showing a need for government-mandated paid sick leave for all employees?

Did the Austin City Council site any studies showing either a positive or negative effect on employees who receive government-mandated sick leave?

What are small businesses expressing to NFIB concerning this issue?

Do most employers already provide paid sick leave to their employees? Why the need for a government-mandate then?

Rhetorical Question: Do we just roll over and accept this atrocity or should we fight back?

If you are a small business owner concerned over this issue, please contact NFIB at 512.476.9847 or click here.

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